Armed Protest

Comrades, who here is willing to begin talking about armed revolution, and is willing to beginning organizing armed protests? (Not organizing revolt, just armed protests)

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>armed revolution
>but its just protests bro
>no its not a revolt its not like some dipshit will accidentally discharge his gun at the riot police and everyone will get shot

Let me explain. "Just protests"

not with any damn commies I wouldn't

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Then come protest with us for freedom. This is a corrupt and imperialistic government. The time for excuses is over. It is time for action.

communism is a system that basically advocates for corruption
T. someone who has lived under communism for 15 years
>muh imperialistic government
no one is trying to create any empires, pyotr

What the fuck is wrong you you antifa faggots. Violence is a way to CHANGE things but things are already fucking find and peachy you have access to limitless funding, food, propaganda, apparently weapons now.

I'm not antifa.

I am from Russia. Most people in my country miss communism. An unfair coup screwed our country.

and communism started in russia as an unfair coup too, the tsar and his familly were brutally murdered

Also, why did you insult me in Russian? Our country is not communist. Yet you say you live under communism? HAHAHAHAHA. I immigrated from Russia to come to the US you moron

It wasn't unfair. Our people actually wanted liberation. You know, legend says he was worth 300 billion? He was an evil tyrant who tortured us for fun.

Austrians deserve death

couldn't have said it better my self. Death to Austrians.

>He was an evil tyrant who tortured us for fun.
[citation needed]

Also, even if he was, why did you murder his kids? Did his toddler son torture you for fun too?

Literally just look up bloody sunday. Look at what he did to us. Then look up the pogroms. Sure, they were Jewish in the pogroms, but he went too far.

Also, his children had to die so that nobody tried to place them back on the thrown. Their deaths ended up saving millions. May God bless their souls eternally.

He literally slaughtered us by the hundreds and had a party the same day. How can you defend him?

Cite some sources.

Also, even if he was a bad guy (you haven't proved this), it doesn't explain why his kids had to die. Just because he was bad doesn't mean they were. Why would it be bad for them to take the throne?

okay kyle, now get started on your summer reading sweetie

what the fuck is this supposed to mean? my name isn't kyle

Dude. Literally just read

All this info is on the wikipedia page

depends, where is it gonna be?

Russians miss controlling half of Europe and a good chunk of Asia and yet you talk about protesting "imperialism"

Nicolas didn't have anything to do with Bloody Sunday. His uncle is the one who ordered it.

Nicolas's kids definitely had nothing to do with it.

Gtfo commie FuckFaggot. A bloody revolution won't bring you anywhere. The military will stomp you down. If you want to implement a new system, reformism is the only way.

>being so pathetic you have no alternative but to destroy everyone else to bring them down to your level

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Kek cummunist whimps. We aryan ethno-nationalists will use weapons to destroy you and resettle prussia and destroy israel!

yo fuck this CCCP bullshit like we got problems with our system man but this is throwing the baby out with the bathwater

I really feel uncomfortable about armed revolution because well to-do socialists are still going to want a lower class of people to be the ones dying in combat. But then the ones who fought are going to want more in return for having fought and in-turn, become an over class. So it's like, unless the philosophy experts are also the combat experts, and they truly believe in a classless society, armed revolution is still the most grizzly state of affairs and doesn't ever push society forward.

tru say brev

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This is a Jow Forums topic. Why is it outside of Jow Forums?

"No, bro, democratic revolution will work this time."

-Capitalist with socialist mask on

Reformism is for retards with small penises. You're afraid of action. If I have to be martyred for my cause I will be. This is the statement of men, rather than boys.

I challenge you to a boxing match, no joke. We're both adults. Lets meet up and see who's the wimp. The boxer or the fatso who spends all day whining but doing nothing. Winner gets to destroy Israel.

Ok Ivan. Get started. See how it works out for you.

PLEASE PLEASE do it. Give me a reason to shoot you fuckers. There are two things that I hate in this world to the point I'd murder them: pedophiles and communists.

We'd easily beat down you retards. In fact, give me your house address. Let's fight. You're just some dumb 5'8 fatso on the internet. Let's fight.

Come on. I'm giving you the chance to try to beat up a communist. Do it. Where do you live? Fight me.

The more I learn about the fall of the Soviet Union the madder I get; I feel like if it had managed to survive into the information era the problems with bureaucracy and central planning would have been resolved and it would have become the dominant global power. Fuck Yeltsin.

Isn't this a violation of a US law? Someone trying to organize an armed militia?

The execution of the Tsar's bloodline was done to prevent counterrevolutionaries from using them as a rallying point. I don't agree with the killing myself but it was logical at the time.

LOL. No. Are you retarded? Do you not know your own country's history?

I hate Gorbachev even more than yeltsin. I really hope he dies.