>be chad
>throw it all away to become a tranny
Why do people do this? I would do anything to look like that, and it's still not enough for him.
Be chad
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you think people transition out of a rational reflection, or because they're incels? They don't, they do it because they have a mental illness.
>muh mental illness
Literally read DSM5 its no longer a mental illness at all.
Because being a woman will always be better than being a man. Unfortunately he didn't know that you can't become a woman.
and i suppose if the DSM6 took depression off its list, then depression would no longer be a problem? fuck off with this cope, it's a mental illness, these people are sick
I'd do either way.
Are you fucking kidding me? The average woman may have it easier than the average man. But Chad has it better than everyone. Statistics about salary, first impressions, charisma, etc. don't lie.
Lol, let's remove cancer from DSM6 so people stop being sick;
No, it IS a mental illness. What do you want it to be? It's a psychological issue that causes great deals of suffering, therefore a mental illness. Personally i'm agp, which is more of a paraphilia, but can degenerate in a full blown mental illness. This guy might be either HSTS or AGP
why should i trust an user over the guys with the PhDs?
>But Chad has it better than everyone
A good looking woman can earn thousands of dollars per month by simply filming herself playing video games.
Ok, do you have any argument besides "some science dude said so under pressure from government and media"?
Yet Chad can become a CEO, a senator, or even the goddamn president. A woman, no matter how good looking, can never get that far.
You mean a chad like Bush or Clinton? Sorry user, but power is based on blood.
No one will become a CEO, senator or president by looking good you moron. A good looking woman however can just sit infront of a camera and earn THOUSANDS.
The top earning streamers are all men.
because mental illness. he did turn out to be pretty passable since he's so good looking
Remember that play vydia is a disease while wanting to mutilate your own body because you have an hormonal imbalance is not.
Men who have actual charisma and work hard to make their streams entertaining. Most women streamers do literally fucking nothing and get thousands of dollars from retarded beta orbiters.
>thousands of dollars
This is noting, we are talking about millions or billions of dollars.
>This is noting
It is a lot.
>we are talking about millions or billions of dollars
No we aren't you idiot.
I'd still stick my dick in it. No homo
Lol, this faggot think a female gamer is in the same league as a federal politician or an corporate CEO
Nice strawman you moron.
huh i treated my eczema with cream and never had any of those symptoms lmao, I wonder if what he's saying is true for that part
Think shes doin alright....
You can play Russia roulette and be alive most times, but only an idiot would say Russian roulette is not dangerous.
>being such a pussy that he'd settle for mediocrity
Who the fuck cares about literal who female streamers that live off beta bux? If you apply yourself you'll make far more than they EVER will. Just because the female baseline is higher doesn't mean their potential isn't shit compared to men.
You are part of the problem, you pathetic beta. You are the reason society is going downhill.
>Who the fuck cares about literal who female streamers that live off beta bux?
Probably thousands of times the amount of people who will ever care about (You).
>If you apply yourself you'll make far more than they EVER will.
That's not how life works you idiot child. Not even a doctor earns as much as your average thot streamer.
>Just because the female baseline is higher doesn't mean their potential isn't shit compared to men.
Just because the female baseline i much higher doesn't mean their potential is shit.
>You are part of the problem, you pathetic beta. You are the reason society is going downhill.
Project harder you dumb faggot.
DSM5 retconned BPD from the vicious form of harm it is to others to a mollified form of "being sad".
>Not even a doctor earns as much as your average thot streamer.
What the actual fuck. How deluded are you? Keep coping you pathetic incel.
Who is this. I'm not current in always worrying about the mentally ill
Not an argument. Doctors have to be perfect at school and go to university for almost a decade, just then they can start working hard as fuck to earn decent money. What does a thot streamer do? Literally no requirements other than looking good and then they can just do fucking anything in front of a camera for the same money as a doctor while doing less than 1/1000 of the work.
So the thot makes thousands for a couple years before she starts to look like a fucking hag. Meanwhile doctors have value their entire lives AND get the satisfaction of actually being useful to society.
you can tell some actual retarded incel wrote that the text in that post
She looks like one to me
You are aware of the fact that a female can do both, you fucking idiot? It's not like sitting in front of a camera doesn't take a lot of time or effort.
>satisfaction of actually being useful to society
Are you actually autistic? Literally nobody gives a shit about being "useful to the society" and paying lots of taxes so politicians get rich and spend money on shit you don't support. Grow up, you're making it too obvious that I'm talking to some naive braindead teenager here.
I know I'm right when the best people can do is to call me an incel. Thanks for it.
>You know the ratio of males to females in STEM, right? You know that the females in STEM are typically fugly, right?
Not to mention your "average" thot doesn't make even close to thousands. It's only 9/10 stacies
> Grow up, you're making it too obvious that I'm talking to some naive braindead teenager here.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day you'll grow a pair and actually realize how great it is to be a man. Maybe then you'll stop your pityfest and do something besides being a virgin for once.
Because he's a huge faggot
So youre saying I should trust someone who has done a google search over someone with a 6 year medical degree?
>Not to mention your "average" thot doesn't make even close to thousands.
Yeah because the average woman is fat and lazy. Being skinny and not deformed is all it takes. Just get over the fact that women live life on easy mode and stop projecting your insecurities onto me you dumb faggot.
>being this pathetic
Yeah, okay. Keep spouting those incel memes dumbass. Make something of yourself.
Not an argument, but keep projecting buddy.
Who cares? She looks great
no, you're just someone with no medical or psychiatric knowledge, spouting nonsense
I'm saying I don't believe you, even if you claim the support of OMS, of the 6 year medical degree or of the pope.
I suppose you have some sort of medical degree in this very area.
Keep coping, faggot. Enjoy your lifetime of virginity.
i don't but there are a lot of very learned experts who have made these rules, you do not know better than them
So what he say is false because you think he never had sex?
I'd expect more from you, give an argument for the sake of variety.
I've never see a single medical expert support your point of view, you could at least give me a good example.
Only incels make those sorts of arguments and assume women have it easier for being women. It's the telltale sign of a man who lacks drive, ambition, and testosterone.
I'll ask again, because I know you can do better,
Please, make an argument beyond calling him an incel?
working out some cognitive dissonance i see
only the who but idk :^)
>Still no argument
>Dude have sex lol
Go dilate, tranny.
He doesn't deserve it, really. Someone that far gone is already too deep in self pity.
lol, looks like I hit a nerve. Who's closer to being a tranny, you or me? :)
people with PhDs also said being gay was an illness too not so long ago. its all political, dont be a gullible fucking retard.
A man, no matter how genetically blessed he is, will always be inferior to a woman.
That said, it is mental illness to try becoming a woman instead of acknowledging your place serving one
I'm sorry to be pick user, but I asked for a good source, this site is basically a diet tabloid.
Could you please give me a good source to support your claim?
Ok, so your arguments are two now:
1. He's an incel
2. I'll not answer him because he doesn't deserve
I want to believe you can do better, please make an effort.
>Have sex
Peak tranny "arguments".
he's actually not that bad as a woman. Would female on shemale with
Arguments that only a low test beta like you deserve.
Project harder you low IQ moron.
t. low IQ moron
How are those MGTOW boards treating you, buddy?
user, I asked for some medical PhD supporting you, while those are good sources they are all journalism.
You made me believe it's very easy to find some medical PhD expert supporting your claim, now go there and find me a single one.
You do realize that you're on Jow Forums?
>tranny "arguments"
gee user I guess 75% of this site is trannies now. and i guess most of reddit too :^)
It's getting so tiresome.
>I have no arguments so i will have to resort to virgin/incel/beta shaming
Wanna know how i know you're a woman/projecting orbiter?
So if you cannot think of an answer it's because he doesn't deserve... that's a bit too convenient.
>ignoring all previous arguments
He already has enough. If he won't accept that men can do far better than women, he hasn't even passed the starting line. Any more is just too much for him.
that fact that they took it off the list is insane and stupid it is a mental illness or a form of it
>ignoring all previous arguments
That's pretty much what you are doing. You lost the argument when you started shitting out Ad Hominems instead of adressing my points.
Keep seething lol. You know it's true. How does it feel to be so pathetic that you unironically believe men are second class citizens?
I was about to write that, he cute
Except you never addressed mine in the first place. Again, the average thot doesn't make thousands and doesn't have a STEM degree. The average man, on the other hand, can make far more over a lifetime.
Thots are doomed to mediocrity. Men have the potential for greatness. You never argued against this.
user, now you have three arguments:
1. He's an incel
2. He doesn't deserve and argument
3. Look my previous arguments (see 1 and 2)
If you don't know how to answer him, simple be honest and admit defeat.
Did you even read the thread, you retard?
Go back to reading the post I made before you started insulting because you lost the argument.
user, calling me a retard is not an argument, how many times I'll have to ask you for something beyond these ?
Again, you never addressed it. I insulted you because your arguments are circular and reeked of cope.
He's the one who never addressed my points. I called him an incel because he couldn't go beyond his basic MGTOW arguments. Actually read the thread, illiterate.
>It's the telltale sign of a man who lacks drive, ambition, and testosterone.
This is the typical mindset of a tradcuck. Just accept the anti-male bullshit in our society, don't question it or you are a virgin incel.
>that you unironically believe men are second class citizens?
Because maybe they are, tranny? See pic related.
You insulted because you lost the argument. If you fail to attack the argument and just attack me instead, you lost. It's that simple.
You never made an argument, faggot.
Don't bother trying to explain how to actually intellectualy argue without resorting to logical fallacies/shaming tactics to a roastie/tranny, shaming language is all they know.
so like, is tranny just the go-to word for "anyone who disagrees" these days?
user, I'm in this thread for a good time.
You couldn't put a single point besides "he's incel" and "he doesn't deserve"
Come on, you can do more than it, give me on good argument and I'll be very happy.
to be fair he looked like sigourney weaver before
I believe the word you are looking for is "incel/virgin/nazi/racist"
>being this delusional
I'm a well-adjusted straight man, thank you very much. Someone who is actually quite successful and happy in life, and don't feel the need to cope with memes.
so why call people a tranny then if "incel/virgin/nazi/racist" is what you're supposed to call someone you disagree with?
Then why do you worship pussy so much and think that shaming men will get you pussy? There is more to life than connecting your genitals with someone else.
Because then i would be psychologically projecting. A good way to tell if someone is incapable of arguing intelligently is by checking the amount of logical fallacies they commit. (Ad-hominems, strawmans, false equivalences etc)
Because shame is what causes people to shape up. That's why we shame gays, trannies, incels, and anyone else who is unmasculine. I don't worship pussy.
I'm just not insecure enough to think women are superior to me. I don't need to be a streamer thot to make 6 figures or to get laid.
Masculinity isn't being an overly macho and muscular 80iq brutish alpha male meathead who only talks about how much pussy he has smashed and the weights he has lifted.
Masculinity is about not worshipping pussy and stopping to seek validation from women. Masculinity is about exceeding social expectations and going your own way, not giving in to bullshit and standing for what you say.
Based n redpilllio