Women are subhuman fucking trash. They deserve nothing but death. Everything that is female or feminine repulses me...

Women are subhuman fucking trash. They deserve nothing but death. Everything that is female or feminine repulses me. Death is the only thing suitable and deserving for women. They are not to be considered human beings.

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Oh, here he goes again.

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Don't say such things user, sure women may just be sluts. But I like them.

I really hoped we were over this.

Attached: Perçant.png (600x600, 371K)

Just get a cute girl(male) itll change your life
Fuck the fuck off holy shit

>trying to manipulate a mentally unwell person into becoming a sexual deviant
You fuck off.

Attached: Didn't Have To Be Like This.png (600x600, 378K)

>trying to manipulate a mentally unwell person
says the person that makes her orbiters kill themselves

Fuck off, Aiste, you whore. Women are trash and you know it.

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What's you damn problem now? Are you bipolar or something?

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You're acting up again. Smoke some weed and chill out.

Women are just trash, simple as that.

You're acting more like trash than 99% of women. Do you really think you're so great because you were born with a dick? Pathetic.

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I like that one. Especually because everyone calls her mommy and she's not an inflated caricature of femininity like other characters with that title
Cute eyes

Admit it, you'd rape someone in a heartbeat if you had a 100% guarantee of escaping justice.

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Rape is a stressful activity and one can understand and hate women without wanting access to freeflowing sex because that's not actually how men's minds work
There are more factors at play than a binary of "is sex available"

>you'd rape someone in a heartbeat if you had a 100% guarantee of escaping justice.
Well, yeah. I would. I'm not ashamed of saying that lmao.

I would murder a woman gratuitously if it meant I could escape justice unscathed lol.

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I'd dislocate your jaw before you could do anything, monkeyboi. Thanks for confirming your true nature, though. Kind of always knew, but I avoid making broad generalizations about large groups of people.

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You are inhuman

enjoy ur police report

Found the nigger.


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When did the normalfags infest this board?

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>"since when did people with basic human values infest this board"
are you retarded cunt?

Fuck off, normalfaggot. You don't belong here. Get off my board, you filth.

Fuck you.

Attached: what t.png (841x853, 1.05M)

u dont own shit pussy ass bitch

Why are you even this mad, roastie?

>literally admits to having murderous and rape ideations
>why are you mad?
So much virtue.

Attached: Couteau.png (600x600, 139K)

>literally admits to having murderous and rape ideations
but it's not towards actual human beings, just women.

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ur a fat fuck who does nothing quit pretendin u hard nigga

That's the thing. Over time I started believing you could be a friend and if the opportunity presented, I'd probably not have been against even meeting you. Now I know I could've easily gotten raped and murdered. So what's the basis for ever trusting anyone? Even long-time "friends"? None.

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I'm not pretend I'm hard or anything, I just don't see women as human. That's just it.

and absolutely nobody on earth see's you as anything other than a putrid sad sorry sack of shit

I wouldn't ever rape you, Aiste unless you wanted me to.

That's fine by me, normalfag. Now get off my board.

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get off planet earth first

so you admit now that you really are in love with Kierkegaard? i was right all along.

>Women are subhuman fucking trash. They deserve nothing but death.
Once artificial wombs and sexbots get advanced enough, death is what's coming to women.

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Yeah. But just because you couldn't get away with it.
No. I don't love anyone here. I just wanted to be friends.

Attached: Low Expectations.jpg (600x600, 101K)

>women genocide
Based poster.

you came here to mock. you stayed here trying to understand. you didn't like what you saw. you tried to fight the truth. you saw despair directly to their eyes.

you are a normie, and just can't accept most people have a miserable lives.

What even is your definition of friendship if I may ask? Like exactly what do friends do together and how is friendship formed? Why not be friends with other roasties if we men are such hopeless violent savages?

Women do not and cannot ever hope to comprehend friendship. It's beyond their capability of understanding. Women don't know true camaraderie.

Attached: Machiavelli.jpg (435x557, 207K)

>never cared much for women in my life
>experiences with them were split 60/40 bad good
>never hated them, just indifferent
>over the years on Jow Forums keep reading stories of robots getting fucked over by them. Cheating, false rape accusations, unfair firings, wife taking away the mans lifetime wealth forever, dumb whore clueless mothers ruining their lives from an early age
>see feminism ruin everything
>watch first hand how """fembots""" ruined this place
>learn how womym have been treated through history by many civilizations, often the higher achieving ones
>start thinking maybe women haters have a point
Am I ascending?

You are the hero Jow Forums needs, but doesn't deserve.

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I think I've seen it all. I don't think I want to live in a world full of people like this. Nothing will ever change.

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Answer this you piece of shit.

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Women are trash indeed. I recommend picking up Otto Weninger's works.

She never answers anything. She just avoids the arguments and turns away from them like a coward woman. She's a goddamned roastie.

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>that pic
AI sexbots? If they don't come with a synthetic personality then I'd have to go with the state-mandated organic gfs.

I don't know. I just like talking to people here, that's it. I don't know their gender anyway. I'm just sad that the world is even worse than I thought.
I answered all your arguments yesterday. And here you go again, attributing everything to gender. I think you're a terrible person, but not because you're a guy.

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Thanks senpai I'll add them to my backlog. What's funny is it wasn't even an argument, just a simple question. How indeed can you claim you wanted "friends" when the very concept of friendship is non-existent in your roastie head? I don't think she was looking for friends, just attention, like all women. This has been a real eye opener. Thanks Kierk thanks Kashii

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I view women the exact same way. I wish I had the balls to punch a pregnant stranger in the stomach.

Amny women are thrash not all although I'm gay so I dont care

I'm a boy. I'm a tranny. I don't know. Fuck you and goodnight.

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No manhand this time? lmao. But seriously I hope to hear your genuine, honest to God answer one day.

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