>be attentive, respond to texts/calls timely, generally show interest
>get lukewarm response
>neglect texts, don't respond for days, show disinterest and the girl will crave you more than ever
What's up with that?
>be attentive, respond to texts/calls timely, generally show interest
>get lukewarm response
>neglect texts, don't respond for days, show disinterest and the girl will crave you more than ever
What's up with that?
you don't crave what's readily available
What is up is that we have reached lame attempt at a meme v4
its true though friend
i dont show interest and girls show me interest partly because of that. i could have tried making something happen but at the same time ive been a volcel for 5 years mostly because i have a submissive, passive aggressive personality combined with introversion and id rather have a girl show that she cares than do any fake flirting shit or shallow sex shit thats just meant to boost her ego or get me to "fall" for her temporarily so she can take advantage of that, but sadly it seems for guys like me thats not how mother nature designed the mating game and girls.
Because your social skills are poor, so when you're distant there's some doubt. Some mystery. When you're talking, however, your autism is evident.
It's true because the girls you show lower interest in are less attractive, dummy. They see you as above their league.
Most girls crave attention like little bloodsuckers if they are into you. There aren't actually many girls who are more attracted to the "disinterest", it just turns out that desperate losers who become too attached or possessive don't see anything wrong and then some of them become famous comedians who created that meme in the 90s
they want a guy that has options, not being a bitch that is up their ass every second shows that you have options. women are just fucking stupid and this is what they respond to
>OP shows cute girls no interest
>they just fuck chad and don't even know OP exists
Smart OP!
You are operating under several misconceptions OP. Women don't suddenly want you if you ignore them, that's not how people work. If a woman sees a guy she likes, she'll want to get to know him and check him out, see if he's nice, maybe take things from there if conversation goes well. But that's a gradual process that she may want to bail out of if the guy sends red flags.
For that reason, women don't just straight up tell men they're into them because that sends the message that they want to fuck. And maybe they do, but not right away usually, they want to make sure the guy is on the level first, not a creep etc. Women suffer very bad consequences for poor judgement and hasty moves, so typically they won't run up to a guy panting. They'll get his attention, try to get him interested in her, so she can control the pace and bail out if she needs to.
Because of this dynamic, a woman won't show she's interested while trying to attract a guy, she'll feign disinterest to see what he does to win her over. But the tables can turn if that same guy she wants to attract ends up losing interest in her and paying attention to other women. That can make her anxious of losing a chance with him and she'll be a little more direct and obvious about wanting his attention after that.
This is what causes the perception that ignoring women makes them want you. In fact, they were already interested from the beginning, they were just pretending not to be in order to protect themselves and control the situation, and by not responding to their attraction efforts you make them panic.
Obviously this varies from woman to woman. Some women are better at it than others, and some women are very high status and know they don't have to work hard to get the attention of fuckable guys so won't be too miffed if one tries to play hard to get: they have their pick of the lot.
This is also how PuAs work for women btw.
So it's a "Baby It's Cold Outside" scenario, then.
In the song's original context, the girl is using every excuse in the book knowing full well that they're lame bullshit attempts so that later on after they fuck she can tell her friends "Yeah, I gave every excuse in the book" when really she was 100% in control and wanted to get fucked.
Girls are fucking retarded cunts. More at 6.
>If a woman sees a guy she likes, she'll want to get to know him and check him out, see if he's nice, maybe take things from there if conversation goes well. But that's a gradual process that she may want to bail out of if the guy sends red flags.
Jee wiiz they sure do that fast these days, like literally in the span of 2 drinks and about 20 mins.
Its just basic human psychology, imagine if you were buying a car and the salesman was super desperate to get you to buy it, youd think theres something wrong with it. Thats why telling a girl you love her and shes the only one for you blah blah blah is total bullshit.
It's because they want to communicate with you either way. If you are sending all the messages then why does she need to? When you aren't sending them she's forced to. Either way she wants to talk to you, this seems like a juvenile question, op.
>girl loses interest when you express yourself and live in the present
>girl retains fleeting marginal interest when you hide behind barriers and watch your every move
And your response, instead of moving on to new pursuits, is to keep doing the second thing so you can nudge your elbow at no one in particular and go "bullshit am I right fellas?"
>like girl
>don't have enough confidence to ask her out
>start showing blatant disinterest to others
>they go crazy over it
>word gets around
>girl I actually like eventually figures out I'm not treating her like shit for a reason
>she starts to like me
>ride the confidence from knowing other girls are interested to suave it up and get a date with the girl I like
things are looking up
>some of the whores tried to spread rumors that I'm gay because I don't like them
some people are just pathetic desu famalam
I'd recommend all the anons out there just start doing dumb shit confidently and becoming more exclusive, people in general seem to eat that shit up
During my teens and early adulthood I was honestly pretty blunt/disinterested/rude to girls and they latched on to me like fucking leeches. At the time I truly hated it.
Huh. You know your shit.
Where did you learn this? Origiii
>girl has crush on me
>can't deal with this
>tell her I'm gay
>she literally comes over sleeps in my bed and tries to give me a handjob
>couldn't get it up
ironically it was her weird fuzzy mustache that turned me off
Wow. Something that sounds realistic, but isn't a super harsh soul crushing reality to accept. Thanks, friend. You improved my day
I would try to. But I think it's all in my head
It IS all in your head, user, that's why it's so easy to fuck around with. Confidence isn't something you naturally have, it's an entire mindset. People can figure out if you think you're pathetic almost instantly. Read up on confidence and learn how to make yourself bigger and more approachable.
And yeah, "b confident" is boomer advice, but it's still solid and worth doing, if only for your own feeling of self-worth.
Men are literally the same, though
Both genders, so people in general are fucked in the head imo
They don't want things that are readily available, they want things they have to chase after
So "dating" and pursuing /being pursued by the opposite sex kind of sucks if you are an honest person and don't like to waste your time on retarded childish mind games
but this only happens around chads, right?
I must have been chad all along because I never even talk to women
Not him but it is hard to feign confidence. Like I feel like I am performing an act where as deep down I remember all those nights of self loathing and fapping to unspeakable porn and just being pathetic in general. It's like I am just fooling and lying to myself and I see how ridiculous this whole situation is when I am never like this when I am alone.
Because women need social interaction more then men and need to be reminded of it.
>Why do women crave you more when you show disinterest?
pain turns them on
rejection = pain
pain = turn on
i expect my nobel prize in psychology to arrive by post
Even if they are, they are intelligent and can read a signal. So you acted like you were too good for them once, cool.
They give it another couple of tries and then get the hint and leave you alone, like every person does