What was the biggest cause of you turning into a robot instead of a normie?
What was the biggest cause of you turning into a robot instead of a normie?
All you faggots on this board blackpilled me when I was young and stupid, so now that Ive fixed myself I still cant be happy
Growing up entirely on technology and the internet, which I welcome because it was and still is infinitely more entertaining and enlightening than any normalfag filth I could engage in.
>staying locked in my room every weekend for like 8 years while my parents fought constantly
>all the midnights spent in the back of my mom's car while she drove around to every hotel in town to try to figure out where he was
I will never have a normal human relationship
Getting bullied at school defo put me on the robot path. My sense of self was injured so badly that I still can't even make eye contact for longer than a few seconds.
Got pretty blackpilled as a child, though I would say I am more of a cyborg.
My penis is simply too large for this world, I am despised by every man I've ever met.
My mindset and apathy.
I don't really consider myself as a robot or a normalfag either.
And no, i'm not a mix of both.
I feel like i'm out of this, i struggle to relate to most people, they are all petty beings driven by desire and greed, it's almost sickening.
It just happens man.
If your son doesnt have a hobby and just prefers to stay at home playing with his toys, watching tv and being on the computer and has no good freinds there will be a good chance he ends up a hedonist emotional lazy robot.
This shit behavior and phenomenon was surely studied by socail engineers of different factions.
Everything is documented.
Neuroticism and lack of self-esteem
I'm sure I could fix a lot about myself if I stopped fearing people's intentions
hmm either my upbringing or aspergers
not really being motivated . not led around by desire for status or sex. just dont give much of a shit.
The main turning point: I was abused in my first relationship and when I told my mom she was upset with me and said, "That's your fault. Why would anyone be interested in you?"
Coupled with childhood abuse, this is the moment that completely crushed my self esteem. I can't even talk to people without her saying that in the back of my head.
I feel simular user
ITT: Failed Normies
Dad actively refused to let me see a psychologist for my suspected ADHD, even in the face of protest from my teachers and other school staff, eventually dropped out of school because I couldn't do shit
Call me a fag but i dont think i'm in here for the long run. I am on the biggest vacation of life yet and have more time than i know what to do with. I have friends who want to hang out with me but i couldn't bothered to make the effort cause i'm a lazy fuck. Once college starts i'll be a "normie" again.
Shitty genes
Being sheltered for a large part of my life and being super into religion as a kid. I also was treated like shit from everyone during school and overall social life just because I am a little weird.
One day I got my ass beaten by a group of kids because I told them they were assholes. I finally understood that day that God does indeed have a plan for all of us and that each one is created to have a role in life. It's just that sometimes God will assign his children the role of being the stepping stone. The role of the stepping stone is to assist his rightful worthy chosen to the path closest to God.
The punching bag of society. To be forever treated like shit from the normies, the better people, to put you down, fuck you over so they can feel better about themselves, succeed and reach overall exaltation.
I am a fucking stepping stone. If God knows every single fucking point in time and know exactly how this will play out, then he knew that most us were not going to fucking make it, therefore there had to be sacrifices so we have the stepping stones fill the sacred role for the ones who will make it. We are the fucking motivation for the rest. If you ever try to be more than a stepping stone, then life, God, Asathoth, whatever the fuck kind of deity you want to believe in WILL fuck you over since you are not meant for such a life.
I came to that conclusion in third grade and have confirmed that this is mostly likely what my life will amount to and that we will forever be just more fuel for Chads/Stacies to feel better about themselves.
God isn't real user, it sounds like you're trying to justify your shit lot in life via some sort of divine reasoning.
No, the universe in fact is that cruel.
There is no god. God is dead. And we killed him.
>The punching bag of society
I had enough of this too , no more mr.niceguy ,gonna an hero at 30.
23 atm still fucking around hope I make something.
it really sucks that all I have is to hope now.
hope , what the fuck is this meme word.
gonna stop drinking too.
That's why i stay here, there's a few same-spirited brothers here.
Godspeed, user
probably not having a dad paste age 4
I used to be a weird kid with some friends. All of my friends moved to other cities when I entered middle school then puberty giving me awful cystic acne all over the face made me a weird ugly kid with no friends. Things didn't go well after that point.
Overthinking conversations.
Not going to prom
Kinda snowballed from there
or maybe because you're a faggot. i'm guessing it's a dice toss