How do you cope with gender dysphoria when you're a mentally ill 24 yr old that repressed for most of their life?

how do you cope with gender dysphoria when you're a mentally ill 24 yr old that repressed for most of their life?

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The way you cope with mental illness despite being mentally ill is by treating the root cause: addiction to external validation. Nobody cares about you /really/ and nobody ever will, except you. So stop the bullshit and make you a better you.

Realize that gender dysphoria isnt real and that you are just a lonely person who has been lonely for most or all of his life and just wants to receive affection from another person to make up for the black hole that the years of isolation have left in you, and that you subconsciously believe the only way you can receive this affection is by being a woman, which creates a complex that ties your desire for affection to a desire to be a woman, giving you the illusion that you have gender dysphoria.

>how do you cope with gender dysphoria
By killing yourself.

By getting the FUCK off my board faggot.

Yikes, if you were young I would've suggested transition and just live a normal life, but at 24... oof. I guess an hero maybe?

wow are you a pizza cutter because that was all edge and no point

i know user
i don't want to be a tranny
at this point I'm genuinely considering suicide
being a tranny at my age sounds miserable

>how do you cope with gender dysphoria when you're a mentally ill 24 yr old that repressed for most of their life?
not a retard user sorry

Focus on the good stuff you can still archive in live, you can do it user.

Why the fuck didnt you transition sooner? You couldve been a cute girl and reaped that sweet female privilege

oh I've always been a massive faggot user
i just never really truly accepted my gender dysphoria enough to transition

>how do you cope with gender dysphoria when you're a mentally ill 24 yr old that repressed for most of their life?
be gf

Gender dysphoria isn't real. You're brainwashed by anime, onions, jews, and this feminized society. Fix yourself and by a man for once. My prescription: you need to start lifting. Also stop watching anime with cute girls, fag.

Get raped straight

Everyone thinks im gay and im functionally a faggot but i slam puss

you'd date a damaged old hag ?

the way you say that sounds pretty cute user lol

okay have a crappy weekend hope your house burns down

tfw no late transitioner gf

24 Soooo old,
get some meds

I suggest seeking a therapist who supports your choice not to transition. Im in the same boat. Modern medicine cannot give me the result I would want to achieve, and my dysphoria is not so pervasive that it ruins my life. I think you should get to the root of why you feel the way you do and deal with that. And try to accept the equipment you were born with. A big problem with society today is that, despite making more of an effort to equalize the sexes than it ever has before, it just focuses too much on gendering certain traits. Having feminine mannerisms and interests is not what makes a woman a woman. Nor the other way around. Its much more complex and nuanced than that. Don't mutilate yourself over some arbitrary idea of what it means to be a woman or a man. Peace comes from the inside.

wow you really got him good there

well what ever you do DONT transition seriously getting the operation to mutilate your dick wont help you it would be the equivalent of taking a schizophrenic seriously

who said anything about cutting my dick off annon

I don't think there is a way, repressio is always miserable. But there are some good moments still, i guess, so killing oneself isn't really warranted. Also with the progress of VR etc there might be much better copes soon.

I swear we have a whole board for this and it's not r9k.

r9k has no theme.
Also /lgbt/ would tell him to become a tranny.

Content isn't original, I swear we have this thread every 2 hours.

sucking lots of penis

Because "tfw no bf originally" is original?

How is there no point? Killing yourself will solve your faggotry and all other problems you have because you cant have problems when you are dead

Fix your depression first, then see if you feel the need to fix anything else

You keep repressing, because if you stop we'll hate you even more.

*SNIP* *SNIP* penis comes off

That's actually a good advice. Repressing minor GD or AGP is very doable, it's depression that makes it much harder. Granted, they can be part of the cause of said depression. If the depression is fixed, things tend to go much better

just an hero it's not that complicated

this board sucks orgiggg

>You will never be one of the boys
MtFs have it easier. Women accept you if not treat you better for virtue signaling points. Your surgeries are better.
Why are FtMs not as insufferable? Why don't we whine as much as you? Why are we less slutty?
Is it because you are hyper roasties? Or maybe it's because most MtF are just man babies with a narcissism fetish.

>how do you cope with gender dysphoria when you're a mentally ill 24 yr old that repressed for most of their life?

First, there's no such thing like 'gender dysphoria'.
You were born either male or female. Even in those rare 'intersexuality' cases, you're either male or female plus something physically imperfect.

Being gay (or any other "gender" that's not straight male or straight female) is a mental illness. As you know, a mental illness always has physical implications. Example: being an alcoholic out of depression: you have to cure both the alcohol after-effects and the depression.

"Repressing" a mental illness (example: a gay pretending to be a normie) equals to fighting the symptoms instead of the cause. Just like trying to heal brain cancer by aspirin and valium.

"Coping" is specular to "repressing": accepting the symptoms does not equal to fighting the causes.

Just like an alcoholic can dramatically get better as soon as he spends a few weeks sober, you can effectively reduce the immediate damages by locking away your gay stuff (toys, clothes, etc) and stopping watching porn. Have your brains busy with creative/sobering stuff - say, woodworking, model trains, gardening, cooking your own healthy meals, renovating/fixing/cleaning your house, etc - and stay away from the people (just tell them you're taking a little break for personal reasons, log off social networks, keep the phone off for 23 hours and 50 minutes every day). Keep a detailed daily log of your successes and give them points. 8/10 because you built a comfy dog house for your pet. 5/10 because your finest meal was a bit burnt. 9/10 because you reorganized/sorted your papers/receipts/documents bin.

There's a number of reparations therapy centers out there, most of them religious. Seeking help will make it easier. Those testimonies sound just unbelievable, because you can't even think it's possible to tame the gay beast you feel you've inside. It's never too late to have a good try.