which of these groups is truly responsible for ruining this board?
Which of these groups is truly responsible for ruining this board?
And mods for letting them
>Fembots and Trannies
We have always had "boomers" (oldfags) and "zoomers" (newfags). Incels were just robots that were ugly and virgin honestly.
tripfags and OP's
first time I heard that song was on fallout new vegas now its one of my favs
all of them originalIy
makes my iron the big iron every time
also gotta love this classic youtube.com
honestly though, I just wanted an excuse to post these memes
keep them coming
originally eat my dick ahaha
sure thing, though I only have so many
how long till Jewtube deletes this?
>goes lower like the backup singers
>cant even hit the lowest note
to the town of Agua Robot came an incel one fine day
Why are all nazi's so fucking lazy
couldn't speak to folks around him, was too autistic to say
Failed normies
I miss this place being about piss bottles, and collecting retard checks, and mischief, not >tfw no gf and ooh I've not had sex in a month and I miss her :'( I want to poo in a sock and swing it over maman's fence to hit my mowing neighbor! That's what I want! Not some moo-cow to harass me, take me from my games, and cat, and maman. I'm sick of yous. Beasts. THAT has ruined Jow Forums my lords, THAT is where damnation lies, self pity and self doubt. Not living as hedonist lords of the earth we started out as. I piss on you all.
Samson, recommend me something to get back into black metal, everything being released nowadays is shit or just plain boring.
There's few of them who are ok
>Luciferian Rites
>Beketh Nexemuh
and that's about it the bands i have enjoyed in the last couple of years.
I thought you were a (female)zombie!
this band risks their lives/freedom to play metal
Anyone older than 22 does not belong here and is just toxic
Im 22 and a half should I stop coming here?
redditfags and those coming from the r9k simulator videos
Well, at least they are true for what they like or stand for if they risk so much. Too bad it did nothing for me.
I guess metal is shit to me after all, i will stick to noise and power electronics.
yeah, honestly I'm not as much into metal these days either
time for some funk youtube.com
What are you into these days? Also in drinking, i have seen you more around /soc/ lately than r9k and saw a thread of you looking mental and i was thinking that you finally lost it.
Also, yeah, funk music it's good, i wonder how those black folks got away from that kind of music and started doing all these shitty songs and music genres.
el contributo del orginaldo
unironically the Jews happened, Jewish record companies heavily promoted hip hop
Textless posts are not allowed lol fuck dump threads unlike myself
Without a doubt trannies and fembot posters
I think that fembotposting is 50% larpers and 50% attention whored