God has really big plans.
God has really big plans
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what if god and the devil are the same person?
God is everywhere, even in the Devil, but God is not the Devil.
The savior.
All of these "mortal" men did not have the ultimate fate of death.
>god is in the devil
Tell me more.
God is everywhere.
Gnostic heresy, the plague of the 3rd century.
Basically fedora atheists but less edge.
One of God's names is Emmanuel, "God with us." It means that God will never abandon his creation, even the Devil.
The devil is a creature, just like us.
The devil is not God the same way we are not God.
Contains !== Equals
>what if god and the devil are the same person?
This is a shit affirmation
>contains === equals
not what I said
How it's like to be a programmer and a protestant?
p good
>understand information
>understand god
>don't understand normal-firefodder
>they still flood your board
>pray for the r-tards anyways
Jesus loves you all. I could give a flying fuck
>understand information
Then use a comparison in some decent language "==", "!=". Web design is not programming.
>understand god
God in low case, it's ok your gods doesn't aren't real anyway,
I just farted. Did God plan that?
Reminder christianity was so incomplete it stole Eostre and Yule from the norse turning them into easter and christmas respectively. Your religion is a lie, lucky for you the allfather will forgive you even if you do not believe.
Is he putting his money on LINK like the rest of us?
Bro Paganism is dead
Norse paganism died when norses learn that Christianity is better.
Thanks to the christians it was, very telling how a god is so real and true that his followers must proselytize and kill in his name, such a loving god he must be.
You are very wrong. It died when they were killed for refusing to convert. Oliver the martyr, eyvind kinriffi, raud the strong, guthroth, erik the red, queen sigrith, jarl hakon, among many others refused to betray the gods, and many died by the hands of the "loving god". It is shown it took near 200 years for people to truly abandon the gods, and this can be likened to the children being raised with the gods forced on them. If christianity was better, why did it steal Eostre and Yule, turning it into its own holidays then claiming it was their own?
It had died, and now it is making a comeback, however small it may be.