He cant even benchpress his own weight

>He cant even benchpress his own weight
WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The only way this is acceptable is if you are FtM.

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FtM's are on testosterone though. If anything MtF's should be the exception because estrogen is making them lose muscle mass.

>weigh 180
>1 rep max 275
>no gf ever
no one cares about how much your chest can move

MtF count as female they are exempt. FtM dont take enough testosterone to have the same effect as a man who takes steroids.

Who said anything about gfs? Life is not all about girls.

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I think about stuff like that when I space out at work. There are fat dudes at my work who are stronger than I am but can't even do a pull up because they have 150lb sack of fat hanging off their torso. I can do a bunch of them because my body weighs nothing.


>He can't run a 4.5 40
>His vertical's less than 32"

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Are you gay? Are you worried you are going to go on a gay date with your gay boyfriend and come home to have gay sex only to find out she has a vagina? Is that what bothers you faggot?

>MtF count as female

I'm fast as fuck, boy

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It is for me, maybe I suck

It's just a jewish trick to ruin perfectly good dykes and tomboys.

Glory to fagscism. Heil twinkler.

>weigh 50kg
>can lift 25kg
fuck you user 50% isn't too bad

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i'm 325 pounds and never move yet can do 20 pushups
dunno how much i could bench i can't afford weights

Just walk into the gym and workout. What are they going to do, carry you out?

>What are they going to do, carry you out?
i have autism and can't afford a membership so yeah i'd assume

its not that i cant benchpress my lardass
but my arms not strong enough

how do i fix this Jow Forumsbros?

is it working if i do like 10-14 benchpress
but my arms starting to hurt then go sore the next day

Work out more you baka

with what not including benchpress frendo