ITT we post reasons why we don't have a gf
>Nazi sympathizer
ITT we post reasons why we don't have a gf
>Nazi sympathizer
>negative canthal tilt
>skinny wristlet
>got no game
>gave up on talking to people in general
same. at some point i just stopped being social and dont even think about getting a gf anymore because i dont have the energy to keep up a conversation
>dont talk to girls
>dont go outside
am i the only one that isnt convinced getting a gf is that hard? ive never tried but i feel like a lot of the people that are whining also haven't tried but they feel like they're trying
elliot rodger condition. Never approach women and getting upset girls arent lining up to date you
but for me there are legit reasons to not date me, because im a neet, not physically attractive, and have a bad personality (im basically a nazi)
>TFW Borderline sociopath
>TFW Depressed and sad all of the time
>TFW Not a nazi, but my views make people think i am.
>TFW People tell me i'm a "bad person".
>TFW Got a thing going for robot girls.
>TFW No contact with women.
>TFW College class 100% male.
>TFW At most a 6/10 on the best of days
But most of all
>TFW Fat
I feel
>Only 5'7
>Don't have an active social life
>Rarely speak to new people
I'm otherwise a pretty attractive guy. Height is king though.
>low self-confidence
>constant need for external validation
>boring personality
>I don't talk to anyone
>one word or very word responses when spoken to
>can't small talk
I'm not even that bad looking, I just lack social skills. Unfortunately, that's the starting point and w/o those you can't advance to later stages like friendship, sex, love, and relationships.
>TFW At most a 6/10 on the best of days
>TFW Fat
who are you kidding
>good looking
>chad friends tell me id smash pussy easy if i tried
>basically a white elliot rodger that expects women to approach me
if pic related is you, you're too good looking to be a robot.
although the personality thing seems to be a issue for a lot of gen z unless youre a normie. anti social behavior is what boomers raised us on
>if pic related is you
I wish, of course it's not. That dude is model tier
I'm just slightly above average, but I'm no head turner or anything.
The thing is though even if girls have the lack of personality too, it won't matter for them because they're the ones pursued based on looks 1st. They'll get fucked or find love regardless It's the guys who suffer.
>Possibly have asperger
>shit frame
>shit deltoids
>shit wrists
>shit face
>no chin
>no hunter eyes
>bad skin genetics
>ugly personality
>boring as shit
>no confidence
>average height
>not good at sports, math or anything at all
thanks god i have videogames so i can forget about real life
>average height
mogs me
>boring personality
>don't have any friends
>absolute twig
>repulsive face
>don't talk with anyone because don't know how to talk, don't know what to talk about
>don't know how to love and take care of someone
No wonder why everyone hates me
>want someone with the same interests as me but everyone who likes what I like are guys or girls that are almost certainly unavailabe
That's literally it.
>No motivation
>Social anxiety
>Have QT Asian/White mixed GF
Sorry Anons.
>fat fuck
>tendency to argue on anything
>often interested in things most women find boring or uninteresting
>literal son of a bitch with women after years of loneliness
>boderline cynical
it is hard. i used to try before i gave up. i tried all kinds of approaches irl and tried online too. i got nothing to show for it.
>product of abusive parents
>bullied all of my life by pretty much everyone everywhere i go, even other mentally ill people bully me, probably have ptsd
>low iq
Zeta male
original hiroshinigger
>skelly (only 135lbs)
>no advanced education
>no self-confidence
what? that guy is hideous
>5' 9"
>Teacher's pet nerd during my school years, so alienated from classmates and poorly socialized as a result
>Unable to suppress incredible arrogance
>Only willing to date manic pixie girly girls
>>don't know how to love and take care of someone
I have Aspergers
Being white is the shit you retard. How would being white fuck you over?
>Being white is the shit you retard. How would being white fuck you over?
In the part where I wrote skelly I should have added
Basically there's an overall package here that's a huge negative. I acknowledge that ethnicels and blackbots can have a bad time, depending on the type of girls they're into. But for me the primary problem is that I'm not masculine enough. I'm literally a stereotype - a scrawny, weak-looking bookworm. If I was black or Hispanic I'd at least come across as a *little* masculine to white girls, if I could avoid being an outright Urkel. The only way it could be worse than being white is if I was Asian.
>convinced that I should only ever have 1 gf
>want a relationship where we both do nice things for each other just because we want to
>need to be sure I won't ever be cheated on by her
>I want us both to stay fit and healthy and be careful with money
>has to be nice with animals and kids
That's why I don't have a gf. I have never EVER spoken to a girl where I felt like she met all the 'conditions'. People nowadays aren't trustworthy, cheat and treat their bodies like shit with alcohol/smoking. I'm 6ft 2 and relatively well built so have had people ask me out before but my autistic level of dedication to just being with 1 person forever automatically makes me never have any interest in anyone so far.
I've already half accepted I'll probably be alone forever though. People aren't nice anymore.
>a girl said I look like a psycho
>I'm mostly calm all the time till once in a while I burst in rage and nobody talks with me then , I try to do that at home only alone.
>no money , trying to find a fucking comfy job , I'm sick of high stress jobs , I had enough of them and now I have 0 tolerance to stress.
>Never aproached to a girl
>Never flirted
If I get to know some girl and become close to her I could probably get a gf, but I don't seek for the people, nor new friendships and never start the conversations.
Also no clue on how female mentality works.
I'm not bothered anyway
>went mgtow
>my ex gfs annoyed tf outta me
>focused on personal finance, retired at lvl 25
>now studying economics, computer science and jiu jitsu
trust me guys, enjoy being single, women are annoying as hell. they always interfered with pursuits that mattered to me personally
pursue excellence, women will come to you.
excellence first, women second. it doesn't work the other way around
>extremely far right
>extremely specific taste
>trust issues
>confidence problems
^ which I never tell anyone about and always mask
> no interesting hobbies
I'm not actually fat or anything, it's 100% my personality
>Jow Forums user
>Nazi sympathizer
>high yellow ferver
>literally autistic
>Had a pesuodo lover/friend relationship with girl of my dreams
>shit fucked up Warren Zevon Style
>Couldn't fit in anywhere
>Did I mention a literal sperg?
I'm an ugly introverted neet who's given up on relationships and ignore any woman that talks to me
>pretty attractive like 8/10
>smart too
>not sure about my social skills
>no friends
> don't like drinking and socialising in the night and hate dating apps
>Elliot Rodger syndrome, except I actually don't hate women.
How the fuck do I actually get to know women if i hate going out in the night and Dating apps ?
>inner game is fucked
how do i believe in myself user
I can play pretend and get pretend foidpoon but its not the same
I'm literally only interested in young southeast Asian girls who barely speak English, and I'm not rich enough to go whiten the gene pool of their countries.
White thots fuck off
>>focused on personal finance, retired at lvl 25
>severe depression/anxiety
>huge nose/thin lips/general facial unattractiveness
>no knowledge of style and beauty
>literally no hobbies
>I don't want one. Highly overrated.
Me wife won't let me. That's the main reason. Tfw no gf.
No idea. Anyone care to help?
Ye im good looking, fit, do well at uni, play the guitar, yada yada. I'm out of ideas.
>Don't belong anywhere
>Low self esteem
>Not trying enough
>Too distant because of fear of being abused again
The only reason why would I want to have a gf is to assure myself that I am actually not as retarded and lost as I think I am. And that's just dumb. I might die in a few years anyway so nothing really matters to me anymore. I don't need anyone to care about me, that's just a waste of time.
white ain't bad, but combined with all his other shit attributes (skelly, nerd, arrogant) he comes off as an unsalvageable/unloveable faggot. If he was ethnic (beaner, nignog, etc) he'd at least be slightly interesting, but otherwise he's boring and unattractive
i dont particularly want one
Wow, I just realized how lucky I am that I'm dating someone else's ideal GF. I gotta stop treating her like shit
>nazi sympathizer
>bizzare, often confusing motives/personality
>hate women but not gay or asexual
>difficult to talk to
>dislike weed/alcohol (i'm genetically predisposed to alcoholism), tend to rather sparingly use psilocybin/lsd
>last gf told everyone i was an emotionless despot because i broke up with her for being too childish and overemotional
>tend to get bored with women easily
all i want at the moment is a woman who isnt a retard
the worst thing for me is being physically attractive and getting a lot of attention from women at first and then slowly watching them lose interest the more they get to know you
The unholy trifecta of male unatractiveness.
I guess it's ok though, I've only met one woman I've actually wanted to be with in my life, and everytime I interact with the others I just want to be a hermit more.
>plain and forgettable looking on a good day
>likely to be on a spectrum or two
>don't go outside
>no driver's license at 23
>no job
>live with parents
I could go on
>depressed, reason below, result above
>uni student
>live with parents
>no job
>no money
>genetic speech disorders
>hence i dont speak much and am not outgoing
>Low self esteem
>I am obsessive
I had one but My Ex Girlfriend dumped me and now posts on Facebook saying "Could someone tell my ex that I miss/Don't Miss Him." So she only half misses me. What's the point of that? Makes me think these thots are crazy.
I'm meta-ironically schizophrenic.
that's about it
not sure to be quite honest. I see lots of guys that are weird and meh looking getting girls but none want anything to do with me. I guess girls just sense something weird about me or just don't like how I look :/
Nice try faggot. Orignolian
>stick my dick in crazy
>girl become gradually more crazy as time goes on forcing me to end it
>too clingy
>bad at talking to people
>no hobbies that don't involve a computer
>trouble talkimg to people I haven't known for at least a month
you know, the usual.
>supreme racist
>super awkward
>no hobbies or interests
>abnormal tooth from birth (dental work only fixed it slightly)
>loose skin
>stretch marks
>can't connect to anyone
>would rather use women as a sexual object
>I ruin any relationship I have with a woman on purpose
>physical intimacy brings me great anxiety
A woman who I actually somewhat had a connection with came to my house one night and kept trying to make physical contact with me which I rejected and she even admitted once she got home that she wanted to kiss me but she was too nervous to make the first move, I'm retarded
Why is it socially acceptable when a girl doesn't work and is supported by her bf/husband but the opposite is considered an abomination and cockblocks you from ever getting a girl?
Considering that women can get and keep an easy and stressless job much easier than men, how does it make any sense?
Wasn't the whole gender equality thing about putting both on equal footing?
>zero self confidence
The lads i hang with are all athletic as fuck and the only skellington is over 2 meters and plays in a band so I always feel like "that guy". No experience whatsoever talking to girls because almost everyone picked on me through grades 1 to 9 and beyond that I was too afraid to even try. Still am.
>average in literally everything i do
>shitty hobbies (literature, politics, games, music)
>low self esteem hence no charisma
>high standarts
That's pretty much it, i also unironically believe in real love so there's that
I feel you bro, exact same thing. Seems like most women these days don't care for being respectable, at all. Even the women with 'nice' personalities often still have terrible shortcomings like being too fat or drinking too much, I also refuse to lower my standards. Sucks eh?
short is fine, just have to be skinny
a new challenger has approached. whatcha scared of boy?
i bet your face isnt that repulsive
ew. if you like girly girls then youre doomed. awful mothers they are.
if youre skelly just be submissive
coming from an annoying woman, smart
what are you like?
speech disorders are sorta cute. lisp?
i'm the same way lol, i just haven't given a shit about women
Never had one because I never even tried to get one. Don't even have female friends, but if I tried I still couldn't get one because
>Ugly as fuck
>Skinny af
>Somewhat bipolar
You gotta realize that people have flaws man lol
Heh... nothin' personnel kid:
>Literally retarded
don't want one.
could probably get one but I don't want to be dealing with another human when I can barely sort out my own life. Maybe when I am successful.
>Social anxiety
>being mixed race in a relative homogenious country
>dont go much Outside
>Stay to my opinions and defend them if necessary even if its hurt my image
>horrible at speaking
>don't trust woman
>fucked genetics
>never leave my room
>anime poster
>horrible genetics
>weird family
>drug addict
>can't read social cues
>afraid of sex
also i forgot
>going nowhere in life
>no energy to even pursue a relationship
>barely even care about having sex or a gf at this point
>extremely shitty personality
>have no idea how to act around women when alone with them
only reasons
and another thing
>sexually confused
>drug addict
what are you addicted 2
>student loan debt
its meme levels of bad and that means I can't afford anything so the social isolation took me out of the game. Then I got redpilled as a result and now whores are gross.
>Low self esteem
>3/10 (being optimistic)
>Afraid of rejection
>find girl
>absolutley perfect
>fall helplessly in love
>most beautiful person I've ever met, wouldn't change a single thing about her
>similar interests
>incredible personality
>pure and non-degenerate
>she likes her female friend
>mfw she says she's bi
>mfw I think she's just lesbian
I thought I'd be over it by now but when I think of it, my body feels empty. I lose the will to do anything and I can feel my face drop when I see them together because I know I was so close before they met. Legit the only thing that has ever kept me up at night, feels like someone is scraping nails on a chalkboard in my fucking chest. Can anyone relate?
>don't try
>social anxiety
>fear of rejection
fuck dealing with other people, they just rock your boat and fuck your life up when they leave.
>ugly af
>scared of trying
>socially retarded
Recently had a break out of cystic acne because of shaving and my ocd causes me to pick at it now i have a huge crater on my face that put me in a depression and i dont want to talk to anyone now
>Don't like people
>Incapable of truly caring about others
>Don't talk
I'm 6'2 and 157lbs so my body isn't much of an issue. I also don't have any physical deformities or an ugly face. I literally just don't care enough about others to want a gf. Doesn't even feel bad, man.
>autistic levels of intelligence for my hobbies (video games, movies)
>can't start conversations
>shit diet, results in acne
>paranoid / insecure
Holy shit same, what the fuck? I feel like everything is grim until I talk to girls I like then I feel like everything is fine. How the fuck do I break from this? Can't I be happy alone? Why do I feel the need to talk to girls?