Who is this pretty girl and what's her story?
I read some shit but I need more information
Who is this pretty girl and what's her story?
I read some shit but I need more information
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She has a feminine penis and I want to suck her girlcum out of her boiclit
A trap? AFAIK she's a biological female
Bump. Help me anons! I need answers!
This is Buffy. Look how cool and smug he looks! I bet he is out fist fighting kids with his Chad BF right now! I wonder what his favorite flavor of Doritos is...I hope its not cool ranch....I hate cool ranch.
she fucked off for good she (allegedly) has a husband now. She wears her husbands wisdom tooth as a necklace which is a redflag; a hardcore yandere probably. Im guessing she ll murder anyone who stands between her and her husband so tread lightly user.
buffy a cute!
Thanks user, just wanted more info. But did she used to post on Jow Forums or did someone else just posted here pics here?
posted as a tripfag? i dont think so. anonymously? who knows. I dont know much but Im sure buffyposter knows more info so ask him instead
Do you know where can I contact him or something?
hes this guy lol. you could also ask the guys from double chan/agatha2. I really dont know how else to help you fren
Wow, I'm retarded. Thanks for the help.
So, do you have more info about this girl and her story that you could share with me please?
Just an ordinary goth/gothic lolita fashion hobbyist and Instagram user whose photos got popular on r9k. People starting screwing with her and she eventually deleted everything and supposedly got married to her boyfriend.
To be honest, she's the only woman I'm really attracted to (mostly because of her face + her style) which is a problem as you can imagine. I think I have most photos you'll find of her on the internet but I'd like to be pleasantly surprised with one I haven't seen before.
I find her very attractive too, her eyes are kinda hypnotic and I really like her nose for some reason.
This is asking too much but would you share them with me? I did some reverse image search and found about 40 only, I'd like to have more if possible.
I doubt I have any you don't already have since I've gotten all of mine through Jow Forums and /agatha/ but I'll give making an online album a try. Give me a few minutes.
imgur has put a timer on some of the last few photos so it'll be another 55 minutes.
Never mind, tried again and they immediately uploaded. There are likely a few duplicates since I didn't check. I think this is everything I have.
It's okay. I appreciate you sharing them.
Thank you very much for the album user.
You're welcome.
Originally Oregonian Octopus.
Why does every seemingly interesting girl turn into a vapid normie and marries some Chad?
To be honest that's infinitely better than her becoming a camwhore, a prostitute, or any number of things. One of the better outcomes she could have had.
Marrying the love of your life and being with them until death is nothing normie. Only people with strongest and purest feelings do that, which is rare.