Lawful neutral who wants to be lawful good.
Lawful neutral who wants to be lawful good
>not shifting to chaotic neutral
I could never understood that lawful natural and stuff
Fuck off, lawful neutral is where it's at.
The great thing about "lawful" classing is that the law is alive, which makes it no different from chaos, except YOU are the one who decides what things mean, as elohim of all ben Adam.
I follow the law, but I don't know good or evil. I thought that following the law would make me good, but them I realized that evil people write laws too.
I don't know what to do.
There is no actual good and evil in our world. In D&D there is an objective moral code.
God Emmanuel is with us and good.
Do we have a test for this?
A test for what? I'm sorry, I don't understand.
How am I gonna know which type I am? Is there a chart or something?
Do you follow the law? Lawful
Do you follow God? Good
Add sometimes and never for the other quadrants.
fucking fuck, 3x3 is technically a nontent, not a quadrant
God forgive me
Oh I see... Turns out it's called "the alignment system"... I'm gonna check them tomorrow. Thanks ^-^
You are welcome. Gary Gygax send his regards.
Lawful evil and chaotic good are the only based alignments.
lawful neutrals think that the law is good
lawful goods think that good is the law
>chaotic good
Teach me how to chaotic good
Fuck the law
>in during true neutral realignment
Who wants to be chaotic evil
Guys who actually work at Google
>the guys who actually work at Google