First alex jones banned
Then crowder demonitized
Now one of my favorite channels. No strikes or warnings. No rule violations. I'm using bitchute for my news now since it's obvious youtube censors centrist and right wing discussions.
Black pidgeon speaks deleted
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't give a shit about jewtube or the le ebin alt-right memers they're censoring. Take this shit to Jow Forums.
He's centrist you fucking fascist
Hourly reminder that hate crimes aren't solved nearly as often as we're lead to believe
I don't give a shit about any youtube personality regardless of their political alignment.
Who cares about some stupid cringe sexpat.
half a million subscribers apparently
Wrong, first they got walt bismarck
>almost 2,020 years after the murder of Our Lord & Savior Yeshua of Nazareth
>watching anti SJW youtubers
>being sjw
>thinking that has anything to do with jesus
This guy was a fag. Alex Jones will rise again.
his videos had 1 minute of content over 10
>mobile game ads
>he is unironically an alt righter
>If I speak with authority in my tone, I am right, and correlation becomes causality
>Ethnostates work; just look at Japan and ignore literally every other country before complex international relations
>american krogan is still around
that's ok, I just watch 2 channels, one about fitness and another about how accurate are weapons & armour in videogrames and movies.
>unironically watching right wing snowflake youtubers who look for the SJWism in everything
I can't believe I used to be one of you people. I seriously used to give a fuck about shit like She-Ra's tits not being big enough in the new cartoon or the main character in Red Dead Redemption not calling black people niggers. Then I fucking grew up lol
It's not censoring if a private entity does it. Retard. Nobody is forcing them to upload their shit on Yt. Plenty of sites available on the Internet. Being on YouTube isn't a human right pussy.
>I can't believe I used to be one of you people
no you were not, stop lying on the internet, no one buys your shilling
>Let's create ethnostates
>Mixed race people are hardly ever good at anything
>What do we do about the living mixed race people and interracial couples? Did I not just say mixed race people are confused and wrong You know what to do
Damn those JEWtube censors stopping me from subtly yet definitely inciting racial-purity-based genocide. It's my opinion that some people are just garbage and people of my race are better than them and should always be treated as such.
How is this alt right?
>Black pidgeon speaks
He spreads fake news, watch this
>muh freeze peach
christ fuck off you nazis ur not fooling anyone
>I don't want free speech
spoken like a true lemming
>he thinks any of the things he listed is something right wingers somehow relate to
Nah bro, you were just fucking weird
kill yourself, reddit faggot tourist
Go and find something actually productive to do with your lives instead of shitting on minorities epic style :^)
Lmao yes I was. This was before the alt right was really a thing. I used to post on Jow Forumstheredpill back in 2013. I was subbed to Sargon, Amazing Atheist, Thunderfoot, TLDR and NoBS and a few others on YouTube. I would watch videos debunking Anita Sarkeesian for fun and I thought that gaming journalism was a real issue. I used to think that any piece of entertainment that showed a woman or a non white person as a hero was SJW propaganda and they were being "forced in". I could barely watch movies or TV because I'd always catch something that triggered me. I used to think toxic masculinity was 100% unfounded, made up bullshit that didn't exist. I used to think that women dying or cutting their hair was a sign of mental illness and I unironically thought that feminists caused the fall of Rome. I once was an idiot like you, then I grew out of it.
>for my news
how is people spoon feeding you things to be angry about news? that's the problem with the right, they are literally uncapable of discerning what is factual news, and their leaders and celebrities are taking so much advantage of that to lead the maga mob wherever they want.
We have these same problems on the left with shit like Occupy Democrats, but we aren't stupid and can actually look for sources and find the truth in the media.
You can say that because you have free speech. See? You do like free speech.
>how is people spoon feeding you things to be angry about news? that's the problem with the right,
Let me guess, they're going to make a new "white mathematics" that redefines axioms so that the laws that govern the universe and logic no longer favour shitskins and gay jews.
This is a retarded argument, though. Libtards and poltards alike need to speak up so their arguments can be crushed.
>well what about the Jew York Times?!
How is this a response to what he said? And saying the word "racism" doesn't automatically make an article untrue.
There should be a fanfiction youtube for all those clowns delusions.
but the surge of articles on racism due to trump's election is proof that they're a propaganda network, not a news org
boo fucking hoo
its just to set the precedent of censorship
this is a LGBTQIA+ board so gtfo with that racist shit
Uh, no, I can say this because I'm on the right side of history and there's no chance anyone in power will ever contradict what I want to say.
I'm no poltard, but this has to be satire. If not, you're one "sweetie" away from making me kill my brown-ass to benefit the white race.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.
If not just remember government and businesses don't care about your opinion. They're slowly taking away your rights and you don't care because you think you don't deserve those rights.
You're right, the media has a huge problem of sensationalizing shit. They want to make money. Idk why reichtube's response is to just do the same thing back, but even harder. I've gotten my news from google aggregation my entire adulthood, and i recognize that most of this shit is just opinion. I take the facts out of it and form my own opinions.
If i want to binge political hate, I get on leftbook. But it's nothing but a time waster.
it isn t you faggot, fuck of to lgbt
Based YouTube removing stormfags and nordcucks.
Can you explain how BPS is racist?
>They're slowly taking away your rights
only the rights of neo-nazis and white nationalists.
Rest of us are pretty free.
back to your fucking containment board
Give it a couple years bud, they owe you nothing.
Right. You think you don't deserve free speech. I understand you.
Free speech is a soiboy cope because soiboys are too weak to take action so they have to resort to running their mouth and whining like women in the hope that real men will fix their problems for them.
>a news network talking more about a topic when it becomes more relevant is sign that they arent news
I guess mlk wasn't a real man because he raised awareness through speeches.
>im literally going to say that we should discriminate based on ethnicity who let into our country but its not racist because i didnt say nigger
The absolute state of Americans
It's not based on ethnicity. It's based on legality.
Mass immigration is economically stupid. Explain how this is racist again please.
Alongside other things. Talking wasnt the only thing he did, and when he did it was in real life, openly and without shame. A far cry from Jow Forumssissies who sit in their homes behind their screens and anonymous handles and think that saying nigger on the internet is a revolutionary act
No its not lol are you retarded? He advocates ethnostates, that means discriminating based on ethnicity.
>it becomes more relevant
more relevant to NYT, which is why they're doubling down on the propaganda. News outlets are supposedly created to report news, not create them.
Whether they are sissies or not doesn't disqualify them from having rights.
>Alex Jones
>Scam artist who makes money off of idiots who buy his filters and male enhancement cream
>Failed comedian who acts like a cunt for youtube views
Why should I give a shit about any of these people.
Sissies dont deserve rights
>Mass immigration is economically stupid
Countries like Qatar and UAE are doing pretty well economically, despite having mass immigration
Then you don't deserve rights because testosterone makes people more conservative.
Are you stupid lad? With the rise of the right issues like racism objectively became more relevant. This is simply a fact regardless of what you think of it.
We can see that thats obviously not true. Most traps are right wing for example
>he wants free speech
Spoken like a true retard.
If it's blacks you should be able to understand that. Any other is fine by me.
You shouldnt. These people appeal to the most retarded, braindead failures out there. Constantly attacking people they dont like and making up conspiracy theories about why they are sad failures is their way to cope with reality, no rational self respecting man would want to be associated with these people or their followers.
>issues like racism objectively became more relevant.
Underage detected. Racism and incidents involving racism were much worse after 9/11 and iraq war. current surge in propaganda articles on racism and diversity is more in response to Trump than any "rise" in right wing
Maybe the surge of articles mentioning racism due to Trumps election may have to do with the fact that he is in fact, a racist.
black pigeon literally doesn't know anything about politics and talks out of his ass after giving a glossary look over articles. He spouts the same bullshit as any brain dead Jow Forumstard but is self aware enough to hide it behind a college freshman vocabulary to trick wagecuck level normies into thinking he's educated. Honestly this has to be fucking bait, 99% of all youtube "political" channels are trash on every side of the spectrum but you didn't even try by bringing up this loser.
And yet most women aren't
>this is racist
>eh no its racist
>okay its racist but look at this chart!
That's not racist though. It's having common sense.
To have even a remotely accurate recollection of the early 2000s youd need to be over 30 right now, which most people on this site arent and neither are you, so kill yourself.
Its not about whether you like him or not you fucking retards, its about freedom of speech on a public platforms. Corporations with monopolies/oligopolies/trusts on online dialogue shouldnt be able to censor people who are critical of the establishment. It isnt about left or right in the long run, if you're left wing and are ok with this youre fucking pathetic. Its about corporations wanting to censor independent creators who outcompete them and spread messages they disagree with. They are only starting with the right mostly because the modern left are useful idiots who will buy into corporate censorship because of muh online hate. The left are emotional reactionaries who will buy into vapid moralistic garbage that companies pretend to care about. In a few years you will see more leftists critical of the establishment being censored. Fox cant compete with steven crowder or alex jones in the long run. They have massive budgets and still a fraction of the collective audience independent creators pull in. Same goes for CNN or whatever other lame leftist media company against Jimmy Dore. These corporate media groups work with youtube (and pay them to be at the top of the algorithm, or pressure them with articles, etc) to eliminate competition and silence dissenting voices. And the left seems to just go along with it because they are totally clued out of reality and its framed as a partisan issue, which it isnt in the long run.
Have some fucking principles, fucking hell.
>t. Unstable tranny
>"racism" is exclusive to Jow Forums
Whens the reddit merge happening?
>discriminating based on race is not racism because i agree with it
>freedom of speech on a public platforms
>implying youtube is a public platform
>implying the internet is a public platform
Get out you filthy commie. Private entities like youtube and google should be allowed to run their platform as they please. If you don't like it just start a new platform.
>disregards chart
Racism is hating
Would you want a bunch a africans in your neighborhood? If you so no you're a racist.
>left wing media activist journalists moan and bitch about racism that doesnt exist
If you think racism is a bigger issue now than before youre a fucking absolute moron. Fuck off.
Nope. If that were true all the lgbt freaks wouldnt be shitting themselves over muh trans rights.
t. projecting redd*turd
>Racism is hating
the funny thing is that Jow Forums has the most redditors
>public platforms
when will you retards learn that the internet is a privillage, unless you own the server or the government owns the server then you have no say in how a website operates. If they ban porn, boom its banned. Hate speech? boom banned. kittens? boom banned. Literally they can do whatever they want, its very libertarian that way. We are all guest in someone else's house user, please stop shitting in the carpet.
>private entities
>youtube and google
Lel. Brainlet detected
>wanting a free market makes you a commie
Fuck off retard.
Your argument so fucking juvenile
And thats assuming we play make believe and pretend youre right in saying these big tech corps are private entities, which is fucking hilariously retarded.
they're using "mass immigration" for literal slave labor down there. as in steal your passport on arrival, put you in a camp with the other workers and force you to work for pennies until you drop dead or kill yourself. not an option in civilized nations.
>If you think racism is a bigger issue now than before youre a fucking absolute moron
I didnt say that though did i? I said that it has become more relevant in public discussion. The relevance of something in public discussion is not necessarily related to how much of a problem it is in real life. Take for example immigration, stuff has been happening for years and used to be much worse, yet it has become a major topic of discussion lately. Does that mean that Trump is a puppet because he talks a lot about something that used to be a bigger problem a while ago? Because according to your reasoning he is.
>And thats assuming we play make believe and pretend youre right in saying these big tech corps are private entities, which is fucking hilariously retarded.
That how capitalism works you idiot. Would you rather live in socialism? How are they not private companies?
You just argued for both communism and capitalism in the same post. please neck yourself
Doubt it unless you have actual stats to back up your shitty point, the entire bored represents the polar opposite of r3ddit. Being far right gets you banned on r3ddit. Pol are purposefully offensive and disagreeable, which is the opposite of incels like you whoring yourself out fkr upvotes on r3ddit. Oh and they have freedom of speech, which upsets redditors. Its probably the least r3ddit friendly board, which is why youre triggered.
Fuck off retard. R9k is the most r3ddit board, retarded tranny faggots like you prove it.
They are literally private entities. Did you just have an aneurysm?
Actually he is the one advocating for a free market because he supports the right of private companies to make their own decisions. You want to collectivize these private entities and use the government to force them to do things they dont want to. Thats communism, and youre a communist if you believe in this
>assblasted discord tranny is too stupid to even formulate a rebuttal
>the entire bored represents the polar opposite of r3ddit.
>private corporations should be required to give platform to contoversial ideas
what is with r9k and unironic doublethink
OML he's fucking seething guys
Nope, YouTube is finally doing things right
Fuck off Jow Forumstards and trannies
t. coontown expat trying to gaslight 4chins as if it's le sekret clubhouse
Capitalism implies competition, big tech hold oligopolies and trusts over internet dialogue, ie not competition. They are also trying to stigle competition fkr the reasons i mentioned. Try again
>doesnt understand regulating a market to keep it free
Capitalism inevitably leads to corporate monopolies, which are anti capitalistic. Big tech needs to be regulated to maintain capitalism
Youre a retard.
>billions of dollars in tax subsidies
>many billion dollar govt contracts
>courts cant actually decide if they are publishers or platforms, how convenient, they get to act as both
>courts have ruled multiple times that certain pages are public platforms and must therefor be available to the public
>govt alert systems and official pages are hosted there but not on smaller tech sites so if youre banned you cant access the alerts
>freedom of speech only applies to the govt and isnt a philosophical concept by which the country should live
Not wanting govt funded megacorps to stifle competition isnt being a communist, you absosulte fucking retard. Its called wanting a free market, ie the opposite.
>cherrypicks a literal Jow Forums colony hated by the entire site for being moderately right wing meanwhile Jow Forums hates Trump
Lel, try again tranny freak.