Ever since watching the Ted Bundy documentary I've come to realize how scary and psychotic men really are. Any other fembots fear men?
Ever since watching the Ted Bundy documentary I've come to realize how scary and psychotic men really are...
>Any other fembots fear men?
This makes me hate men honestly. I'll never, ever, be able to walk safely at night and it's all their fault. They're worse than animals honestly. They should be kept in cages.
their testosterone makes them volatile, never relax around one
The scariest part is knowing no matter how careful I am I must sleep and a man will break into my home and rape/kill me. Its not a matter of if but when. Men are predators
As a male I must apologize on behalf of my gender. I know that there is nothing I can do to right the wrongs that millions of women suffer from every day. I know that we can never be forgiven. But I am sorry.
Only trannies say shit like this
femcel general thread
Trannies are great :)
Shut up, women can't have an opinion
Pls be bait, there is no way people have become this degenerate
No you aren't, your comment just a ploy for me to relax and believe you are no threat and then suddenly you pounce. Men use anything as a way to trick us. Like the guy in south carolina pretends to be an uber driver, she gets in, the trap shuts and they find her body the next day.
so you are ok with women being hunted?
As a man I agree, but you probably deserve it since literally everyone is a piece of shit in some way. I'd take physical over emotional harm any day
Buy a cat sweetheart. They won't murder you and are as deceiving as most women are so you'll go great together. nvm you probably already have like 5.
Everybody should be hunted
Just don't use uber sweetie. If you trade security for convenience you deserve everything you get
>They won't murder you
Of course you don't think its murder but culling or mercy killing.
Worldwide men commit 96% of all murder of I guess in a way you are right. Men hunt both men and women and kill them
just today I recently read about a man who was obsessed with Ted Bundy and used him as a model to kidnap, rape and behead a foreign exchange student studying in the US. They were friends in the same university that he went to and he offered her a ride to drop her off but she was never to be seen again. These psychos can even be some of your good acquaintances, its not even just random men.
I understand if you want to feel that way. It is perfectly in your right. I am so sorry.
You're right, they create their own opportunity to rape and kill women. Never be alone with a man
that was a nigger, not a person
I don't want to feel this way but I have to accept reality. That girl had people around, a camera to observe and she still dies a horrible death just because she's female.
You say that as if its a bad thing.
We are fast approaching 8 billion people on this planet. Its unsustainable and the strong need to cull the weak.
A+ celbait
i'd rather live with 20 cats than with one man. you're a plague.
That was a man who came up with a clever way to snare unsuspecting prey.
I'm talking about cats, you fucking imbecile
that's incorrect. We're more like an execution. You are the plague. Men do violent acts, but women infest livelihoods and emotionally manipulate. Everyone is evil, but since i am the superior gender i can at least see our flaws, while you subhumans blame it on everyone else and don't even notice the wrongs you do.
You must've not lost a family member of your own or someone that you love for you to be saying this.
It's not just men, people in general are violent subhumans, women just don't do it as much because they're not as good at it. The world is full of subhuman cunts, never forget this.
you're barely above a dog.
>Men do violent acts, but women infest livelihoods and emotionally manipulate.
you say this like it's a good thing. most women don't manipulate, but almost all men are violent degenerates.
>but almost all men are violent degenerates.
If that were true, civilization wouldn't even exist
My favorite serial killer is Peter Sutcliffe
Jesus Christ just get a gun if you're so afraid of the world, pussy.
>most women don't manipulate
Women are born with more empathy, men are not. They lack it. Thus why serial killers are mostly men.
you won't understand because you're one yourself.
>wanting to solve violence with even more violence
t. amerifat
>most women don't manipulate
god, i love being right. thanks for confirming
women are apparently born with less braincells. Men have as much empathy as everyone else. Serial killers are psychopaths it has nothing to do with gender.
>You must've not murdered someone for you to be saying this.
Who lets brainlets on this board. I want them out
If women had the same strenght and had to chase partners like men do they would do same. Psychopaths are like they 3% of population anyway so don't worry
>I'm not going to defend myself I'd rather be a victim! please world, beat and rape me all you want! I'm just a victim oh look at me!
t. Pathetic
the absolute state of women. they need men to take care of men while whining about those same men. what a weak excuse of an existence
The joke is that nobody has ever said this on Jow Forums
they don't. you're just a paranoid incel. Jow Forums and what you read on incel forums is not real life, stupid faggot.
god what a retard.
fuck of my board piece of shit. sage
Why would anonymous strangers lie on the internet?
>men will murder and rape me
>you're just a paranoid incel
this lack of self awareness
god i love being right. thank you for proving another point. I'm sorry you had to be born as the inferior gender.
Oh no! I'm so retarded that if anyone tries to rape me I just put five holes in their chest! Please femanon, what should I do in this scenario? How do I stop a rapist from raping me without using 7mm? I'm obviously to retarded to figure it out on my own?
Fembots, please allow me to apologize for the ignorance my fellow man has displayed in this thread
I honestly feel bad for women who live in fear because of violent men. The worse part is that 90% of it is unnecessary and unavoidable. It also makes me depressed to know that i myself would be capable of doing terrible things given the right circumstance and enviroment
Yeah, closeted gay paradise.
stop the baiting, nobody is this much of a beta
But I do mean it
People are animals. Stop romanticizing everything. Ice age was not that long ago evolutionarily speaking.
All wars are just big scale animal turf battles.
femanon here, thank you for being such an ally. would you like to share your discord so i can get to know you a bit more?
I don't have a discord account, sorry.
>I'll never, ever, be able to walk safely at night and it's all their fault
Kek. Because us men do such a good job of insulating women from harsh reality, they actually believe wild animals aren't a thing.
>They're worse than animals honestly
They actually believe a wild animal won't tear them into little tiny bits far more remorselessly than the average man would.
>That girl had people around, a camera to observe and she still dies a horrible death just because she's stupid
I fixed that for you. You're welcome.
This. At being good, at being evil, at being ANYTHING, men are vastly superior.
>Women are born with more empathy, men are not
Explain why you're the majority of child and elder abusers.
This. It's utterly pathetic. They're like little children throwing tantrums every time daddy says "no" - and wonder why for most of history, they were treated as such.
You know what's the most hilarious thing about all this? It's completely unironic. Women truly are this lacking in self-awareness. I have met precisely one female in my entire life who has more insight than OP - and only because she was raised by men (mother died young, and by luck, only had dad and uncles - long story).
email? you seem really cute
Well if you really want to email me
>the majority of child and elder abusers
THIS. Women are completely sociopathic, will attack absolutely anyone for absolutely any excuse. Men fight more, but nearly always fight "fair".
>scary = Hot
>psychopathic = Sexy
>fear = Lusting
There you go sweetie, The auto correct on your phone miss typed again.
Pic related - and since this comment is highly likely unoriginal, lampshading it might help.
tits or gtfo, also using ted bundy as your template for an average man is pretty retarded. Jesus you must really be a woman.
why the fuck are you apologizing for something that isn't your fault?. Do you personally go around raping and killing people?. Grow a spine user
Are you familiar with the concept of representation
We neither agreed, nor are we paid enough, to be considered "representatives".
>Any other fembots fear men?
It isn't so much fear as just an awareness that I'm basically powerless. If you've ever play fought with a guy it's actually pretty unnerving how strong they actually are, even the weak looking ones. It doesn't help that the vast majority of men tower over me too.
I volunteered to do it. Someone has to apologize
Cool, you can be the official tampon of this thread, then.
>Play fight with men as a woman
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
If you dumb cunts hadn't contributed so much to the breakdown of patriarchy that used to protect you from shit loke this with the institution of marriage and your husband protecting you from other men this likely wouldn't have been a problem.
Also, women can easily manipulate men, especially young ones. If you didn't abuse your power maybe you lot would be married happily and peacefully and have a loving husband to protect you from the SUPY DUPY SCAWWY WOYLD
>men are unstoppable killing and rape machines
>men are scary stronk compared to me
>lets spend 50 years antagonizing them!
This is why everybody thinks women are dumb.
I'm a fembot. I don't really fear men tho. I have a penis so by all definitions I am a man. They really aren't that scary. As a fembot I think it is dumb and bad and mean to fear men. Especially when there are so many other things that actually are scary. Like the dark, loud noises, cute little mice, and mondays.
>expecting the weaker sex to be reasonable
Check yourself homeboy.
I will gladly take that role if I have to
Did you miss the word "play"? I don't seriously pick fights with guys because of this reason.
I never said it was scary just unnerving that on a day to day basis you can be surrounded by so many people far bigger and stronger than you.
You've got a dick dumbass. Try having a vagina and its a totally different world
But then I wouldn't be a fembot anymore. Try using your brain and it's a totally different world
>expressing surprise that the sex that built civilization and everything in it, from absolutely nothing, are capable of not killing you on sight - that is, behave civilized
"Ever since watching the Ted Bundy documentary I've come to realize how I like to generalize a whole gender and be paranoid my whole life instead of a reasonable person. Any other fembots fear men?"
If you had a husband or a man at your side it wouldn't be scary because his job is to protect you and be your lifelong body guard.
Do you not understand how society works? It's abnormal for men to threaten you. Way abnormal. I get the feeling that you don't go outside much.
Fembots, what can I do as a man to help make this world safer for you all?
>Men have as much empathy as everyone else
Until that dick gets hard and then it takes over. A huge thread just yesterday about fucking their own mother. Men are sick
Bitch I just read up on Dean Corll, you don't have it any worse than men. There are a lot of terrifying sons of bitches out there.
Perform proxy violence for us.
Pussy right?
You don't understand male sexuality. I can find a woman very arousing, but because I'm a good person and was raised by people that hold me to a standard of conduct I find it necessary to control my animal urges, as do most men. Your remarks about male sexuality are ignorant and sexist.
Wait, I don't get it. What does that mean?
You know if you saw a helpless inebriated female you'd take her, thats all it takes to arouse a man. You see an opportunity and your penis points.
Here's a scary thought. What if diseased and broken minds have less to do with gender and more to do with the habits and behaviors we engage in, in our daily lives. The thoughts we choose to entertain or dismiss.
What if, and stop me if this sounds crazy, the difference between sane human beings and Ted Bundy isn't the equipment between his legs but rather the choices made?
I know. Uncomfortable to think about instead of blindly and ignorantly labeling 50% of the human as terrifying but I thought I might just throw that out there.
>every man will rape a drunk woman
>literally millions of women get drunk every day
>0% (to within 1%) are raped
>why aren't we allowed to be ceos and presidents?
Come to Odessa Texas and be my man fearing GFs. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and yall can spend it on a no boys allowed bunker
Come to Odessa Texas and be my cat lady GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on vet visits and litter.
>people in general are subhumans
Why dont you stick to tranny porn threads, brainlet?
Come to Odessa Texas and be my retarded tranny GF(male). I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can spend it all on HRT and cute childish bullshit.
Come to Odessa Texas and be my angry TERF GF. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can quit your job and spend all your time yelling at trannies online.
Come to Odessa Texas and be my murder victim. I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton and you can quit your job and spend all your time drowning in a lake.
Alright but it's in the same way that you'd probably be nervous if every single person on the street carried a gun or something.I don't know user I'm just thinking out loud. Sorry.
>Implying a guy would marry me
I'm useless.
>I get the feeling that you don't go outside much.
That's true but even besides that I have been threatened in the past. I know it's probably irrational but everyone talks about it so much these days it's hard not to think about it at least.
>you'd probably be nervous if every single person on the street carried a gun or something
My fucking wet dream femanon - I'm VERY pro-gun. I don't know why you, as a woman, wouldn't be either. Think about it this way: if everyone had a gun - men and women - tucked in their holster/their handbag/taped to inner thigh, your "oh woe is my gender being surrounded by these big, strong, scary creatures" lament is dealt with in epic fashion.