>tfw no tall bf kiss me while lifting me
Tfw no tall bf kiss me while lifting me
>tfw not tall enough to lift a girl
>tfw no tall gf kiss me while lifting me
>tfw no gf(biologically female) to kiss
Sorry, most men dont like other men
>tfw could easily do this but no girl wants me to
tfw I Stone Cold Stunned my gf
I could lift a girl, but I am not that tall so I doubt wit would have the same effect. I'd only be lifting them a couple inches from the floor.
get a dwarf babe
how tall is tall enough if you don't mind my asking?
>tfw tall but not strong enough to lift a girl
I'm very tall but I probably couldn't muster enough strenght to lift your fat arse, you ball of lard.
I know that feelo
>tfw no smol bf to pick up
until what range do you consider smol
>short but not short enough to be lifted by women
>Implying someone could lift you
"smol" for me is 5'6 or below. Although I'm flexible. I just want a little bubby to give a huggy.
fair enough, i hope you have luck with that user
>tfw no short gf to carry around lovingly
I hate how weak and short the average woman is. People look at me like I said I like to put pins in my nipples when I tell them I want a tall dominant girlfriend.
thanks fren
become gay
>death grips fan is into femdom
Like clockwork.
Timezone are you in?
yeah. the need for males to be alfa is so stupid, let me be myself alfa or not. if you wanna bulk up and get some sub girl to pound that's you but that doesn't mean i would want that too or that everything else is bad or wrong
I'm in the EST, in a very cold place.
tfw tall to a point where my height is the first thing people bring up every other conversation
What am I supposed to say? Thanks? Like fr, I didn't do anything, my body did
>Depressed with not motivation to talk to girls
>Socially akward
>Below average face
Height isn't everything robots
pls post more couple pics ty
pls x2
Do you have a discord account?
Could I start messaging you?
pls x3
>tfw tall and big in build
>tfw deep voice that people view as attractive
>tfw people call me a gentle giant
>tfw still no bf to hold and protecc
Let me make an alt quickly.
Found the underagefag
tfw king of the manlets, too small to be picked up and manhandled by the average guy but too small to manhandle someone else
good try but i'm pretty legal. anyway you can think whatever you want about me but what word should i have used instead then?
You should've said alpha, you fucking mongoloid.
oh fuck sorry, stupid eu pleb here don't worry about that
anon5288#1782 here fren
boi, define "tall" please
>tfw you know you will never find a tall submissive gf
Im so tired of womanlets
>Tfw you lost and your gf was trapped in a divine beast waiting for you
Why did you post this i had already forgoten... The feels
>6'3 280 lbs
>gf 5'2 100 lbs
I love picking her up and man handling her in public.
Shame she's so conservative in bed.
i mean that's still easier than trying to find taller dominative gf
>tfw 6'2.5'' king of manlets
Ever since I was a kid I've wanted to be tall, because large physical size is perhaps the most noticeable masculine trait. Unfortunately my mom is a shrimp so I ended up like this despite my dad being closer to 6'5 (atleast when he was younger)
Also find short women attractive because of the height difference but I don't want to doom my potential offspring to the same fate I myself had to endure.
"Would you say I'm like a tree?"
If they answer yes then say
"Climb right on baby"
If they don't shit yourself and run away
>>tfw no tall bf kiss me while lifting me
Because you weigh 200kg and it's impossible to lift a disgusting piece of jerky like you
Tfw no ugly tall bf to carry your 5 ft4 body
Honestly i would date you just from being that height
here am I, 6'6" giant reporting in