The thing you're most insecure about

What's the thing you're most insecure about, user? For me it's

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>bald ass head

hair and height,i wouldnt mind being bald if i was taller but im 5'7

23 and no drivers permit. i have nowhere to drive to so whats the point. no money for gas or insurance either. especially no money for a car

My lisp and speech impairment

I don't really have anything I am or should be insecure about.
I'm just irrationally scared of talking to people.

i understand your pain brother, except im shorter by like 3 inches lol im basically a tall midget
seriously? this is it? your greatest insecurity is something that is easily fixable?

>mfw my nose is too high

My lack of boobs.
Its going away slowly, but yeah tfw never have big soft milkers

fuck dude im sorry, im Lucky enough to be only 2cm lower than average and that already destroys my self esteem, hope you find peace

>easily fixable
job hunted for about 3 years with no luck. how is it an easy fix

Go to speech therapy you fucking idiot

Talk to people more you fucking idiot

Small tits=cuter. Don't let these porn-obsessed niggers get you down femanon

Get a job and you your permit you fucking idiot

Kek. You're all fucked

It's ok, really. It's not like I go out or anything lol. The other day though I went out to eat with my mum and I was making eye contact with some cutie and I had to stand up to go to the bathroom and I could feel the dissapointment behind my back, pretty awkward.

>Kek. You're all fucked

I think I'll be alright, despite the insecurity

You're right user, I just kinda said it without thinking much. But at least it's something that has a simple, although difficult solution.

Im a failure in almost all aspects of life, and in the rest im an underachiever relative to the resources I was offered to succeed.

Shut up Redditfag. Enjoy your eternally dry cock

its going away slowly,im starting to care less and less about everything

>Talk to people more you fucking idiot
yes, but how

its alright. i mean i could say the same about most of r9k. dude just get surgery. but me personally i am shadowbanned from society. not even my own dad helps me get a job. i dont even have a police record so i dont get it

I'm already 5'0 so men are only interested in me for my chubby loli body


>Waahhh im depresed
Fuck off with that gay shit, faggot

Step 1 - Walk up to person
Step 2 - Talk to said person
Step 3 - Repeat

Absolutely disgusting. Lose weight you pig. You're only attracting niggers

y u mad tho, brosquito? me being confident triggers you cus u hate urself?

Premature ejaculation.

It's like the UR-insecurity, in the sense that even if you solved everything else wrong with would just increase the number of times you'd fucking humiliate yourself with it.

ive never mentioned being depressed i only said im starting to give less of a shit about my appearance as i get older, as long as im healthy i dont care anymore

>voice doesn't match what I look like
>low iq
>one out of 3 plants I try to manage winds up dying
>my skills at guitar have been decaying for lack of practice.
>inability to sing.
>cross eyed
>asymmetrical face
>grotesque beady little eyes
>upper lip is pointy, like rock Lee from naruto

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a lot of your insecurities sound like things only you notice or give importance, like a weak faggot trying to find excuses to be sad

I've lost 30lbs and I'm currently 115. My goal is 90. I'll get there one day.

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>I'm starting to care less and less about everything

My extreme poorfaggotry. Even though I've got way more than most people I know - but ironically, this exposes it it, "please user, loan me $20, I know you have "; "nah, can't help you, I already have $x out on loans, and actually have to pay my fucking rent this week".

>attack all the men
>piss directly into flat femanons pocket
Jesus fucking Christ, you are a loser, aren't you?

Based. Keep it up

>Jesus fucking Christ, you are a loser, aren't you?

>even when I was younger and not fat I had the face bone structure of a monkey, and i'm white

Um... OK, just checking.

malls are dead

Humans are a type of monkey (specifically, great ape), user.

Brown eyes and dark hair.

Im not a nigger or arab thank fuck but I hate not being aryan, especially since I live in Germany.

>brown eyes and dark hair
Now just need Charlie Chaplin mo' and to lose a testicle. Don't give up, you're already halfway there.

low life detektiert

Been a beardlet at 26yo

>asymmetrical face
>no car
>no skills
>shitty boring personality created by decades of emotional neglect

My disgusting skinnyfat body. I may look normal slim guy when wearing clothes, but beneath the surface I'm jiggling like a skeleton jelly.

I have wide hips and I hate that I have to constantly try to find a shirt that is able to even my proportions out.

I have been getting fit and it has helped, as my upper body is getting larger, but its still there.

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>Weight even thought I'm not much more than gaining chub.
>Small dick. It sucks
>My shitty work ethic and the fact that I'm going nowhere fast

That's pretty much it I think

>Be me
>Hide everything by making a Transformers Parody account
>Do really well
>Perfect Shitpost.PNG
>Go sleep knowing I have a loving girlfriend who wants to always make me happy.

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my teeth, honestly they aren't even fucked and my gums are pretty intact but for some reason I always cover my mouth when laughing or try to laugh with it closed and I went through extensive training to open my mouth as little as possible when speaking, as a pro im a pretty good ventroquist and even made some money with it

i'm not really that insecure about myself. i'm 6'1, fit, and rough voice
problem is that, i'm not used to having human contact, i barely talk to anyone except a nazi sympathizer who faps to traps and some people who's always talking about suicide.
sometimes i forget that not everyone is like this and i bring those topics in my conversations with normals, and they always bring that dead-eye stare whenever i try to create a conversation with them.
my s.t.a.l.k.e.r tattoo on my forearm also doesn't help with that, they automatically assume that i'm one of those weirdos who go on their facebook and watch every post.


I've never, ever seen my bald head before and I'm worried I have a pointy nut head.

Myself. Everything in myself. I wish I could disappear.

My nose. It's big, fleshy, bumpy, wide, the bridge is too high, it's asymmetrical. I have a small face but a huge nose, and it throws off the balance of the rest of my features. I'd be a Stacey if it weren't for my nose. I can't afford rhinoplasty and I'm too pussy to do it anyway.




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fuck off, Jow Forums, no one likes you
>people openly discussing their insecurities to get imput from other guys on how to fix them or from people with the same problem and learn how they fixed them