>Be me
>Work at McDonald's
>Spit and piss a little bit in the mac sauce
>life's good
Who else is a wagecuck that fucks with people's food? I'm thinking of bringing in a vile of cum for tomorrow.
Be me
>vile of cum
You're where you belong at least.
I hope you get caught and arrested then raped by multiple niggers then stabbed
>I wonder why I'm still stuck working a minimum wage job
Enjoy your pissmac
Fuck you, asshole. I work a miserable minimum wage job and I don't do this shit. You're not making anything better for anyone, you're just making things that much shittier.
no animal on earth should have to put up with this min wage shit
Why do you not piss in the food?
Because one of the people buying might be someone like me. Because doing so won't improve my life, won't improve their life, won't improve anything. Even if someone is a complete scumbag I don't do that. There's no gain and it's just a disgusting and degrading thing to do for both parties.
>Unironically eating Mcdonalds as I read your post
>I'm thinking of bringing in a vile of cum for tomorrow.
it's vial, although you are vile. Not that I care; I don't even buy McDonald's.
>eating cumburgers
I dont eat that crap anyway, still i hope tyrone shoves his vile of cum down youre throat you degenerate
Just to be clear I don't fuck with the happymeals. That would be gross.
Why not, cum is a good source of protein user
ayyyy got me some mcd's on uber eats myself.
I think the food delivery portion of Uber is a lot safer than driving people around.
Why Mcwagie? Why?!
>not fucking with normalscum at every opportunity, no matter how small
bet it doesnt taste as vile as your fucking education faggot
It's so easy to mix cum into the whipped cream
>be a miserable failure in life
>thinks fucking with other people's food is the way to regain lost ground
lmao, if you're wondering why you're stuck in a shit job, this mentality is why. Enjoy dying alone.
and you enjoy your pissmacs
Robots eat at McDonnals the most you fucking retard
Why the FUCK would anyone eat low quality trash like McTrasholds?
people who buy fastfood usually already have life tough enough as it is. unless its a pack of stacies and chads dont do this shit
>Enjoy dying alone
you're on r9k you normalscum subhuman
when i worked at McDonald's i would drop the fries on the floor on purpose then i would scoop them up with my broom and bring them to where then sinks are (there are no camera there) then i would place the dirty fries back in their cardboard container and happily serve them to our valued customers
I work at minimum wage job but not even I'm this mad about it. Seriously go fuck yourself. People are paying you for a service and they expect that, they don't expect service but with piss, spit, and cum in it.
Did you expect people here to laugh at the things you've done to poor innocent people? Did you expect us to go "oh ha same, you're one of us now." no your disgusting. I'm going to be glad when you're back here in a few weeks pissing and crying about being fired from your job, fuck you.
you shouldn't fuck with any of the meals.
>crying about being fired from McDonald's
kek you losers really need to go to trade school or join the military
I'm in uni you nerd.
lol then you should know that getting fired from McDonald's really doesn't mean shit i bet you never even had a job in your life
I work two jobs so I can afford to go to uni, stop assuming things about people.
great so why would anyone cry over being fired from a bottom of the barrel job like McDonald's?
>There might be cum in the burgers
cause OP clearly doesn't have anything going on in his life. If he gets fired from wagie then it's back to the neet lifestyle with him and in his own twisted mind he would interpret him being fired as being a failure.
>TFW user was right and offended OP so OP stopped responding and left the thread to die.
nah i think the thread is just dead
>bacon big mac
Hi nick fuentes
nick the spick goes on her? kek that guys show sucks only losers and boomers waste their time watching his trash
>tfw wageslaving at walmart
>tfw taking the garbage out to the dumpster
>can check my phone and have a ciggy since the cameras aren't on me while I'm out here
>talking with the guy who works at the mcdonalds in the walmart who also takes out the trash
>have a few minutes to breathe and relax by the dumpster before anyone asks where I am
It's the little things in life...