Women literally only care about one thing and it's disgusting

Women literally only care about one thing and it's disgusting.

>finally get a match on Tinder
>talk for a few hours before I get her number
>text a little the next day
>she texts me some flirtatious stuff that evening
>mentions she hates sex with small dicks
>ask her what she considers small
>anything under 8" long and 3 of her fingers wide
>tell her I'll send her a picture of my dick if she shows her tits
>she agrees
>cut 1/3 of a toilet paper tube off
>cut it lengthwise, roll it a little tighter and tape the back so it stays
>toilet paper tube roughly the size of a jalapeno
>set it next to my dick on the table
>take a picture
>dick looks like a P H A T hawg
>forced perspective ftw
>send it, she sends pic related in return

Attached: image0.jpg (881x1280, 307K)

>go to a whorehouse
>complain about meeting whores there

Actually low IQ OP

No, they also care about money. Agreed on the disgusting part tho

Not OP Here,
is tinder really that bad?
and only filled with hoes?

Nice. Now block her.

Attached: pepechad.jpg (680x577, 39K)


This girl has the same stomach/arm fat, tit shape and nipple shade as me. I wouldn't think of sending nudes if I were that fat.

Post her face OP. I wanna see this slut's eyes.

prove it, you fucking retard

>caring about what fat girls think

No... I dated a few decent girls off tinder, but they're rare as fuck. Like 1 in 20 matches..

what produces this type of stomach fat? weight loss? I was gonna ask op if she was a single mom but i guess that sag could just be some weight loss

post the diccccc

>This girl has the same stomach/arm fat, tit shape and nipple shade as me.
post tits and timestamp so we can verify. I don't trust you.

>is tinder really that bad?

Not OP here's a little greentext of what happened to me on Tinder a couple years ago:
>match with cutie (the level of cuties I could get were 6/10 at best, she was a solid 6)
>we chat in the app back and forth for a couple days with increasing flirtatiousness
>I message to set up a physical meeting, she says sure but wants to know something first
>"How big are you?"
>Brainlet me thinks she's asking how tall I am, tell her 5"10'
>various laughing emojis in reply, then "Not how tall. How BIG?"
>I get it, message her the awful truth that I'm average 5.5 inches
>she never replied again

It's basically impossible for normal men to get laid on tinder

(still the same Guy you replied to)
>imagine being a 6 and still caring about that
the absolute state of modern women

Whats with that gross belly? he have a c-section?

And this is why big dick guys can't be robots. It's literally that easy for them.

>read this thread
>measure in cm and don't know dick size
>measure and convert rq
>somewhere between 7 and 8 inch
Well guess my time is over lads, it's been fun these last few years. I'm routing for you guys though, we all deserve good feels bros.

Attached: 1559257119564.png (491x384, 158K)

you skipped the part where she only messaged him because he had an okay face.

>horny slut on the prowl for big dick
Could have been anyone.

Good on you user. Now never come back here again

Idk man, it's just general FUPA/overhang. Girls tend to store fat around their hips, ass and pelvic area, and naturally with that extra weight the skin is weighed down and starts to stretch and sag more. It can improve with weight loss and training, but the older they get, the less likely the skin is to spring back to shape and that's why it sags.

>what produces this type of stomach fat
being fat stupid

she's hot af orioriginally

She's better looking than you are, you projecting loser

How big is your dick user? You might be underselling yourself. I've found that even with forced perspective there's not much you can do to fool with dick pics. I thought I had a small cock for a lot of my life before femoids told me otherwise

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