Sun's coming up edition
waking up every day of my life glad i wasnt born in china
brraapppp plop plop splash ahhhh edition
i wish that chika would post again...just one last time...
going for a run lads. you can sleep tight in the knowledge that queen and country are getting protected by studs like myself. god bless you all
What do the lads think of this new gif I've made?
Makes you appreciate your freedom a bit more eh ?
woah, the hue changes. that's.. incredible.
Thanks man it means a lot. I have this weird tendency to spike randomly in talent and create something I like and then not be able to recreate it again for months so I'm glad when it happens. Kind of makes it feel like luck when it's so hit or miss though.
Subway is shit now, so expensive and all you get is a water and the world's smallest cookie. I remember when you got a coke at least.
Also McDonalds, 5 pounds for a large meal and it's a few salty chips and a small burger that doesn't fill you
Wish Crona would post or update her blog again.... really miss you girl!
>Thanks man it means a lot. I have this weird tendency to spike randomly in talent and create something I like and then not be able to recreate it again for months so I'm glad when it happens. Kind of makes it feel like luck when it's so hit or miss though.
spicy bit of autism here
A wank? Dont mind if I do
Ah, he's still had a go though that's the spirit of minecraft eh. Tried to make a webm for the lads but it was too big so tried a gif but was too big. Then my internet went down. Got this. And i put it on their site, kek
Got em out for the lads, wahey
like it. veru spooku
do you know if there's a way to compress a gif without shortening it?
wiII try this see if it works eh
i did it. sorry for the stupid question
nedd to work on muh B's
fuckin googs
Alright lads cheeky bump for you
Thanks user, appreciate the bump
>imagining what kind of nonce i would be if my arse was exposed
i would def be one of the rude, stand-offish ones, maybe not even talk to them at all. just give em the silence treatment.
bloody hate those ones who throw on the water works as soon as the jig is up.
I imagine saying nothing until the police and legal council arrive would be the best idea
i hope all you lads are excited for the iran war
It's not happening. It never happens
not looking forward to between the hours of 9 and 12
>the hours of 9 and 12
what happens then?
Anyone else here not anti-Semitic? I feel left out when people are going on about the jews.
Bit early for this lad. Jews make a lot of tv/film I watch so I cant hate them all
The only reason to not be anti-semitic is because you haven't read enough to realise just how sinister and corrupting the Jewish menace is
>Me? Antisemetic?
>Of course not bro, I love Jews
Subway was always shit lad.
As for maccies, if you think that's expensive try going to BK
Five guys is where its at mate
*enters the thread wearing a leather jacket, struts confidently across the room while combing hair and sits down at the cool kids table*
Morning lads, is it finally going to be a rain-free day? Might go for a bike ride
Could get a proper meal at Spoons for the cost of those
>order 1 burger and some chips with a drink
>that's 15 quid mate
To be fair it tastes really good but fuck me is it dear
>proper meal
Pick one
Alright mate tell me what you consider to be a proper meal.
oh shit I've been rumbled
*dives out the nearest window*
Wow sugar free Red Bull is actually disgusting
>ill sort it out tomorrow
>im too tired
rinse repeat for 5 years
So knives out
Cook him up
Squash his head
Put him in the pot
Fucking homeless lads.
You might get what you're after
Strange, but not a stranger
I'm an ordinary guy
Be careful doing that lad, you might get a nasty STD
*gives you an empty subway cup, a sleeping bag and a cardboard sign*
>north west hebephile hunters
even admitting in your own name that you dont go after the real paedos
What's a Welsh chav name?
Gavin Hughes
Weird thing is their dads were probably nonces/hebes back in the day.
Real paedos are pretty rare, it's easy to sting a Hebe because it's mentally healthy and pretty normal so they are common and easy to find
Think I broke my toe running around the house barefoot lads, do I need to book an appointment at the doctor or will it fix itself?
Nothing they can do with a broken toe. You'll be alright take some nurofen
Doctors or see what a pharma says about it.
most of the people on the team probably loved some jailbait 10 or so years ago
i stumbled across an dear deidre article from the late 90s, a 15yo girl wrote into the column about her bf who was in his twenties. deidre seemed unconcerned with their age, just said that make sure that your parents approve of your boyfriend (note: boyfriend and not abuser/rapist) and that if they didn't then what he was doing was technically illegal but eiher you or your parents would have to report it. there has been a massive cultural shift in the last twenty years or so, any time i have attempted to bring this up the cognitive dissonance is palpable.
Back when I was 15 a female friend had a bf in his 20's. Didnt seem too outrageous although her dad did want to batter him.
The Stop Making Sense version of this makes me feel v happy
>when I'm sober I keep thinking about the next spliff
>when I'm baked I keep swearing off it for good
what am I like eh lads
That's called addiction, mate.
I used to be like that. Bored af early in the day and really wanting to smoke when I got back home. Getting back home and then smoking up. Then just being bored and high, wondering why the fuck you did this, it isn't making anything better, in fact, I'm a little sedated now, so I can't do the shit I would normally do, fuck I need to stop. I'll do the shit I need to do when it starts wearing off.
It's wearing off, better smoke some more. And the cycle repeats.
Best thing to do is to smoke less. But when I was smoking, I didn't/couldn't stop unless I absolutely had to. Which eventually happened. It looks like you're smoking to deal with some personal/mental health issues, I was too. Try and see someone about it. It'll help you in the long term.
Having spent a significant amount of time around old people I've come to the conclusion most of them are total a-holes.
They go on about snowflakes but throw a tantrum when people don't do shit in the way 'it's meant to be done' a.k.a. the way it was done 80 fucking years ago.
>her dad did want to batter him.
Kek he was basically this although Souf
Last wagey day of the week lads.
What are we all doing tonight to celebrate?
Take away? Drinking? I know I'll be doing both.
Not a wagie but few drinks and some footie cor
Not too sure lad, haven't got any dinner in the house so takeaway sounds tempting, otherwise just an early night I think, might go out tomorrow night
Today is the day I start a south west paedo / hebe hunter group.
>Hebe hunter
Absolute state of you
Sure you are.
No larpy here thanks
I really wish I had a 15 years and 11 months old gf lads
I'm literally shitposting, ie. posting in britfeel on the bog
Fifteen months on hrt
i think its about time that we started expanding into ephebophile hunting, 16-19 is a vulnerable age group, these are vulnerable CHILDREN being preyed upon by ADULTS. but our corrupt justice system says they are capable of giving consent? its vile, and these fucking nonces are stealing our kids innocence, giving them ptsd and all of that SHIT. ive had enough of it personally, its digsuting and we need to save are children.
>Fifteen months on hrt
which tranny are you lass?
ha yeah mate nice
you lot still fucking banging on about nonces? nonces bad yes we know, lets move on
Wish I'd saved the Big Apu edit
About 3 years ago I started speaking to this Indian girl online fairly frequently. She had a fairly wealthy family and went to a private school. She also had family members in Uganda/Kenya and visited there quite often
Eventually over time it got to the stage where we were speaking every single day and for quite a long time. One day she suddenly deactivated her social media accounts for 3 days and went off grid although she came back. She claimed that this was because she had an exam she was cramming for and needed to be free of distractions for those 3 days.
2 weeks after this, her and her sister deleted all their social media accounts simultaneously and has never been seen since. I know she didn't just ghost me because I was also in contact with her friends and they asked me where she disappeared to and I couldn't offer them an explanation
I wonder what ever happened to her, I hope she's OK.
spoken like a true like sexy little 18yos? do yers? you fucking sick bastard
Cockroaches and the rat shit
Hand me downs with the patches
Mama put a little money in the mattress
Taught me how to make a silver spoon out of plastic
You can either sink, swim or be the captain
Get the last word I'mma get the last laugh in
Now they say "Jidenna why you dressing so classic?"
I don't want my best dressed day in a casket
You can either lead, follow or get out the way
Make a fuckin' move it would make my fuckin' day
Got a 100 year plan you jus' think about the today
Always been about time more than been about pay
got a bit of a cold lads
Had one lingering for weeks now
>Jidenna grew up partially in Nigeria, where his father was working as a professor of computer science at Enugu State University.
>When Jidenna was 6 years old, the family moved back to the United States after they had suffered a kidnap attempt.
>Jidenna was accepted to study at Harvard University but chose to study at Stanford University instead
>In 2008, after graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree, he pursued his music career while working full-time as a teacher
Got a bit of a sore throat meself. Why does this happen in summer?
>so, this is the "britfeel" I've been hearing about then?
>how many nonces do you reckon are in there, sarge?
>could be hundreds, constable. could be hundreds
*initiates the /britfeel/ Tower emergency lockdown protocol, sealing every door and window behind metal shutters*
I hope all you lads are having a wonderful Friday
*sends pic related to Smithster on FB Messenger*
>go to buy a train ticket
>quite expensive so I do split ticketing
>pick the wrong time by accident
>don't catch it until they send the confirmation email
>to get a refund have to order a new ticket and give them the order references
>because of the admin fee am now paying more for a longer journey
Hate how expensive trains are, lads. Feel free to laugh at me and call me a retard.
hahaha nice one deano
Owain Hughes
Most based, correct advice I've head from britfeel in a while. I was in exactly the same boat smoking like 2g a day. You smoke your problems away to simply create more and more problems. I'm now back to recreational and don't really crave it, but buy in 3.5 or 2g to be safe.
I hope you are feeling better now lad, really do.
>most popular in serbia
how strange
HATE flies
simple as
wish they were extinct tbqh can't leave the door open without a fly coming in
best way to kill them? i just try to hit them with something
Morning boysies, trust we had a good night?
Woke up with the missus' today, she didn't fancy getting up so I tickled her a bit.
She's up now but she's annoyed at me, gonna cook up some scrammy eggs then take her to lunch, see if I'm back in the good books by then.
What you lads up to?
Got loads of things to sell, really cba.
might even be selling gaming pc and getting a laptop instead because im gonna be moving around a lot in the next year or two. they're bloody expensive, though.
SCEA leave Timmy alone. He had like 3 or 4 takeaways delivered yesterday and as well as a police visit
Fucking hate crossover episodes. Force you to watch a show you don't have or like. Comic books do this bollocks too. Wankers.
might just have to submit to bittylicious' extortionate price lads.
>timmy needs help, he's been getting worse and worse
>scea sets up a situation where people are forced to contact the police to go visit timmy
>police visit timmy and realise just how bad he's getting
>police get timmy locked up and tim gets help and medicated to become a functioning member of society again
scea is a good lad