God bless guns and damn anyone who hates them. In a liberal utopia she wouldn't be able to defend herself...

God bless guns and damn anyone who hates them. In a liberal utopia she wouldn't be able to defend herself. Liberals actively fight against self defense like pic related. They want you raped,murdered and your children brainwashed.

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Shut the fuck up retard, why don't you move down to Brazil and play real life Call of Duty with your fellow monkey brains

No, you shut up retard.

OP you just made the shittiest thread of today
>liberal utopia without guns
>Attacker wouldn't even able to attack because no guns
>No one would attack people because muh utopia so everyone is nice
Just look at the crime stats of countries without guns, like Japan

How about this: only women are allowed to own guns. Solves this problem twice.

In a liberal utopia, he would have no reason to steal, and no access to a gun.

Japan has crime low rate but the only factor isn't it's gun laws but the education and health that they're given by the government
You Americans don't get any because the only thing you get in school is big mac and a bullet through your school, get fucked white niggers

OP for all his internet bravado would without a doubt be the first person to start crying in a dangerous situation.

Where is this video taken? Brazil? Mexico?

Guns don't let you defend yourself, though, all the scientific evidence and case reports seem to indicate that even unarmed resistance to assailants is less likely to result in injury, death, and collateral damage. I don't want to ban guns but the idea that they make anyone safer in any way is a complete fabrication of the gun industry.

>literally "no you"
what a fucking dipshit you must be

Why don't you want to ban them?

I have no reason to take you seriously

If someone enjoys shooting as a hobby, why should we take that away from them? If they want to buy AR-15s with bald eagles on them and all the accessories at the gun show, it's really not terribly different from me buying D&D books and miniatures and crap. If they keep it to shooting ranges and other secure locations, wear proper ear protection, and otherwise behave responsibly, they've done nothing wrong.

The problem arises when you assume that guns make you better able to handle a crisis situation. They don't. Just having a gun can escalate a situation that could have been handled non-violently, or even just with with bare hands, in relative safety. Even skilled shooters drilled to military precision end up shooting a lot of rounds to kill one guy, rounds that all have to go somewhere and can totally end up killing people that didn't need to die. Gun owners in the US are infatuated with this idea of fighting off violent aggressors with their purchases, but that situation is both rare and much more chaotic than their daydreams lead them to imagine.

Your generalizations of gun owners show how much you have no idea what you're talking about. Good try though. Stay in school.

There should be gun control, so they're hard to get for criminals, but law-abiding citizens could get a license for self defense.

That literally does not work. All the times we've tryed abolishing something the problem got worse.

Sure thing, chief. Thanks to all that insight your post provided, I'm 100% convinced I was wrong.

How would you make it harder for criminals to get guns?

Good because you convinced no one you were right, now we're all on the same page.

When guns arent available knife crime goes up. Getting stabbed in many cases is worse than getting shot, the blade is a much larger foreign object entering your body.

Not sure what a good solution is, but Id rather have my friends and family armed with guns to equalize the battlefeild as apposed to knives. A fuckin badass with a knife could potentially carve through my weak little family but if we all have handguns at least a shootout would give us a better chance at winning.

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>Be American
>Get shot
>Tip the shooter
>Go to hospital
>"That'll be $60,000 plus tip"
>Cant pay
>die because lol insurance wont pay
>Politicians send you thoughts and prayers
>tip the politicians from beyond the grave

Your perception of a shootout is based more on John Wick movies than reality

So maybe set me straight? Have a conversation? It's kinda hard to actually learn anything when all you do is insult me. I mean, worthless trolls are to be expected, but I'm sure you're not one of them.

Hows that user? You presume a lot. A ragtag army of afghans have used this method to keep the fuckin US and everyone else out of their country. Simply arming people who are willing to fight back gives groups a lot of power.

If I was john wick with a knife could you fucking stop me without guns or an army at your back? Serious question

The vast majority of people who own guns hope to never have to use them other than at the range. Any assumption otherwise is nonsense propaganda from the antigun tards.

America is high on gun crimes because of 5 cities. If you take those 5 cities out of the equation america is 4th to last. Unless you live in one of those cities, you statistically live in one of the top 10 safest places in the world.
Sounds alot better than some other places that think butterknives and screwdrivers are weapons

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> but that situation is both rare
It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it.
>unarmed resistance to assailants is less likely to result in injury
Attacker w/ gun at close range = dangerous, attacker might shoot first, but you're fucked either way, better to equalize your strenght
Attacker w/ gun at long range = safer, attacker could miss, you could hide behind something, you both are using equal force so you're fighting fair, too
Attacker w/ cold weapon at close range = dangerous, attacker will probably strike first, but you're fucked either way, better to have a gun, which might at least scare them off
Attacker w/ cold weapon at long range = it's over before it began, you are in complete control of the situation
Attacker unarmed = as above

Anyone who pulls a weapon on you wants you dead and you have to strike as fast and as hard as possible.
Anyone who invades your personal space wants to harm you and any split second you waste trying to de-escalate the situation is another split second your attacker has to prepare to sock you in the face.
Heavyset grown men have died from very light unarmed hits to sensitive parts of the body, such as the kidneys.
Heavyset grown men have gotten permanent brain damage from being tackled to the ground and hitting the back of their had lightly.
The human body is very weak and vulnerable and you are a fool if you are not willing to take any measure to protect yourself.

Wtf lol Id feel more bold fighting someone whose wasting their time trying to use those agaisnt me desu

Japan has no niggers.

whats the source of this? link?

Woman was an off duty cop, man was an armed robber.
I believe it took place in brazil
I also believe the woman got somewhat shit on for not checking her backstop but nothing came of it.

love she walked right up and blasted him in the chest and then the guy all please don't kill me.

man brazil is nuts

i can smell the hotdog water and fedora from this post

Imagine a police force considering simple tools as weapons and then using four hashtags in one sentence unironically talking about said "weapons."

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That word. I'm not sure it means what you think it means.

Even if he were statistically wrong it's also proven that you can control someone more with a knife than a gun because you psychologically are more afraid of knives than guns as you think it will hurt more.

Knives also have a kill range equal to a pistol. Hence the 20 foot rule.

>God bless guns
Nah senpai. I agree that they should be legal but fuck if they aren't the root of the problem. If guns had never been invented we'd be living in a much safer society. Now the issue comes from dealing with the fuckup of their invention, and the only solution seems to be arming the citizens because the cops can't do their job

(Utopia)-An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.
There is only one definition of this and he's using it sarcastically.

>If guns had never been invented we'd be living in a much safer society

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Tell me how that relates to the evolution of civilian life, negroid

>If guns had never been invented we'd be living in a much safer society
How about you tell me how we'd be living in a safer society without guns.
It wouldn't change anything you neanderthal

America is such a meme. Imagine going down the street just to see people gunning each other down.

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>No guns
>Criminals don't have guns
>Crime is restricted to melee or like, archery i.e. things you can see coming more easily than some shit little pistol
It's an objective fact and you can't prove me wrong

I agree. Guns are fucking amazing. Its retarded that due to one flase flag we lost all of them. I love guns the same way normies love sports. Every owns the right to kill to defend their own property or their own life.

Didnt go any further back imagine being this much of a self defence hating kike.

And what are those 5 cities? and how did you come across this information?

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>Crime is restricted to melee or like, archery i.e. things you can see coming more easily than some shit little pistol
>completely excluding things like bombs or chemical weapons
Not everything that has killed people was used with a gun.
Humans aren't like we were thousands of years ago, we've evolved from that.

i believe that you should be able to walk into a store, walk out with a gun 5 minutes later, tuck it into your belt and walk down the street. all legal.

Would you need a carry license though?
I think it would be more complicated than that.

only if its as easy as getting carded for alcohol

So are you saying I could walts into a gun store and purchase a gun with nothing but my ID?
No backround checks, nothing?

i think thats clear

>someone tries to rob 50 bucks off of you

Yes we are faggots here.

Reminder that gun control does not stop criminals from getting guns

So you agree its perfectly fine for someone on a watch list to be able to purchase a gun?

Reminder that guns are purely a offensive weapon and that the OP video is cherry picking.

Japan low crime rates? Do you know what fucking Yakuza is? They have no crime because they have organized crime only and the mafia works with the fucking goverment. If a nigger wants to kill people he will just aquire a gun in an illegal way, so a normal citizen is at a disadvantage.

Your government put all of you in that losing battle, regardless

>Attacker wouldn't even able to attack because no guns
*teleports behind you*
*stabs you in your balls*
I don't need a gun, you IDIOT.

>no gun = can't attack
Ever heard of a knife before? Or illicit weapons? Fucking state of brainlets

>mafia gets micromanaged by the government
Ok.... because anarchy is better.

Enjoy your aids as they removed your common sense.

The Australians would beg to differ

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Gun makes you 9 times braver so it all depends on how you look at it.

In a robbery type situation, yes. But stalking or domestic violence is different. They'll just keep coming months or years at a time. And a restraining order doesn't mean jack shit to them.

But hey, non-violence bruh

But it true thou

Why do you think guns are so popular in the south?

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As a Bonglander I can confirm this. After guns were hard to get suddenly there was no gun crime, there was no knife crime, there was no crime

I'll reinforce your point. 15 year old was murdered in the Bronx last year. All bladed weapons. Nobody used a gun, and everyone just sat around and watched it happen

And don't get me started on our country's sad history of lynchings in general

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Unless somebody's a narcissist. Then they're just "brave" in general

I've also heard about sucker punch deaths in your country as well. I'm really sorry to hear all this, man.

I didnt say anything about micromangment or anarchy. Japanese gov let Yakuza grow after WW2 because they had no resources to stop them and it was easier to cooperate. And dont speak about common sense when you dont want people to have means to defend themselves against gangsta niggers. Also look at crime rates in Switzerland where citizens are being taught to use guns since childhood.

Excuse to hate someone detected. Sometimes people are just desperate.

While you're being sarcastic the USA is shit in comparison to live in.

In a liberal Utopia every worker would be armed and Rethuglican bootlickers strung up by light posts.

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people like u is why everyone laughs at america

Or why Japan is so big on suicides? Same stupid social problems of egoism from others

>chain the fence
>goes home and electricutes himself

There are countries that have outlawed guns and have barely any crime and there are other countries that allow people to own guns and they also have barely have any crime.
Seems like the problem is somewhere else.

You're half right. Desperate people steal and rob. Narcissists kill regardless. If you ever spent time in reality like I have, you'd know that.

Hahahahaha fkn underrated

>if you are a narcissist you have to kill
So if I were a narcissist and if I only care about myself and not you then I have to kill people that I don't care about? Isn't that a little narcissistic to assume in itself that if someone oesn't care about you that they MUST be ready to attack you?

I think you're projecting your desire to randomly shoot unfortunate people and are trying to justify your blood lust.

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Even skilled shooters drilled to military precision end up shooting a lot of rounds to kill one guy, rounds that all have to go somewhere
That's why you should be using hollow-point instead of full metal jacket.
Hollow-point expands inside the target and usualy doesn't leave the target and has a better man-stopping power.
>and can totally end up killing people that didn't need to die.
Breaking news:
If you attack people, they may fight back.

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>be euro
>get my ass beat
>cops do nothing because muh PC
>go home
>post on Twitter
>get arrested for thought crime

No thanks, I'd rather deal with the guns.

Wow, a narcissist trying to reverse the label on me. Where have I seen this before?

In all seriousness, I've contributed to the argument. You're just pointing fingers, using loaded words, and insulting me. You have no argument.

>Gun owners in the US are infatuated with this idea of fighting off violent aggressors with their purchases

My argument is that if the average US citizen makes 5k a month then the 50 USD they have on them for gas and cigs or similar is not worth a life. You really are the narcissist if you think your 50 bucks are worth shooting someone over when it is so little of your life they are sabotaging and you want all of theirs. How egotistical a man. How violent.

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To be fair, I rather have someone kill himself then be shot by a nigger

Japan also doesn't have shitskins.

Shooting an armed robber so he cannot rob other innocents is neither narcissistic, not egotistical. It's a public service.

>neither narcissistic, not egotistical.

>Woman was an off duty cop
I was gonna ask if she was, the way she moves implies a pretty good amount of training.

>and you want all of theirs.
It's not about wanting anything of them, it's about eliminating a threat. Don't project reasons on other people.

Yeah and she kicked the gun away and picked it up and didn't shoot the motherfucker again. She should have but didn't.

Watch as she calmly stands there then moves in and fires right into his chest even as he starts to point his gun in her direction. I wanted her to stand over him and shoot his crying ass in the face

In a liberal utopia they'd not be desperate enough to rob you one might figure. An actual service (as police officer is not your job) would be to donate to them (through taxation or right there) as you have too much money anyway.

Do you shoot everything that you consider a threat? I doubt it. Jump the gun if you want but you're an animal about it. You're by far more likely to be shot by a cop then a robber trying to get money from you. Logically you'd shoot a cop every time he pulls you over if you shot the biggest threat and were ACTUALLY in fear.

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I have empathy and respect, therefore I'm not a narcissist. You're still putting labels on me, and sugarcoating it as an attempt of deniability.

How ironic

>I have empathy and respect
For people like you I'm sure you do.

Do you listen to yourself talk? You're the animal, for putting loaded stereotypes on people. Guys like you are why we have this problem in politics.

A person getting bullied to suicide is just homicide by proxy, in my opinion. No different than a gangster-type murder. The only difference is nobody can prove who the bully is.

What does being stopped by the police have to do with me defending myself during an armed robbery?

You mean guys who mind their own business and leave people alone? Then you're absolutely right.

So not cops. Wow. guess I was wrong.

Have fun shooting and police officers and advocating that others shoot police officers then.

We're cool.

They're dangerous and fuck with people and are corrupt sadists. They're by far more a problem than sporadic people losing their minds in this dystopian capitalist shithole where it's impossible to make money.

>They're dangerous and fuck with people and are corrupt sadists. They're by far more a problem than sporadic people losing their minds in this dystopian capitalist shithole where it's impossible to make money.

Red herrings, sweeping generalisations, false dilemmas. I'm not going to bother with you any more.

At the end of the day It still you would decide how valueble you life is. Also the us isn't to off from japan on the charts and would have likely surpass it if it was not for shitskins.


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