Monday Night Feels Thread

>completely checked out of my job(software developer)
>had been banking on getting a new job for a fresh start
>drinking almost every night
>smoking weed all day at work
>haven't had a good gym session in months, lifts are down across the board
>have not had any motivation since I graduated
>freinds have started to move on
>can't stop thinking about my ex girlfriend, fantasizing over her love and affection that I once had

It has not been a good month lads. About to text one of my roommates if he wants to hit up to dive bar to get drunk, otherwise I'll just sit inside all night smoking weed and browsing Jow Forums

Attached: 1561149985022.webm (640x264, 2.67M)

Sage and report pornposting
This isn’t fitness related you dyel faggot
Sage sage and more fucking sage

i read up on this movie. apparently the director is in some controversy because the actors refused to do this scene (and some other sex scenes) and he kept insisting, implying they'd never work again and that sort of thing. Inevitably, he got them drunk (serious), and now they all regret it and are after him.

Either way, enjoy your ban, pornposter faggot.

Fuck you, now I'm aroused.

4 months ahead of you; it gets better trust.

he sounds like, dare i say it, /ourguy/

user, you should see if there's any ax throwing places near you and invite your roommate to that instead.

what movie

Mektoub, my love

Mektoub, my love intermezzo

>Same tanlines as my ex
Fucking hell. I want to end it all. Doesn't matter how much I'll improve myself the past is the past.

Quit weed (far more of a demotivator than you think it is), cut down on drink (fattens you and fucks up your diet), actively send out your resume once a day even if it means skipping town and drop your ex-gf feelz for new sloots or at least ragelift with them.

>same tanlines as my ex
you mean a standard fucking bikini? how "not over" your ex are you my guy?

The scene in the OP isn’t even that bad, I don’t know what they’re upset about? I’ve seen much more suggestive scenes

Virgin here, how do I know if I have a latent talent for fucking? Are there signs to look out for?

>i swear i'm not a degenerate

>Same tanlines as my ex
Did you get broken up with yesterday? Holy shit

Hey jannies do your fucking job

Kek. Been dating a pale Serbian for 2 months. Much hotter than my ex, but the hole is not being filled my guys.


>that gf
How repressed are you mate

Imagine being a janitor/mod on Jow Forums and letting this thread go for 40 minutes

just imagine it

how do i turn on the nsfw filter for this subreddit

>durr gf
Shut up you dyel faggot

you need to be skinned alive and buried in a mound of salt

shut up virgin


Oh look, it's another Jow Forumstard LARPing as an anime dictator.

Post body

Jannies did it again
Just ban the pornpostinf kikes

>fill ziploc bag partially with hot af water
>duct tape the seal closed
>roll into a tube shape and wrap with more tape to keep it in place
>tape a bag to one end
>insert under couch cushion
>lube it up and thrush fast and hard as long as possible
If you can keep it up for a while you might be good.

>have programming job
>on a small but vital team that does most of the company's backend work
>other teams have problems with deadlines and stuff
>some people dont stay focused at work + tight deadlines = CEO wanting people to stay late
>always get all my work done
>stay a little later to make sure what I was looking at gets finished
>manager from another team is messing around with me, pokes a stab at how I'm slow at programming
>can't tell if hes being serious, see another manager laughing at us in the background
>paranoia sets in
>already an outlier in the dev group because of my past drinking antics, nothing bad but they've seen me wasted.
>also struggle with panic half the time talking to coworkers because I think they are judging me mid conversation.
>my manager says I'm doing a good job

God damnit I know he was just messing with me because I dont fuck around at work, even if I program a little slow (debatable), it's always good working code and I dont have an issue with deadlines.

Now this company ceo is going to flip some shit this week about logging time or something because other people are slacking. I feel like I'm getting lumped in with them.

Cant tell if people outside my team and higher up people know how much work I do or if I'm being paranoid.

Fucking bullshit. I'm making three points to them if they come at me in anyway.

1) most of my work in reactive, break in work not planned for.
2) scoping sometimes is completely inaccurate and sometimes something that seems straightforward is actually more tedious and complex than originally thought.
3) When multiple teams keep asking me for small things, it adds up. It makes me take longer on whatever I'm working on and goes back to the first point.