Can we have a somewhat classic robot9001 thread that isn't gay trap shit?

Just post what's got you down lately and maybe others wont feel like they're alone.

>be me
>finished college
>QT throughout college was very close. Same major and classes
>last year really liked having her around
>miss all signs when she seemed she liked me
>graduate and she moves back to the west coast, I live on east coast
>talk to her a bit after and then fall out of contact
>never realized how much I would miss her when she was gone
>Was so content with how we were spending time together at uni I never even tried to be her bf or anything and I regret that now
>talking to other girls is hard because they're all just dumb sluts it seems like, i cant find myself attracted to any of them enough to put in the ridiculous effort it takes these days

Idk what I was thinking, like after college we'd just keep hanging out and whatever, I talked to her after and it occurred to me that our situation pretty much puts an end to our relationship, whatever that was.

Shes never been with another guy either, I feel like I left her stranded out there. I'm sure she'll find someone simply because shes so pretty, but probably nobody who cares like I do.

The only QT I've ever been close with is on the other side of the US, we stopped talking and the friendship is pretty much over. I don't think I will find anyone else like it.

Sucks to be retarded. This is the worst mistake i've ever made

Bonus: Comfy Pic related & Thread theme

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Other urls found in this thread:


Here's my comfy pic and Thread theme

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>be me
>be in small college not a big uni
>see this blonde QT3.14159
>be in same group have same campus tour guide
>we all gather in a small group as everyone tries to figure out where they belong as all the late kids show up
>Start off with an ice breaker activity
>Heart beating like a motherfucker
>so nervous being out of comfort zone
>just want to start classes already and hide in my room
>Everyone has to say their name and one interesting fact about themselves
>Have my name, but nothing clever or interesting to say about myself
>my turn, I say "I'm user and I uh-"
>fat girl interjects "Can you speak louder?"
>Louder I say "I'm user and my favorite color is blue"
>Some chuckling, but I don't know if its because they find what I said funny or they find me funny and stupid
>Even more nervous now
>we begin touring campus
>some kids already talking to each other and making friends within our group
>We stop for lunch and another ice breaker
>everyone gets paired off with someone else I get paired off with some Chad and so does QT.314159
>Chad comes over still yelling over to his new buddy Chad v2 and finally looks at me
>"wassup user" (we're all wearing nametags)
>name all the things we've done in HS
>I know I sound pathetic because I have nothing
>Chad makes me feel like shit with everything he did back in HS
>Chad goes back to his buddy and I see QT.314159 and other Chad still talking happily
>Finish lunch and continue tour
>more breif activities, but I just lay low
>late afternoon, one more ice breaker b4 we get our rooms
>Get paired with QT.314159. She comes over with a big smile on her face
>Have to name something we like about the college so far and something we are looking forward to
>Very nervous and have sweaty hands
>can hardly talk
>Shes looking at me waiting patiently
>"Hey, I am happy the college is small I get nervous being away from home and in busy situations"
>suprisingly no stuttering, I just said it quiet and a little shaky

Sry, forgot comfy pic

>QT.314159 still smiling, says its okay, the college will be great
>For once in my life I opened up to someone even though I was afraid to
>For once in my life someone is being supportive of me
>keep talking with her and begin to feel more comfortable
>We walk side by side all the way to our dorms which we will be sleeping in
>Talking the whole way about, home and school and about how nervous we are about college
>She seems almost as nervous as I am
>similar to me in personality, but more interesting because she played sports and actually did things growing up
>Feeling really good, I say goodbye and get shipped off to my temporary dorm with my stuff for the night
>Roommate is a douche and just talks about normie shit
>When he realizes I am a boring person he just gets on his phone and ignores me
>even calls somebody to talk to instead like im not even there
>Next morning we eat and finish the tour
>Don't see QT.314159 much because shes talking alot to her stacy RM who she was with all night.
>we're getting ready to leave and she comes over says "it was nice meeting you user Ill see you in September"
>say goodbye and looking back at that moment I realize it was probably the high point of my entire life
September comes and college begins
Freshman Year
>Nervous again despite leaving with a good feeling
>I have talked to my roommate on the phone he seems alright, just a normie
>move my stuff in, nothing sentimental no pictures nothing /comfy/, just my bedding, clothes, and school supplies
>Classes start off good and the workload is relatively light
>I spend much of my free time in my room
>sometimes I go to lib to study, but that's really it
>not many people at this college (most juniors and seniors live off cmapus) so I run into QT.314159 from time to time

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>at first we would talk for a bit, but soon it became a brief sentence or two, then our interaction shrunk to just a subtle wave
>Haven't made a lot of friends and I am already closing in on the end of the first semester
>Have not gone to any parties, but I've been asked to drink a couple times
>just make the excuse that I have homework due
>Get 3.9 that semester, but feel empty
>winter break goes by slow and lonelier than when I was in high school
>at least in highschool I had a few friends to talk to, but now they've moved away
>Finally go back to college
>Faster pace, have the hang of classes better and have better time management
>Just means I spend more time in my room
>try to talk to kids I know from classes as it is a small school
>Can only manage to talk about school related things
>Everyone else is bringing up names of people I don't know and don't think I've even seen
>conversations are boring to me, and I don't connect with anybody
>realize that every conversation I am around I just end up sitting and listening
>finally give up on the whole making friends scene
>See QT.314159 around still, still wave, but never talk, see her hanging out with friends and sometimes guys
>One day I wave to her and she doesn't see, I don't know if she did it on purpose
>I wonder if I look desperate waving so I stop completely
>One day late afternoon rest of classes canceled because of a sevre snow warning
>snow is coming down hard I am trying to get back to dorm
>see QT.314159 holding hands with a guy quickly walking back to my building
>shes holding her book over her head to block snow as he playfully pulls her in the door
>I walk into my building just in time to see them go into his room
>I just walk back to my room
>semester ends with 3.6 GPA, still not too bad


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Sophomore year
>Start semester after working all summer restocking S&shop
>Interaction with other humans was minimal, only to Spanish guy who I work with in the back
>First semester starts going by quickly, I spend all my time pretending I have a lot of work, and really just use the computer
>See QT.314159 a few times, all with the same guy from before
>Make friends with a international student who is on his last year here
>we hang out and he is lonley like me, but I still never tell him about QT.314159 or how I am lonley
>Finish semester with 3.2
>Next semester goes about the same
>I have trouble focusing for more than a few hours
>I try to workout, but I never feel like I get in shape
>Not fat, but not great looking, plus I am short, 5'6
>My one friend leaves back to his country, I don't even have his phone number or anything
>can't even spell his last name to look him up, always called him by his nickname "Chen"
>I finish with a 2.5GPA, not my best semester, but my other GPA's hold it up
Junior Year
>Same old same old
>Spend most time in my room browsing internet and watching youtube
>reminisce on high school times where I had a couple odd ball friends and nothing crazy
>Start to think college is just awful and wish I was in high school again
>Depression is really kicking in now
>still seeing QT.314159 once in a while,but still I never wave
>QT.314159 often pretends to not see me, after all, she only knew me from orientation
>I sometimes see QT.314159 leave campus in her car, but that is it

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>she has really let herself go, but still very attractive to me
>I have a single room now so I am in my room alone all day
>couple classes are online so I leave my room much less than last year
>sometimes spend days in my room only coming out for my meals and shower
>Practically only junior still living in dorms so its too late for friends
>Sometimes if I think too hard about my situation I begin to feel really tired and have to go to bed early
>one day I bump into QT.314159(we actually bump into each other and make eye contact so she can't ignore me)
>"uh, hey user right" Shes not smiling like she did when we first met
>she is clearly pretending not to remember me
>she looks almost a little disturbed to see me like I died and come back
>Hey QT.314159, call her by name and don't even pretend to not remember her
>"How are you?" she asks
>"I'm okay, just been doing work and relaxing"
>she persists "Oh where do you live?"
>I just tell her I decided to stay in the dorms to save money and how it's actually great even tho that's a lie
>out of nowhere she invites me to come hangout with her friends (male and female) at a house they all rent
>I don't know any of them, but I realize that this is an opportunity to see QT.314159 and I may never get another chance
>I say "sure" not knowing exactly what I've gotten myself into, and regreting it instantly
>Show up a little bit late, I have no car so I just put my bike up against the house and knock on the door
>Heart is pounding like crazy and I am breathing fast

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Dating a girl for 6 months now

First girlfriend

All other girls ghosted me or ignored me

I told this girl I have 3.7 GPA at our uni
I actually have a 2.5 and I am on acedemic probation

I told her I have had other girlfriends before her and that I am a virgin, but ive had a BJ and handjob before

I told her that I played sports in highschool even though I just sat at home an played video games, but I started working out so I look like I play sports.

She sometimes asks what the name of my past gf was I dont tell her and she thinks its weird I hide it so much.

guy asked me to throw football around with him while she was near and I told him I hurt my shoulder.

Eventually shes going to find out I am a liar, but I just told her what she wanted to hear. She loves me, but I had to tell so many lies about my background where with other girls I was honest and they made awkward faces and after never talked to me again or friend zoned me.

>be me
>ex gf got in contact
>told me I was everything she ever wanted
>told me she was leaving her fiance
>told me about him being abusive and such
>she has no money for food
>paypal her 30 bucks to get a meal
>talk for a few days
>blocks me randomly
>oh well, I hope she's doing okay
>use friend's FB to see she's still with abusive douche
>ff 4 months
>she's unblocked me
>message her, check in on her
>she's doing well, misses me, etc.
>she's glad to finally be done with the relationship
>she still loves and thinks about me
>sends me pic in her swimsuit
>tell her I'll give her money again for her bday
Have I become an orbiter for a girl I used to fuck literally all the time? Why am I so fucking vulnerable to her? Why can't I stop this myself? I know she's using me, but I just want her to be happy.


>tell her I'll give her money again for her bday
Don't give her money

You are going to make her see you as a piggy bank more than someone who provides emotional support.

Also why did you break up in first place if you still like each other?

It's bday money, and I'm not sending a ridiculous amount, just like $100.
I can and will provide both when/if she needs it.
She dumped me years ago because there were other guys she liked.

>She dumped me years ago because there were other guys she liked
If she's not with anyone, ask her out. If she rejects you or is already with someone, cut her off.

Why would I want to date her?

continue user I want to see where this sad story is going

Zoomer here going to start college soon this year, it's a smaller college and not a big uni as well
>ice breaker activity
God I hope they don't do this bullshit at my college

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Please continue user (: I'm listening

>scrap my discord account
>instantly become severely depressed
Fuck, I have been so addicted to the discord jew, at least it was some sort of relief, now I have nothing left

they will. If you're older then the best advice I can give you is don't talk about old people shit and don't dress like an old ass man.

Talk to them about drinking if you can.

If you're younger, just talk to girls with confidence. The girls you talk to at first wont be interested, but the girls who see you talking confidently to the other girls will gain interest by the time you get to talking to them.

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What do you do on discord. I am too afraid to mic chat in case my parents hear me downstairs and judge me even more

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Sorry, I forgot to finish. The rest of the story is honestly pathetic anyways but here ya go

>here music playing inside, typical rap garbage that I hate
>knock on door again
>QT.314159 answers, smell of weed hits me like a wall
>I don't care anymore, I just want to be around people
>"Hey user come in. Everyone, this is user my friend"
>wave to everyone and say "hi" inaudibly
>QT.314159 sits down on couch next to what must be her bf at this point
>realize everyone is sitting with a girl except me
>heart racing, I am way out of my comfort zone
>slight smile, trying to not draw attention of people
>They offer me a beer, and one drink after the other I begin to ease my nerves
>This is literally my second or third time ever drinking
>they're talking, and I am actually talking too, but only when QT.314159 asks me something or tries to include me.
>it's nearing 2am and QT.314159 is a little drunk and starts making out with this guy in front of me while he grabs her inner thigh
>I feel really uncomfortable, and I finaly speak out and say "you're just going to do that now?"
>she looks up confused but not upset, I stutter, but I am too drunk "uh- I -uh mean"
>"alright it's getting late user" she says, almost trying to save me like she knows that I am weird and doesn't want me to hurt myself
>they don't realize I am drunk because my tolerance is low
>suddenly start to tear up, all of my pain from the last 2 years and a half is about to come
>the thought that the one girl who knows me is comfortable being felt up in front of me is too much
>start saying everything about QT.314159 and what she meant to me
>talk about how pathetic my life is, and make a huge scene in front of everyone
>tell her about how this is my first ever "party" and how her inviting me meant everything to me
>her bf on the couch looks disgusted

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>he pushes her out of his lap and stands up in front of me points his finger to the door and yells "GET OUT NOW... LEAVE"
>Crying I stand up and look right at her, she looks at me in the eyes and then turns her head away like she knows how I feel, but doesn't want to
>leave and push my bike home popping the front tire on something, can't remember what
>I stay in my room all week missing classes
>Finish semester with a 2.3GPA
My last semester
>winter break is depressing, I did absolutley nothing
>get back from break and I am determined to be a new person
>doesn't last long as I can't escape the loneliness that has always plagued my life
>give up on all exercise and can't force myself to leave my room
>see QT.314159 every once in a while, but she clearly avoids me and sees me a mile away every time
>turn 21 and start spending all my work money on booze
>drink every afternoon at 1 pm
>only taking 3 classes, 1 online the other two are easy 4 credit
>get noticeably fat, but just drink that away too
>finish semester ashamed with a 2.0 and never look back
>don't finish degree which is why I don't even mention what I studied

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one more..... ..... ......


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>get a job at FedEx and have been delivering packages ever since
>parents kicked me out when they found out I was not going to school and when I told them I got a 2.0 because I was a drunk
>Now I live in a cheap apartment, I can hear neighbors argue through the thin walls
>have my laptop and WiFi, but low wages have kept me down
>saw QT.314159 one time since when I was delivering a package
>she didn't see me, but I went up to this old lady's house and saw down the road she was putting a kid in a car and she was wearing a nice skirt and suit top
>she probably makes more than me but I didn't care anymore it was just a whatever moment
>never been in a relationship
>haven't had real friends since HS
>all that I really care about now is making enough money to survive

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user don't be a fool! It doesn't have to fucking end like this, jesus christ. I just got back from a trip to stay with a German girl who I met at an interschool residential camp when we were fucking 14. We still got along great despite having very sparse email contact and not seeing each other for 6+ years. She was really happy to see me.
2 years ago I stayed 4 weeks in the summer with my best friend from high school who lives literally on the other side of the fucking planet, despite him leaving my country 2 years previous to that and not seeing him at all in that time. We're still best friends despite rarely getting to see each other.
If you really care about her like this, there is literally zero reason why you two can't stay in contact and plan occasional trips to hang out with each other, show each other around your home towns etc.
Don't be a fucking idiot. Why exactly have you guys 'stopped talking'? Has she ghosted you?

Didn't ghost me, I just sent her a message congratulating her on her new job, she said thanks and haven't heard from her for a few months now.

I just stopped messaging her after that, what's the point? I can't afford to go from RI all the way to fucking Washington to go on a date with her.

I don't even just want to be her friend anymore I realized I would literally marry this girl, but technically we never dated cause I never asked her to date.
We just spent as much time together as a couple and went out all the time together. Never any sex, but shes wouldn't do that without marriage anyway.
I kinda knew she wanted me to make our friendship into a relationship, but I didn't feel any need to potentially make things awkward when we already spent all our time together.

Now she's gone....
You don't know what you have till its gone. Its really true.

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>classic robot9001
You mean a robot9000 thread?
R9k1 always sucked


orrrrirhniginall ly

What the fuck? You seriously can't save up the money for a return domestic flight? That's like 200 bucks at most. Yeah it's not exactly nothing, but its about the regular amount you'd spend on travelling around maybe twice a year or something. Hell, once is enough if she lets you stay a week or two.
Just stay in contact and visit her intermittently. What is so hard about that?
>I just stopped messaging her after that, what's the point?
>I don't even just want to be her friend anymore I realized I would literally marry this girl
Don't let your angst and pessimism get in the way of maintaining a real human connection man. Yeah, maybe you won't be able to date or marry her, but I guarantee you'll feel far better knowing you stayed a part of each others lives rather than just taking an all or nothing attitude and cutting contact. The longer you prolong this connection, the more chance there is something will change. If you do literally nothing to improve the situation then of course you're going to feel horrible and full of regret. Just message her from time to time, ask what she's been up to lately. Hell, ask what it's like where she lives and plant the idea of coming to visit in her mind. Just do any of the normal, obvious, easy things that literally any other people do in this situation. It's not that fucking hard.

Shit user, this reads like a textbook tragedy. I wish you all the best for the future, nobody deserves loneliness. It's fucking cruel.

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legitimately made me feel sad for you user, whether this is fiction or not it is well written either way.

Just a small vent for me;
We are doing a group project and I'm grouped with a nerdy stinky weeb, casual chad and some stacy. I took the advice given on Jow Forums like go do extracurriculair activities to get friends. I joined the honours pogram and learned to speak up for myself and stop being a little bitch. So back to our group project, chad tells me to go back to work but he isn't doing shit. Tell him he isn't doing shit either and hell breaks loose. Stacy supports chad and chad starts trash talking me with garbage banter. I don't even feel like responding because I'm used to people shouting at me.
Chad and stacy start yelling at me to come back and work.
Don't respond and go home.

It's been 2 days since then and I've received messages from 7 different people including our advisor. I haven't opened any of them, guess I will just have to retake this class next year.
Fuck me, atleast the weeb hooked me up with one of her friends. If there are gods please let me be normal.
'Thanks for wasting your time reading my story'

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I can't be her friend anymore that'd be worse.

I am considering letting the whole thing die.

200 bucks sure, but not everyone can just leave their job especially since I just started.

What do I text her? "How's summer going (I know I haven't said anything to you in literally a fucking month)"

Talk to the advisor. Be level headed. Apologize to the advisor for not responding and let them know you don't think your group is a good fit especially given what happened.

Usually people respect maturity. Even in the adult world it is rare.

Explain it how you told me "you group ganged up on you even though chad was being a hypocrite"

Similar situation with the missing signs and losing contact, but mine is weird

>transfer student from community college
>I have a friend at my uni that I transfer to
>I meet all of his friends
>all of his friends are a little nerdy, but cool
>despite being introduced to everyone they don't really accept me into their friend group
>girl who well call Amy tries to talk to me always trying to include me
>have no interest in her and always give her short responses to kinda shut her up
>Amy's friend Olivia is shy always has just been there since I got there
>Olivia is same situation as me transfer student, and she seems very comfortable around me probably because I come across as shy too
>Slowly I start to like this girl Amy who is always center of attention with friend group
>again I am not really close with the rest of this group only these two girls
>Amy and I don't have a lot in common, but she is always friendly with me.
>mistake this for her liking me
>go out of my way to talk to Amy more and more
>Olivia is still very friendly with me when it's just us and whenever she is around Amy and her friend gets very quiet just lets them speak.
>Both girls are very nice, but I ignore Olivia and pursue Amy
>Can't even find common ground with Amy shes just always talking to everyone
>Start having heart problems, short of breath, can barley handle that and my school work.
>I only tell Olivia about it
>Talk to Olivia all the time about my problems never thinking to ask her about hers. I just vent to her all the time and she listens
>Cannot talk to Amy because I am too stressed to try and get her attention
>finally tell my other friend from before about the situation. He doesn't really know these girls in group
>he tells me he thinks Amy is taken
>Amy is so talkative to everyone I really don't know
>Suddenly I feel like I have nobody
>then I realize Olivia has been there all along
>She doesn't seem to like me as much
>Spring semester ends

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>I feel bad like I should have cared about Olivia the shy girl all along not the popular girl Amy
>I text Olivia a bit in the summer, but shes on the other side of the US (kinda like you OP)
>Olivia seems to not really care what I say anymore like before. Can't really tell from text
>I stopped texting Olivia and she hasn't texted me at all
>Don't even miss Amy honestly, just want to see Olivia and say sorry
>Feel awful because I ignored Olivia and shes already shy and just gave all my compliments and attention to a girl who already has all the attention in the world
>Wish I could have my heart problems fixed (in more ways than one)

I don't know if its over, I guess next year I will see her. It sucks that you're graduated because at least I have another year.
Idek what Olivia probably thought all year, she went out of her way to be around me and I kinda just ignored her, hell I couldn't even remember her name 1st semester.
Maybe she's upset with me or maybe she blames herself. I really hope she doesn't blame herself shes honestly very pretty and sweet

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> Be level headed
Strangely enough this actually helped, I just messaged our group and advisor. Our advisor responded within 5minutes and told our group to meet on monday to work things out. I'm more confident in a serious setting and the advisor actually using logic.

Thanks user, I sometimes lose myself in silly things thanks for pulling me back. ;)

Alright well here's the only part of my life that has been remotely interesting. I reminisce about this time a lot because it was the only time I also had been happy for an extended period of time.

>2014, 16 years old
>In mycountry's school system (Sweden) you finish 9th grade and then it's optional to attend gymnasium as it's called
>So I started 1st year in gymnasium, chose technical education
>At this point I haven't had any friends since like 6th grade, former depression manifested through the years turned into total apathy
>Didn't bother making friends
>We had some learn-to-know-eachother exercises, totally useless in retrospect
>Most people had friends from before gymnasium, groups formed accordingly very quickly
>The people that didn't know anyone were social and made friends with each other before I could react
>Legitimately the only one in the class that also was an outcast was this cute 20 year old Latvian girl
>She was very outgoing, but she was rejected from every group because she didn't speak Swedish, only English
>Weeks went by, I was doing decent enough because of my apathy
>In library
>Latvian girl sat by my table, said hi
>We clicked immediately
>Had very similar interests, talked about philosophy, history, general nerd shit
>This talk lasted about 4 hours, only reason it ended was because of a teacher telling us the school is closing
>From then on we sat next to each other in every class, admittedly it fucked up my grades because I wasn't paying attention to anything but her
>Was absolutely worth it however, first time I actually connected with a person for about 5 years
>She was actually interesting to talk to, she was intriguing
>She had a lot of friends, but nobody apart from me in school
>I don't think she was interested in me, although I wouldn't have said no to a romantical relationship it never was that much interest to me, I was just overwhelmed by actually having a true friend for once

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bummmmpity bumperrrrr

orrrriginally classy

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>What do I text her? "How's summer going (I know I haven't said anything to you in literally a fucking month)"
Yes. Literally exactly that you fucking brain dead sperg. "How's summer going" is completely fine to text someone you haven't talked to in ages. How the fuck else are you supposed to start? Do you think people just stop talking after they leave things too long? You can ask her how things are going at literally any time, precisely BECAUSE you guys haven't talked much otherwise. It's a totally sensible way to catch up online.
Again, this is perfectly normal. Why do you keep inventing dumb memes in your head about what you can and can't say, as if other people are just impossible brick walls to talk to once they've moved away?

No problem user

I've learned a thing or two having been in so many situations where I say to myself "you're never going to make it out of this one" and everything just works itself out somewhat.

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Throughout the year we sit at cafes, burger joints, go to cinema, whatever you name it
>We always had new shit to talk about
>2015, summer
>She told me quietly she had to leave the country
>Apparently didn't pay much attention to it
>Because one day she wasn't in school anymore
>Wasn't exactly devastated, but really sad
>We continue to talk on Instagram, but the conversations last less and less
>She hasn't even read the last message I have sent
God, I really fucking miss her bros. I guess I am just unlikable or something as a person because I can't make friends no matter how hard I try. Fuck.

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You don't have to be so mean

I just don't know where to go from there. for one if she wanted to talk she would've messaged me by now anyways

Going to Washington is not an option for me until ive worked at least 4 months so I can't really bring that up

Her not reading the last message could mean anything. It might not be her ignoring you. If she was genuinely decent person she would at least care enough to read your message

But you should probably start cutting ties if you feel she is never coming back, or that you're not going to visit her.

Send her another text though. What do you have to lose. She doesn't know anybody else in your friend group right?

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She dumped you for another guy. She dumped the last guy for you.

She has a history of dumping people as soon as something better comes along.

Don't let her be with an abuser, but don't fall back in love.
If you're already in love with her again try to break it.
Normally its not good to dwell on a girls flaws in an attempt to remove them from your mind, but in this case she seems like she could actually be bad for you

You may not see it but by what you're typing here it seems she is just going to hurt you more. Financially and emotionally.

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nothing has ever felt real in my stupid little life.
i feel so sheltered and turned off and lazy and unmotivated and dispassionate about everything. like i cant ever be passionate about anything only unhealthily obsessed. i'd go out more but i feel so disgusting going outside, my clothes aint about shit and my body's disgusting, and its summer so it sucks to wear layers i feel nothing but shame. i hate my family so much and i dont know why. i know why but i feel gaslit, since they practically deny any of the abuse and keep me on a short leash and since i had a recent mental breakdown they act like theyre the fucking paragon of sensibility and composure, i would have gotten heroin today but couldnt get ahold of any fucking cash, i hate this stupid fucking country,and moving around from country to country i feel like i wont/dont fit in anywhere. i dont wanna feel resentment i dont want my constant nagging alienation to morph into violent homocidal resentfull thoughts i'd rather keep them suicidal and aimed at myself, when i do find myself daydreaming, not particularly in a longing sense, more so in a desire for attention, or just straight boredom, in an overwhelming amount of my fantasies and intense drawn out 45 minute long daydreams i find myself always sharing what im doing through the internet or with the press, they involve either me becoming a famous artist/musician, killingmyself or recently killing others and i always feel like shit and scream after thinking the last two. i feel like if i force myself to run away and be in effect "homeless" or adrift and live with a friend i met online somwhere in the US things would feel real but im just so fucking zooted all the time and i only get black out drunk like every other weekend it shouldnt be this bad?
i know this sounds weird and bad and no one can relate and thats fine

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>be me
>started in college last year
>really excited, the college itself was excellent and I enjoyed the idea of studying at uni level
>within a few months I began to despise all the different electives and modules I hate to take up; I was dead set on the idea of doing film but I was required to do old English literature and history and shit I didn't enjoy doing or wanted to do
>ended up dropping out after a month
>was incredibly embarrased and ashamed for a bit
>fast forward a year and in hindsight it was absolutely one of the best decisions I've ever made
>gotten so much shit off my bucket list done and had a year to develop and mature more, on top of making a little bit of money from my jobs
>returning to a different uni in September
>although I'm excited by the possibility of getting to study film properly this time, I can't help to fret over how this situation could repeat itself
>have a general anxiety about what the fuck I want to do with my life and where I see myself in several years
On top of all this, I'm just worried about not really getting on with my peers. I'm a pretty introverted and socially awkward person and I've always felt like an outsider in whatever normie group I've been in. The only friends I really have these days are other outsiders I've met online. I can't help but feel as though I'm going to go into uni as a socially awkward loser and come out the other side as the same socially awkward loser.

Watching couples do simple things such as going out on dates, hanging out, riding the bus together or just holding hands makes me completely crumble. I cant even watch TV anymore at this point because seeing anything romantic makes me go into a state of despair and deep self-hatred. Im not ugly I think, I could (possibly?) get a boyfriend if I tried, but I cant. I cant because the way I was raised makes me a complete alien to other people, I have no clue how the world works. Im 19 and Ive never kissed, held hands much less had sex with a guy. Ive never been to a party and Ive never went outside on my own. I'm scared to explore the world on my own because Ive been extremely sheltered my whole life, and I want to experience love someday but I dont know how to socialize and my parents are extremely controlling and would never let me go out. It makes me feel suicidal, how alone I feel, and I fucking hate it. Fear and isolation define me, and I cant even talk about it because of how people react to my lifestyle, so I have to act like Im a normie by repeating what they tell me about their own life experiences, despite me having none. All I want is to run away with a bf who loves me, but at the same time I could never find someone who does. I'm so fucked.

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i dont hate women or people of other races im just so ashamed and afraid im such an effeminate overly sensitive pussy frail vibrating bag of emotions and insecurity and shame, im not an incel i dont really identify with any culture or people at all i just want friends but it seems as if the few i have online all hate me, my jokes just arent as funny and creative anymore, my input no longer as valuable. my smile not worth as much, my feelings nonexistant, i dont know this is probably such an unhealthy way of looking at things i hope things will be better once i get out on the road in that regard. i find myself backsliding into incel modes of thought by thinking me and other men derive atleast a considerable portion of their value from women wanting them or atleast a specific type of woman wanting them and that specific type of woman atleast in my life hates me now. im sorry i know this isnt making sense im sorry im sorry im sorry, i feel as if a massive portion of my value as a person and the only way to feel fulfilled is to gain massive public notoriety from my art or something like that, something to prove im worth soemthing and not just and empty bitter autistic little dog monkey spaz piece of shit excuse of a human and i feel so pathetic saying this outloud and i im sorry imsorry im soryrand im so sorry i just had to vent.

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>just failed police job application because medical reasons
>only thing i ever showed passion for and was willing to work really hard for
i feel like my whole body is being crushed

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About your group project experience, I can relate to this on a spiritual level, user. Its the fucking worst. The same thing happened to me this semester and it makes me wish the 2012 apocalypse would happen now.

So what do you want?
To have unlimited money and travel everywhere at will?
To travel without money?
To have Heroin or some other drug?
someone who loves you?

I can tell you heroin is like that gf you dump but she never accepts that she is not wanted and for the rest of your life comes back. The more you give into her the bigger her role will be

Traveling wont help, if you cant leave the house.
Start exploring your immediate area. Assuming you don't live in the city go out into the woods. Find a place someone hasn't been in a very long time

If you are in a city, get tf out of there. Go out camping. It won't be fun, but start challenging yourself.

You imagine killing someone or yourself. Probably means you have rage. Let it out on yourself. Not like a dumbass cutting. been there done that.
Take on things you can barley survive. Leave your house and become a nomad for a while. It wont be fucking comfortable I can guarentee that, but it will fulfill your rage. When you have blisters on your feet and dirt everywhere on your body.

Go without eating for a week.

go camping and try to survive.

Start doing things that allow nature to humble you

for me this was snow shoveling. I took on a job that allowed me to work for days straight without sleep or food at a massive mall complex several miles in diameter. The company didn't care. they just wanted you there working. I passes out and almost froze to death, but when I woke up and realized I could die I had an adrenaline rush. I really wanted to suffer. I did. I was sick for weeks, but I felt like I fought nature. I lost horribly, but I didn't feel like a bitch

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why do you need to study film?

Make sure you dont get a meme degree. If you can study it on your own do it.

You'll be able to enjoy your freedom getting odd jobs which are unique that endlessly trying to get an unattainable job that only a handful of people with the right connections get.

>Never being able to live comfy life in pic related. Somewhere peaceful
>Being ugly and forever so. Thus forever virgin
>Realise can use prostitutes but now feel meh about sex

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>Normie friend i know trough college invites to some party.
>Waiting to be let inside next to him and the other party-goers just kinda awkwardly chatting with him and this one dude i kinda know from another class.
> Some girl comes along and starts hugging everyone in order, even the people she doesn't know.
>start to tremble when she gets closer and closer to me
>Autist instincts start to kick in telling me to just shake her hand or something so when she comes over
>In the moment between my friend and me i manage to convince myself to just act like a normal fucking person and hug her like all the others.
>lean in for quick hug like literally everyone else
>she recoils and looks at me in confusion and disgust
> she says something like ''Oh.. you too?'' before moving on to the next person, introducing herself and hugging him, like she'd done to literally everyone but me.

What the fuck was i supposed to do? Was it autistic of me to not assume that she saw me as a subhuman? am i really that fucking repulsive?

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I've just been relating with this a lot lately. Seems like I can make other people happy but at the cost of my own happiness.

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Don't worry, as a guy I can tell you girls who are sheltered are often seen as preserved.

Almost as if girls go rotten like food when left exposed to the outside.

I understand that you feel isolated, and afraid of the outside because you cannot understand how things work.

What must happen is you must fail to learn. Fail at making an appointment, fail at talking to the teller at the bank, fail at pumping gas or going into the doctor for a physical. It doesn't have to suck if you can fail with confidence. How do you do this? You stop worrying about what people think.

Think about why home feels so comfortable, you don't have to be watched and judged by other people, if it could be like that outside you could go anywhere. Well it can be if you don't let judgement and people watching you have an effect. Practice ignoring everyone around you. the sooner you do, the sooner you'll be free to do as you please.

As for your parents, you need to work with them. Surely they wouldn't object to you getting a job, or going to some kind of harmless club. If you can do that you can get out of the house and you'll meet people. You'll meet guys.

If you have a good mind someone will appreciate you for that even if you don't look great and if you don't talk very much. As long as what you say is consistent and honest and selfless from time to time.

If you are overweight and that has you worried, just start eating only salad and find some kind of exercise. as long as you are trying you are fine. Some of the most popular guys date girls that are heavy set, its funny to most people, but its also very genuine. Guys who look past appearance are not typically dbags who will fuck you over.

Hope this advice helps

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user I hope life is better to you in the future. You do not deserve the shit youve gotten.

I enjoy film a lot and want to actually learn the aspects of film criticism and the technical details behind filmmaking. I don't even know what I want to do with my life later on, but film criticism is something I enjoy and I want to have the knowledge to critique shit beyond a meme level.

can you retake.

Go speak to a police officer directly about it, and share how you feel. this will show initiative, and they will want to inspire you. If you have help you wont fail. I am sure there are police officers who will be willing to train you, and assist you in your studies, and maybe even recommend/sponsor you.

You genuinely care about this which means you will be good for the job. Better than anyone who passes, but couldn't give two shits.

You're not dumb, you're just not a test taker. Many dumb people I know can ace any exam, and many geniuses I've known have failed exams despite being able to recite all the material beforehand.

Don't lose faith

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OP here

I've realized that your body has nothing to do with it.

it's your mental state which makes you successful socially, if I could just see things differently I would know how to deal with this problem, but right now my brain cannot progress through this problem

everyone has something they deal with. simply knowing that others have it worse does not make it better, because for everyone who has it worse there is someone who has it better. all you can see is that you've reached a wall and cannot figure out how to cross.

I know I hold myself back, my limitations in mind are responsible, but there is nothing I can do at this moment except try to understand my situation better

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why can you never have pic related. Honestly with VR you might be able to spend all day there.

Don't lose hope

There are two types of ugly, dirty ugly, and clean ugly.

I am ugly, but I've cleaned up enough that I don't have acne or oil on my skin, and my lips aren't cracked all the time like they used to be
I also get a haircut short so you can't see me bald and I trim my beard to perfect length and clean it.

It's made a difference. I am still ugly, but so is the floor. Some floors are so clean you could eat off them right?
Point is that anything even the ugly things can be cleaned up and made to look nice.

You can look good too. you may not look great at this very mode, but focus on what you CAN be not what you aren't. Then get there.

I am a virgin it's not a big deal, unless people ask you about that a lot, or you have some reason you can't just whack off.

youre right. it doesnt have to be purgatory while im here. i think youre right. thanks for paying attention and responding to me i know i can be hard to understand sometimes but i will take your advice. i think alot of this stems from just wanting to experience things first hand and feeling inadequate and stupid when i dont, sort of how a baby wants to chew on everything.

Then you ask her "why don't I get a hug wtf"

She's being a cunt. Ive had girls call a group of guys I was with hot then for no reason single me out and say, "you, you're not my type tho"

They're just being cunts honestly. Not all girls are like that, some of them just want to shit on guys for attention from other guys.

You're not ugly, you just weren't as good looking as the other guys or you did something awkward which she didn't notice.
Next time turn to your friend and ask him why she was being a bitch so that you quickly establish the fact that her behaving that way had nothing to do with you, but instead was her being a..well... bitch lol

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thank you so much for your input and advice, user. Ill take it into consideration and try to build more courage and stuff to leave my house more often. And actually, getting a job is a very good advice because I think it would be hard for my parents to not allow something that could bring us extra income and teach me responsibility. Im going to try that. And again, thanks user. this helps.

If I was normal I'd be inclined to agree but I'm honestly not sure it is her fault I'm still convinced there's something about me that just doesn't jive with people socially, I'm like programmed to be made fun-off, another similar example.

>Me and the same friend eating at a restaurant with three of his female friends.
>Chatting while we wait for the food to come
>Waitress comes along with our food
>Want to be polite and speed things up so I take my plate from the tray and say thanks
>literally the whole gaggle of girls start to laugh hysterically as if it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen
>Even the fucking waitress starts snickering as she serves the rest of the table.
>Say something like ''what?'' because I genuinely didn't get what I did wrong
>They just start laughing again

Like literally no-one else I know gets treated this way, even the ones far more autistic than me, i have a friend who literally wore santa-hats all year and would sing loudly to himself on the buss, and even he never got made-fun off to his face.

>Have not gone to any parties, but I've been asked to drink a couple times
>just make the excuse that I have homework due

I was feeling bad fo you but this is your fault user, stop being a retard.

Lol, actually they might not have been laughing at you to make fun of you. That is honestly a pretty funny thing to do and I would've laughed.

You know if you did stuff like that. And kinda laughed at it yourself you'd be seen as funny guy not awkward.

Not saying that you're a chad or something, but you could really get a lot of mileage out of the I don't give a shit about social convention attitude.

Also you're fortunate enough it seems like you have opportunities to hang out with girls.

Don't worry so much, all I can say is that when a girl DOES like you, be ready and see the signs. Don't sit there overthinking it and thinking about how awkward you are. If shes finding reasons to be around you, make your move. Even if it's awkward it seems like girls have the answer ready before you ask and at that point you can't fuck it up even if you ask in sign language.

The more girls you are around the more likely it is you will find one that likes you and you like. Even if you don't like her, if shes not absolutely repulsive then date her as practice and you never know you might like her more as time passes or just move on.

You're set up for success here going out with friends and groups of girls so just be patient at this point

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He obviously didn't want to get into drinking at this point. Plus that's how you meet shitty guys and girls, not real close friends you can trust

>just like $100
i might be poor but at least im not a cuck

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>user goes to college
>meets qt who doesn't seem to be disgusted by him
>this makes user get obsessed
>ppl actually try to befriend him
>he is fucking boting or decline their offers to go drinking
>after years he bumps with qt
>she invites him to hang out to her house
>user is still obsessed so accepts
>goes and drop his spaghettis
>he becomes alcoholic and drops college because of this
>now fat poor and lonely and will probably die virgin

Never met a qt anons or don't be retarded whatever is easiest.

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Guess that's a positive way to look at it. You're definitely more of a glass half full type of guy. I just see me hanging around girls often as proof of me being gross cause literally none of them have seemed to like me.
Makes me feel a bit better at least. Had one more example from like 2 months ago
that might blow a hole through it all though.

>Sitting around with my group of hs-friends drinking at my place
>Play some dumb drinking game someone had on their phone
>One question that came up was like ''everyone point at the biggest loser in the room'' or some shit like that
>Literally everyone inside of the room of all the like 10 people sitting there instantly point at me without a moment of hesitation.
>They all laugh hysterically,
>Laugh along in the most cucked manner of my entire life.

Although the way you're putting it I might just not have a sense of humor

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You can meet all kind of people because all kind of people like to go for a beer in their free time and is not like he was doing something interesting anyways.

A girl i like and was making moves on is apparently getting a boyfriend. I thought she liked me but it seems im wrong again..

It also sucks because i never had a gf before and i dont talk to other girls much. She was also the first one who agreed to go out for a drink with me.

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>be me
>community college
>no more qt to hit on or talk to
Thinking about ending my life nowadays

Stop giving her money, stop giving her attention, block her from everywhere and never contact her again you might not notice it because you are a fucking retard but she is a fucking whore and is trying to cuck you in every way possible.

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>completely isolated
>only talk to e-friends, read, listen to music, and watch movies
>the idea of going outside makes me want to puke
>wasted most of my youth and continuing to waste what's left of it
why can't i just fucking end it

>glass half full
>pic related
ugh gross

then you say for every one who points a finger theres three pointing back at you.

Also yeah don't laugh at that, act like you're jokingly pissed, and say fuck you guys. I guess if you work on your behavior when put in weird situations like that you can get through them.

All the kids i know that I thought were popular also bring up moments like this when they felt like they were vulnerable or awkward or they stuttered.

Don't worry, robots are not the only ones who are self conscious. Everyone is even chad.

Obviously some people experience less of these moments than other, but its all in how you deal with it

If you see these problems as stupid relative to greater problems you could be facing like drug addiction, death of someone close, etc. you may be more comfortable dealing with them

always act nonchalant, there's no reason to give so much attention to people acting like assholes.

I've found in my friend groups the person who get picked on the most is the one who gives the greatest reaction to it. if they simply stopped giving an awkward reaction or over dramatic reaction to us shitting on them, we'd have no reason to shit on them cause it'd be no fun

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yeah, but now that you did it once it will be easier the second time

Yeah, i feel kinda happy that i actually managed to go out with her and not make things awkward..

Cool, thanks a lot, genuinely probably the only advice I read on here that actually felt applicable, or at least not too daunting.

Have a good-one based-user

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This is what I am afraid of for myself,

If the girl I think likes me doesn't then maybe every girl I've felt liked me didn't and I don't know what it really feels like to be liked by a girl.

This would ruin my confidence honestly.
I wish I could ask a girl out, but idk even know where to ask girls at uni out to cause I don't party, and I just eat at dining halls, no restaurants very close within walking distance

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How did you know she liked you enough to go out with you?

She might have liked you, but just been wooed by some other guy with money, social status or something, which obviously makes her a bitch, but it doesn't mean you're not likeable.

I wish I could do what you managed to do, but I just can't push myself to ask a girl out and risk getting rejected and have it be awkward with her and our mutual friends too.
That's the big thing for me, I can get rejected by a girl, but I know she'll tell everyone I asked her out and it'll spread like wildfire and im that guy that got rejected.

if I had a gf before people wont think as much of it, but since I've never had a gf ppl will see me as the guy whos only ever seen rejection which will fuck up my chances more

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>got fired from every job i've had
>been wageslaving at this one hellhole for over a year now
>sometimes i go in and it feels like someone is pressing on my chest
>have to sit in the bathroom and calm myself down until it goes away
>stayed off a few days ago because i was panicking so much
>didn't call in
>parents are pissed because they think i'm just being lazy and that i'm going to get fired again
>coworkers pissed because they have to work alone if i don't show
>quiet so i don't have the nuts to tell people around me that anxiety is killing me
>have to go in tomorrow for 10 hours and they're just going to think i was off with a hangover or something

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I also don't party and tend to have confidence problems. But I'm trying to change that. Sometimes I'll go out partying with friends because I believe that's the best chance of getting to know someone.

As for confidence, I just endure the pain and try to keep my cool, but deep down I'm shitting my pants.

It's also a lot easier for me to ask someone out via text.

Just the sheer loneliness is soul crushing. It's a struggle to avoid hurting someone.

Honestly the only way to get out of this is to try go out do things, meet people. It will be difficult and very uncomfortable but gradually you will have life experience and be able to relate to people and you will see how far you have come and it will be worth it. Also if you're a girl so having a man be at least attracted to you shouldn't be hard.

hey, I am 20 and I get that anxiety like that too where I can't fucking breath. I shake at my knees so its hard to hide, and I sweat so much too.

Quite embarrassing.

Here's what I do, before I go in, i give myself as much anxiety as possible, and then it sometimes goes away.

Also to lower my heart rate I focus on my breathing and I breath really slow

Still though it doesn't help sometimes and I shake really bad that I can't do much

Those things I mentioned above lower it in the moment and temporarily. What really lowers my overall anxiety effects is exercise, and I mean cardio, or lifting high repetitions. I am not a health nut but this helps me get back to feeling comfortable.

Also I hate it, but I have to force myself to go do things that give me anxiety in less consequential situations so that I am not risking anything too great. Usually I go places I never plan on going again and I try to talk to people.

Yeah, at first I didn't want to admit I had anxiety cause I always associated that will pussies who just dont wanna do stuff, but it sucks how my body goes into fight or flight so easily. Even when exercising, I think about how I am exercising and begin to get anxiety and I see my heart rate spike +10-20bpm on the heart rate monitor. people just don't understand, they never will, so fuck em I won't even try to explain myself when I am shaking

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Keep doing art and try to get emotion out from doing that: Don't do heroin. i grew up around it, it is fucking horrible.

First time we met was at my best friends birthday party. We didn't talk much that day because i had no balls to ask her anything.

The other times we met in real life she kept smiling at me and keeping eye contact. It could also just be my desperate brain telling me i have a chance.

But recently i changed my mind set a little which gave me a nice confidence boost. And if i find a girl that i like, I'll probably ask her out. It usually ends with a no, but I'll keep trying until i managed to find a girl that will like me for who i am.

I'm tired of staying inside all day, playing vidya and self pitying myself.

>It's also a lot easier for me to ask someone out via text.

I know, but I am worried about consequences of asking a girl out.
What does it matter if you get rejected over text if you're just going to see the girl in person later again anyways and have to face her sooner or later?

I feel like asking out over text just means you have the time between getting rejected and seeing the girl again to become anxious and nervous about everything.

If you want to preserve what you had with that girl then text her though what to talk about is up to you. Who knows she might be thinking the same thing you are waiting for you to text first. The worse that can happen is some girl on the other side of the country stops talking to you which is what will happen if you dont try to connect. If meeting up is brought up tell her your situation and if she wants to preserve your relationship then she'll understand. Godspeed user

yeah, even when I finally got friends to hangout with I still feel alone.
none of them care about what I care so I have to pretend to care about stupid shit that bores me.

Just give up on being slow and steady with everyone and meet people in large numbers if you can that way you can just find those few people like yourself who you actually want to hangout with

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girl I know sat with me for lunch with her friend and she was just keeping eye contact the whole time, but I realized I hold eye contact for like a couple seconds then glance away.

I always thought that was normal, but the way she was staring into my soul I felt like I was being shy by looking away every so often while talking. But also this girl was sitting alone in our class and came over to me when she noticed i was in the class which meant she at least felt comfortable around me.

She also calls me by name a lot. like "hello user", instead of just saying "hello", or "user how are you" instead of "how are you". do these things matter? idk

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>best friend may have killed herself
>definitely reasonably attractive, still a khhv
>addicted to cocaine, alcohol, and attentionwhoring
>guilty over my bad attempts at following my religion
>feel worthless without any attention
>my family all either hate or neglect me, or want me to talk to them but they always come off so fake
>no car
>shit job
>more alone than i've ever been

The only thing keeping me from suicide is the coke guys.

There was a girl i liked and i invited her out for a drink, she kept postponing the date. First this went for a week but then i realized she was not interested and just kept toying with me.

I also have great fear if i get rejected and I'll become a laughing stock, but I'll never know unless I try. I also dont care much about what others think about me.

When it was the time to go meet with that girl i was super nervous at first and was super careful trying not to say something foolish. But as the conversation continued i became more relaxed and everything was smoother.

Experience is the key. We all had bad and good dates. You just have to keep trying until you make it.

Depends if she was like this with everyone she talked to. I guess if you had a lot of long eye contacts and she kept smiling, she might liked you.

Calling someone by their name also means she might like you. I guess the only way to actually tell is to make a move and see how she responds.

the internet is a blessing and a curse. It's gotten everyone cooped up in their house all day, but its also connected us to all sorts of people.

Now I know i've never seen you or talked to you in person, but I feel like I've met you before just based on your situation.

Families always feel fake, this is because you grew up with them and you know who they really are, and you know when they're forcing behavior.
Truth is most people act fake we just don't know them closely enough to pick up on their deceptive behavior. It's gross to see people acting so phony

I've been there with no car, it makes you feel trapped, but this is your chance to learn. You can learn how to move without a car, find ways of getting around.
Same thing with money, I am glad I grew up poor, I found out how much could do without money that I don't need it to enjoy life.

Addiction is the worst, I have been there too. Unless you're superhuman, you're not going to kick it alone, but the longer you wait the more it will haunt you when you eventually do kick it. You have to tell someone who is a good influence about it. if you cant find anyone, go to a church and tell a stranger, go to a small church not a giant money grubbing business/church, chances are they don't care and can't relate.

Bad attempts are better than no attempts.I must say though, If you're following a religion, you're just following a meaningless practice. Follow something that really changes your life, something that is real. If you seek God and do not find him you probably weren't seeking something real to begin with. I think if you want something real you must be willing to leave behind what is not real. Go to church again like I said, If you find a place that isn't corrupt. a place that is made up of people who aren't trying to look like perfect people , then you'll be in good hands.

You're not alone, you have Jow Forums, as stupid as that sounds. There are people like myself, and I DO CARE. Sorry I cant be there

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yeah, I'm like OP's situation though, she's at a summer home for the summer, and I won't see her till next semester. Idk if I should text her over summer, seems like that hasn't worked out for OP lol

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I'd text her every once in a while so you won't lose touch completely. When school starts, ask her out. You got nothing to lose so go fo it.