>tfw will always be a disgusting tranny
Tfw will always be a disgusting tranny
not disgusting
cant be talking about yourself like that
don't be so hard on yourself! if Contra Points can be a goddess then so can you...
I can never be a cute girl with fat hands like these.
>Contra Points
He's not even passable let alone a goddess. Natalie Mars and Bailey Jay though..
>Bailey Jay
I understand that you want to chase away orbiters but posting a hand that's obviously not yours won't accomplish much.
You're disgusting. That's true. It's nice to see you're finally coming to terms with reality.
You are a man. In a dress. And that's it.
That hand doesn't look white.
It is. I posted that pic before. Just ask other anons.
I was always realistic. Though I'm not in a dress.
I've seen the pic before but what would that prove exactly? It's not even a white person's hand.
Take another pic with timestamp
>being this much of a bunch of faggots
Should I post my dick too for you to jerk off to? Haha.
No I'm just pointing out that if you want orbiters to go away, that's not the way to do it.
OP never claimed to be white actually
Only absolute faggot degenerates orbit a tranny.
Yes! Please do, Kierkegaard will love you even more lel
You aren't a tranny until you attempt to transition.
You're just an attention seeking, delusional boy.
And "absolute faggot degenerates" make up a significant portion of Jow Forumss userbase, something you already know and use for the attention you come here for.
Yeah. I'm a boy. That's what all trannies are.
>tfw repressor
Well no, there's 'trans men' which are girls.
If you weren't schizo you wouldn't want to be a girl, you just think it would solve your problems.
>blue eyes
>not huwhite
No she's a girl(girl)
transtrenders are so annoying! stop claiming to be trans until you have dysphoria!
Why not just become FtM? They're less gross than MtF
he's just an attention seeking faggot that loves getting (you)s
>If you weren't schizo you wouldn't want to be a girl, you just think it would solve your problems
Okay. I don't care about reasons. It's fine like this.
Dont care about reasons because you just say shit for attention
exactly my point! he's an attention seeking transtrender!
Why do all trannies act the same? Same alien voice, same weird cryptic speech patterns, same need for validation, same style of anime girls spammed everywhere..
Yeah. I'm just an attention seeking guy.
avatarfagging is against the rules by the way! prepare for ban