I dont give a shit if she banged a nigger so save your "gotcha" pics autists, she's my oneitis based queen
I dont give a shit if she banged a nigger so save your "gotcha" pics autists, she's my oneitis based queen
she's a middling attractive blonde girl
like all you gotta do is go to the midwest or canada to find that
fucking beans don't get it. lol
>she banged a nigger
What's the sauce on that? Any proof?
no standard normie enabler, get beaten by her nigger boyfriend. but you'd probably like that, cuck.
he was based and redpilled so it cool
l bet l wouold faggot
civic nationalism is actually based tho
interracial pride world wide
is that a house or a warehouse
I always wanted to punch her smug face, it gets more irritating with every strategically posed post deepthroat/knotted.com picture she takes for her army of orbiters to wank to.
That's actually really gross. It would probably be more hygienic for her to bang dogs than niggers.
she a fucking 4/10 and unironically retarded or a bad actor
delete this post, fucking hell
i only see two whites
Proof that MAGA fucks are in the closet cucks.
Im not a cuck, sorry sweetums
That guy can do better desu.
Way to skinny for a bull
>I dont give a shit if she banged a nigger
Gross. I found out my friend slept with a nigger and cut all contact with her. I could never be friends with someone with that little self respect.
Congratulations you've been successfully brainwashed. People like this target people like you by infiltrating your communities.
Oh she says REEEEE guys, she's one of us.
Get off my board you are normie trash.
I really hate to sound like "that guy" since I'm not like all that and a bag of potato chips with a sassy head/hand wave kind of thing, but she really is like a generic 4/10 or 5/10 blonde girl. She could easily settle for a guy like 3 times her age. I just don't really see the appeal unless you're a pervert or have super low self esteem. If she's not into old perves she could probably settle for a mordrake kind of guy, or someone that works at a fast food or gas station franchise in a drive through sort of town.
We originally believe you ;)
She's not even American though. It's not like there is a wall there yet, she's just fishing for a green card. There are tons of non sport contract maga people that would be okay with an average looking wife once she gets done having sex with old guys and sport athletes hoping to hook one. She's obviously playing the long game there. Average and below average looking females do that all the time going to foreign countries hoping to get a catch for citizenship. Why do you think tourism is so popular among them?
she literally is one of us you autist
Based Magacucks, Lauren could take all the BBC she wants and still have paypigs.
Two fucking queens pictured
LMAO fucking autist