I'll take it even if you're 2/10. In exchange I can offer you a reasonably attractive male body, life in one of the richest countries in the world and a lifetime of neetdom if you play your cards right.
Any femanons want to switch bodies?
I would do it if I could user I hate being a woman
Sure user. Mail me your severed head and I'll mail you my severed head.
why would you want to live in a 2/10 female body?
aint nobody taking the batshit crazy mom of a batshit crazy tranny
With enough effort and patience, there's almost nothing that can't be fixed. A tranny, on the other hand, will ALWAYS have XY chromosomes. I don't even care about being very attractive. I'd settle for an eventual 5/10. Trannies focus way too much on fooling people with their looks. Knowing I'm a girl would be enough for me.
What happened didn't you enjoy the mountains with your mom user?
Ew aiste is a dude what a waste of time
a 2/10 fembot might as well be a 10/10 in the eyes of the average robot. you can easily obtain a bf or orbiters here.
The best we can hope to do is feel comfortable with the body we developed. Fantasies are fantasies. Hormones are reality if you can get them.
I know your pain, user. I'm a tranny too.
why would you want a robot bf or orbiters?
you can get money and attention
Haven't gone yet. maybe this weekend.
You're very late to the party. Regardless, these posts always sting the most, because you aren't just trying to be mean to me for the sake of it, you're genuinely disgusted and for a good reason.
Do you plan to do anything with your body? I'm pretty against it.
I'm not it's just that you seem pretty cool and I was legitimately fooled into believing you were just an out of the ordinary woman but that's because ur a dude
I'm going to take HRT, even if I have to do it without a doctor. I don't care if I pass or not. The hormones will be as close as I'll ever get to having the body I was meant to have. If I can at least be comfortable in private, with only myself as company, then I can at least not want to kill myself.
Honestly repressing it for 20+ years was way harder than anything I'm doing right now.
imagine being so vapid all you care for in life is money, attention and dilating. no wonder the rate is 40%. no wonder ops hobby consists of making idealized female versions of himself to spam on this board
You can whine about she still makes money and they still get off
how the fuck
is this possible aiste?
Wouldn't it be easier tho to focus on enjoyin life so that at some point you will have higher priorities then something you can't change anyway? Pretty sure you can do alot of great stuff in your own buddy as specially in a new countrie and everywhere to go/ explore. Also i assume you don't struggle with that many hardenships when you let your mental aside.
i come from the moon we are far advanced beyond your primitive concerns for aesthetics
I'm going to bed, so in case you're going to write me a reply, I'd like to at least say this.
Present as a girl online. It's okay to admit your'e trans. Just treat yourself like a girl online at least. You're already doing that. Just do it everywhere, not just Jow Forums.
Small things like signing up for some site and using "female" for the gender will help cope with the dysphoria a bit, at least I'm finding.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
I think you're a kind, feminine soul. Please don't let these threads turn into an outlet for self harm.
Did you just assume I was a girl, or is it because I said so myself? I don't claim to be a girl much nowadays, just sometimes as a shitpost, but I mention being a guy quite often, I think.
I don't think I'd be any happier if my body looked more feminine. It's not exactly what I'm after. I just want the peace of knowing I'm a girl. Taking hrt or anything like that would only remind me that I'm not.
This is just one of my many fantasies. The fjords are very inspiring haha.
I guess I was hoping for that. But wherever I am, I'm just counting days until I die. Nature is so cruel. What's the point of trannies anyway? Why give people delusions that can never ever be fulfilled? No wonder the 40% is a thing.
>I just want the peace of knowing I'm a girl.
That's why I want to take HRT. I'm already comfortable identifying to myself as female. That's just what I am, it's what I've always been. I've always felt this way, as long as I can remember, I was just trying to rationalize it as anything else (or was just too young to understand).
The HRT will change small things about yourself. You'll have more feminine fat distribution, fairer skin, breasts if you take them long enough and get lucky. You said you'd want to in a 2/10 body if you could. Hormones are the best we can do to stave off crippling dysphoria.
It was the anime image if im being honest, it gets me every time. I see an anime and Im already 100% certain Im reading the words of a woman, you know this by now though lol.
post made by mooninite gang
I mean i agree that being a tranny is pointless if it makes you only regret what you don't have instead of being happy over the improvement ( for some) compared to your old self. I assume most of modern problems start by people disliking their life and looking for something to change that but when realizing they fail over and over again they're looking for something they can blame thats out of their controll. Since now instead of focusing on your live and continuing to stand up after being beat down you focus on you body that will never change which is easier but also way more cruel to yourself. Look what you can do and stop chasing what you can't. It's like tgat reading your post for the last couple of weeks and prob the same for you since years. Being sad didn't help so why not at least try something new
I don't know. I feel like every step of transitioning solves 1 problem and at the same time reveals 10 more. Like I said, Looks are not my main concern. They alone won't give me peace from my mental distress (not sure what to call it). I'd liken transitioning to having a broken machine and just fixing random parts of it as you see fit. It might end up functioning somewhat, but it will never give you the pure feeling of building one from scratch, making sure every details is perfectly fitted as to not cause any issues in the future.
I think being a girl would save me from my mental anguish. Just looking like one won't.
I thought it was common knowledge by now that all animeposters are just larping as girls haha.
You're trying to rationalize parts of yourself that are irrational. Hormones have effects on your brain just as much as any other part of your body.
I want my mind and brain to be able to connect better. I feel hormones will help with that. I want a mind body connection.
Call me Marine. I just stopped repressing a week or two ago. I'll try and pop into your threads when I see them.
If you are on discord or something I'd be willing to talk to you on there too.
Your part of the reason I stopped repressing, so thank you.
I'm going to bed now though. Have a good night.
what advice would you give someone with dysphoria that wants to escape the fate of being a tranny?
Stop repressing. You can't change how you feel about yourself.
Can a cis girl one day just decide to feel like a guy? No. Why is that any different for you?
I post anime girls because I like the eye candy, I find girls visually appealing in 3D and 2D, but 2D can be so saccharine that I believe it lifts the viewer spirits and sets him into a friendlier mood than he otherwise would with a random cat picture for example. Plus they're an easy way to convey basic emotions.
I don't think it's accurate to say all animeposters are larping as girls, though I agree a high percent of them have gender identity issues to a degree, like 50% realistically, of which 70% is bottom faggots that are ok being males, the rest is actual trannies.
I don't think I care that much about the body itself. It's more mental. Whenever I fantasize about being a girl, I don't usually think "oh, I'd be so hot with my tits and vag, I'd bend over for all the Chads", it's more like, I'd be doing the same thing I'm doing right now, like sitting by a fjord's shore, but I'd feel lighter, like a stone being lifted from my heart. Even all my problems could stay the same, but they wouldn't seem so bad. I'd actually confront everything with confidence. I'd be chill and happy. Maybe I'd even love my mom and start bonding with her.
I don't think we share the same philosophy, but I'm glad to have helped anyway. Goodnight.
My plan is to suffer until I die naturally or probably sooner. I don't think I want to live past 25.
Yeah, you're right. I'm just being a bit cheeky.
I mean thats a lot of good stuff right? It really suck being born in a body you don't feel comfortable in but why i'm always tryin to tell you is to not always get yourself down over something thats set in stone anyway. I'm happy it seems to work out with your mom tho