You fucking trannies are fucking pathetic, why dont you join the 40% already?
Tranny hate general #007 - /thg/ - kill all trannies edition
dont you all have some new pictures to post? same 5 every thread
because the 60% transition before their thirties and pass
bumperino hahahhaha bumping 1
bumperino ahahahhahah ubmping 2
mumperino hahahahha bumping 3
bumperino huuhuuh bumping 4
bumperino ahhahahabumping 5
bumperino ahahhaha bumping 6
somehow this OP is more depressing than the guy in the OP picture
lmao keep seething you fucking tranny faggot, let's face it no one will be more pathetic than you
How can I kill my fucking AGP? It's ruining my life. Tried lifting, nofap etc, doesn't work. I can live with it but it makes me depressed, kills my sex drive, kills my motivation, and makes me envy fucking trannies.
bumperino hahaahhah bumping 7
Accelerated Graphics Port?
That's what I thought as well
Please explain
Autogynephilia. Like picrel trannies.
I'm rational enough to understand that transitionning would be terrible, and I find it revolting, but at the same time my agp and my mind can't stop wanting it. I know I won't fall for it, but can't help but feel depressed because of it.
bumperino ahhahaha bumping 8
I hate discord trannies from personal experience as much as the next guy but this is just sad
bumperino hhhaha bumping 9
Funny how the thread has to be continually bumped. I thought all of r9k hated trannies, surely the thread wouldnt need 9 bumps?
keep seething you fucking tranny faggot hahahaha, no one likes you here
bumperino hHAHAHHAH bumping 10
bumperrino ahhahahha bumping 11
criminally underrated post
AGP trannies will always be lying to themselves
bumperino hahahahha bumping 13
By killing yourself first. Rid the world of your degeneracy.
No, fuck off. If I kill myself I'll go to hell.
this is where hate will get you in life, folks
i hate trannies but I pity you more
t. keep crting you tranny faggots ahahhahaha
bumperino ahahhah bumping 14
And somehow OP manages to be a bigger fucking faggot than literal faggots for whom it is not enough to be just a faggot, but they have to fag themselves out to the point of pretending to be ugly horseface women. OP, you are the biggest faggot ever.
>bla bla bla i'm a triggered tranny
oregianl comment
bumperino hahahha bumping 15
tranny tears are my elixir of life