femanons, what do you think would be the worst thing about being a man?
femanons, what do you think would be the worst thing about being a man?
being black is the worst.
white and yellows are good and equal imo
Nice job exposing yourself as a r*dditor, retard.
Definitely loneliness
When you are a man, no one really wants you around the same way they do with women. Women are showered with affection and attention, but if you are a man its pretty much you against the world.
Skimming through it, all the women make it about them. Ironically this itself is the shittiest thing about being a man that none of them recognized.
I don't know if this is accurate, but I'm 24 and have been a NEET for a long time, and I don't really count college since I only go 12 hours a week, at night. I spend all my time sleeping, masturbating, and playing TF2. My mother always sheltered me and treated me as her baby, and only now I'm trying to open up. My college is like "Aw you poor girl, we'll help you find a job" and they actually are, they don't care I have no experience at all, they're seeing how they can accommodate me in an actual decent job, I don't even have to make an effort with that. I feel like if I were a man they'd be like "you fucking lazy ass, 24 and never worked? How did your parents raise you?" or some shit like that and wouldn't help me at all, they'd just be like "find a job yourself" or something, and I'd be so old nobody would even take me, but since I'm a girl it's "Aw, don't worry, we'll get you a job soon!".
Can confirm that at least at my college they just tell guys to keep applying to shit. Never mind that I have the education from them that qualifies me for job openings at their school
Probably being told to bottle up all my emotions and not getting any support if I'm feeling like shit. Obviously that's kind of a male in-group problem but it's pretty shitty all the same.
>> I've found that basically everyone who I'm like that with ends up either thinking I'm into them romantically
>Honestly I think is why so many young guys believe in the "friendzone" stuff, they befriend a young woman who treats them like she would a female friend and they get confused because it seems a lot more deeper than what they consider a friendship, so they get bitter when the girl complains about her shitty boyfriend but never leaves him or does leave the boyfriend but doesn't date him despite the emotional investment the boy has in this girl because they don't realize that yeah, complaining about their shitty boyfriend is a normal thing young women do with their friends. Sharing their feelings is normal. Being each others shoulder to cry on is normal. But to the young guy, who hasn't experienced this they can feel like they were taken advantage of, led on, etc.
Fuck this gay earth
Its women who uphold that. They also keep the "toxic masculinity" they claim to hate so much going by choosing guys who exhibit those traits
>hollywood wish fullfillment films give false idea of how stuff works
>"Fucking no-experience losers! Its your fault you feel led on!"
its also a big turn off for women who see it as weakness
You're not a neet because you cant relate to the feeling of doing nothing with your life
>They also keep the "toxic masculinity" they claim to hate so much going by choosing guys who exhibit those traits
God I hate this. We live in a rape culture because women refund to stop teaching men to rape.
Actually having to take responsibility for things. There are literally armies of male relatives, manginas, and even government departments inventing excuses for shitty behaviour.
I'm an ugly autistic woman but okay.
ITT a bunch of pussies who care about "men's feelings" ;(
Grow up and man up fags.
Speak for yourself, Stacey. I'm an ugly chick but I worked my ass off to graduate with distinction from the top research university in my country in a STEM field, won several merit based scholarships, and worked since the summer of my first year of college while doing volunteer work - but because I'm ugly and autistic I still get shot down. Don't fucking claim to represent all women.
What are we supposed to care about, women's feelings?
You do understand that women aren't people, so they don't have feelings?
having a toxic amount of testosterone in my body
judging from their posts on internet, it is their animalistic uncontrollable sexual drive that makes all of their sufferings orbit only one theme - "tfw no gf".
Probably being controlled by my dick. Also worse orgasms.
What are you saying, that you are unwanted? Just hop on Tinder, you'll see that hundreds of guys are dying to talk to you. No one cares if you're ugly, most women are ugly. No one cares if you're autistic either, when people list the things that they like about women, social skills rarely make the list. And thats just in romantic life. Thats doesnt even begin to cover how easy women have it in all other aspects of life.
t3stanun somfin dond mind mi
>testanun somfin dond mind me
>>testan somfin dond mynd me
>>>testan somfin dont mynd mi
That was the idea? Pretend they were men and think about what would they be most uncomfortable with
Not being allowed to cry without everyone thinking you're a little bitch
Not being able to carry, birth, and care for your children
>Not being allowed to cry without everyone thinking you're a little bitch
it still amazes me women can just talk about any issue
having testicles sucks