Is there anyone on this board who has a good heart and genuinely cares about the other person and isn't bitter and thirsty for having a gf and sex?
Is there anyone on this board who has a good heart and genuinely cares about the other person and isn't bitter and...
no, fuck you, kike
>tfw multiple robots have fallen in love with me
Feels good.
No, I only care about my art.
You learn not to care, after being hurt.
Would you be interested in becoming friends then
I am not bitter or thirsty for sex, but I still don't care about you, and that doesn't exclude me from having a good heart.
Self-centered gay cunt.
Yes, I know I am. Sadly just like the many few anons on this board with genuine goodness we are plagued with dilemmas in life, morals misguided through emotion rather then logic and any other barrier.
I may never prove my goodness ever again, as their is no one left I can prove it too.
I miss you Declan.
No you don't lmao. I've been hurt again and again and I keep believing it'll work out next time
With you? lmao no.
Yes, I'd be completely fine with never having sex at all if I found a relationship like this and the other person didn't want to.
That's because you're stupid and make stupid decisions.
This isn't me, I'd never say anything like that
Well I'm going to ask you the same question
I don't care. I'll hold onto my belief in love forever!
Stop pretending you are me.
Even if it's stupid and I don't hold the same beliefs, I respect the long and difficult path you walk, user.
Not him but I'd love to be your friend
I need someone to be wholesome with
Where are you from? And stuff like that
I'm struggling with AvPD and I don't have the courage to seek out contact with someone, I'm sorry. I wholeheartedly hope you find a kind friend here though.
Only if you're fine with someone who almost never got time but when i will be nice to you
I certainly don't care for that, if I struggle a lot making friends online I won't dare at all trying to have an e-gf or something like that
Pretty sure that there are legitimately good people here. I like to think that I'm one of them, but I'm not sure about that desu
I'll just give you my tag and we can discuss more stuff there: addme#0564
I care too much about other people and blame myself if I feel that I wronged them in any way, so it's a double edged sword. I just wanna have someone who cares about me, that's literally all I want in life at the moment.
It sounds like you would be a good friend
Would you Iike to try to be friends
Yeah sure, I guess I do
Sure, I don't really have anyone I talk to online to, so should I drop my contact or will you?
You can drop your contact I will add you
Or you can add me at addedyou#3018
Sure here's my discord: Baltazaras#2749
If you wanna talk using something else just tell me.
i don't want to use a woman like an object for my own desires but i'm a 22 yo khhv so you'll have to forgive me if i focuse my priorities on getting a gf. Still hopping to find love and friendship over casual sex though
I was like that years ago but then I changed. I only care about myself now because men are alone in this world. Men don't care about you because they see you as a threat and women don't care about men either in fact women laugh when men suffer.
Its a heartless world user
Would love if bitter and thirsty wasn't the default state of this board
some people are leaving their discord so why not
There is but im not one of them
I only care about my partner
I would like to consider myself one of these people. Im not a thirsty person because I dont believe in having sex before marriage. Part of the reason why Im here is due to me being a sort of outsider. I dont feel that I fit in anywhere. My life growing up was rather rough so Im content just living quietly whether that be alone or not.
No. Whats the point of having a gf with no sex? I could just hang out with guys, they would be better friends.
I want love, but sex is an inevitable thing. I dont want love from someone who cant also have sex with me, it would just prolong the bad feelings
You guys are just going to tell him he's creepy and ghost him.
what's wrong female is your retard boyfran too busy masturbating to faggot porn to give you attention today?
Maybe, give me your buttcheeks cunts
I'm a girl but creepy yes
no way, im a bad guy like michael jackson
how creepy are you?. curious
Do you have a throwaway email I don't want to post my Discord
Here is the real redpill. The majority of people on this site are truly bad people and deserve their suffering. Opening r9k and seeing all the misery here should make you happy rather than sad because its proof that sometimes karma does work and God does strike down the wicked.
shut up discord tranny jew faggot go dilate your ax wound and jump in an oven
Actually, kikes (aka filthy jews) don't actually feel empathy, they act like they do so they can get more money.
i suppose i care about the "other" person (regarding relationships)
i used to be with this girl and i loved having someone i could care for, it literally awoke a new side of me i never knew i could develop.
I had my passions, she had hers (actress) but later she decided to cheat on me with another man. this is where her acting talent came in and she proceeded to become toxic and lie about loving me. i was controlled to such a degree that i had lost friendships entirely because of her jealousy since i was having too much "fun" with them compared to her.
after 7 months of lies and fake emotions she left me and i was depressed for a year before i recovered. (i knew this since i got drunk with my friend once and i started being an emo about it)
to this day i still want to find someone who appreciates me for who i am and does not lie to me like others.
thankfully i remade the lost friendships and the woman is on to her next guy to puppet
sorry about the sob story / blog
here have a reward if you read
I'd like to believe I am, but I have hurt people in the past before. (Usually accidentally, but I've done a few things I'm not entirely proud of.)
What have you done to hurt people?
I once angered a girl (guy) because he was being really flirty and I didn't really care for it. At first it was tolerable, but he kept going and going so I told him to stop and he kind of went off on me and we got in a spat of sorts.
Outside of that, not being able to reciprocate feelings, not being able to uphold some of my promises, and talking about someone behind their back because someone kept asking me about them.
(I really regret that last one, but you know what they say, hindsight is 20/20) Really scummy on my part honestly.
I want a partner to build a life with and to make happy so I can at least say I would care about the other person. Dunno if I have a good heart tho
>not being able to reciprocate feelings
How many times has this happened? Are you a guy or a girl? Being a heartbreaker is bad, user
This was all online obviously, and I forgot to mention I once made someone upset because I kept hogging the video player, but I stopped as soon as he pointed it out. I felt pretty bad about that one too.
The only other thing I can think of is this one thing that happened in real life with some stranger I didn't even know, but that's neither here nor there. (I accidentally stabbed her in the eye while running through the hallway and carrying this brittle and sharp binder) - The only reason I was running is because the teacher told me too.
Never saw the girl again, though I heard she went to the hospital.
I'm a guy, and it's happened a few times. (Mostly with other guys) I don't really regret this quite as much as the others, except for one or two instances.
Would you be okay with being friends with me even if you're my type and I know in advance that I will likely develop feelings for you?
I try to care for all people, user, regardless of sex. I also find the bitterness of the average robot to be a bit extreme, but I supppose I've never been one for self-victimizing
I don't mind being friends if you want too. Are you willing to risk that though?
What makes you sure you wouldn't return my feelings if I developed them?
PS What's your MBTI?
I don't know. I can't say off the bat I wouldn't since I don't even really know what you're like. Anything is possible, but I'm not sure you should hold your breath.
MBTI? If I remember correctly it's INFP-T?
I'm not sure how accurate that is though.
Are you bi?
O-or are you... straight?
I'm straight. If I was born a girl I'd still be straight. Lesbians are strange.
So why do people become interested in you? Do you lead them on by being too nice and posting too many anime girls?
I don't generally post anime girls, so probably the first one. I'm not quite sure to be honest, but it happens every now and then, just not with every person I meet online.
yes me do :))
I met a guy here but it was traumatizing and made me a mess
I would genuinely (and happily) wait months before I even got to touch a girls boobs if thats what she wanted.
But I'm not gonna meet a girl like that, and if I did, she wouldn't like me
I'm thirstly for having a gf (male) and hugs and cuddles and smiling to each other while staring into each other's eyes.
How did he traumatize you?. What happened?
I think I'm a good person. I want someone who will sit and drink coffee and talk with me for hours. Someone who will watch the rain with me and then when the sun comes back out walk around with me and look at the nice reflections in the puddles and smell the fresh air while holding hands.
He was great I love him but we had to stop talking due to some circumstances
What? how is that traumatizing lol
Because I really loved him and I'm alone now he was a great amazing person
you'll get over it. Don't be a drama queen
No you don't know what happened
This... thread needs more smug.
Ok. Please enlighten me with your online teenage drama sob story
I don't really care about sex and gf, people consider me gentle but I'm a bit bitter
The two things aren't mutually exclusive. A person genuinely caring about someone, their well being, and happiness, and also craving physical intimacy with this person they care about aren't incompatible notions. In fact they tend to enhance each other.
It's just easier to place blame and demonize someone than accept you hurt someone who was good to you because you don't reciprocate. Often it is for shallow reasons but it's also normal, no one should martyr themsleves like that but don't deny your own selfish motivations either.
I try to care about people but they always make it so hard
That's why I'm bitter
Most people want sex I'm no exception I won't deny that
you stop pretending, faggot
So would you like to be friends then? I'm not entirely sure how to go about this to be honest. It's fine if you don't want to though if you've changed your mind.
i'm usually foul-mouthed, fiery and quick-tempered, curse at people a lot, all that crap, but i never really mean any harm. it's just how i'm like.
despite all that, i still get attached and emotional a lot easier than one would expect from a cunt like me, lol.
as for being thirsty for having a gf/sex, let's just say humans are genetically engineered to fail relationships. it yields more partners, therefore better chances at having more offspring. that's why i avoid them.
but on the other hand, they're also engineered to fall in love with people for whatever stupid reason our brains find. this and the whole attachment thing is why i avoid people in general.
so yes, there's good people who genuinely care about others, aren't bitter or thirsty, but to an extent, everyone's like that.
sometimes, you just gotta pry that kindness out of them. work for it, i mean.
Daily reminder that long distance relationships are bound to fail and you should at least post your country if you're seriously looking for something serious (even a friendship).
So post'em fags.
I'm from the Confederatio Helvetica, what about y'all?
I want to but I feel sometimes like it's just a facade and I don't really care about anyone.
>hurr stop having empathy
>Confederatio Helvetica
lucky bastard
Well, it's not like it's impossible to move out to my country, why wouldn't you try?
Where are you from, lad?
Shut the fuck up you idiot. You can't even talk
yeah, we tend to lurk tho
No. I'm a total piece of shit. I never write or call or think about other people. I'm selfish, apathetic and disinterested. I'm a shit person and I know it. Having said that I at the very least acknowledge it. I don't really blame women too much either. I wouldn't want to be with me either.
What I'd like most is to have a mutual understanding and respect with friends, but I've developed an avoidant personality because things often don't work out so well.
Oh really? Ya talkin ta me? eh? ya talking ta me? Fucking faggot
I'm from america but I lived in Fribourg for a few months. I'd love to come back but I don't know how I can get someone to hire me with only a bachelors degree, why wouldn't they hire a european instead?
I dont want to date anyone I just fucking hate every single person I see and I only care about myself, literally nothing and no one else. I fucking hate having to pretend I care about others on a daily basis, I dont want anything except complete isolation and my heart is nonexistent at this point fuck this
see you paint huffer i respect his decision
Heh, it's a small world, I'm studying in Fribourg too.
It all depend on your degree, but it's true a bachelor ain't enough.
If you were a doctor, you would have a job even before going to your airport though.
Same but gay
me.. (i am a bit bitter though but i can pretend not to be)