>mfw I have a pure heart after all these years
Mfw I have a pure heart after all these years
Good on you, user! What's your secret?
innocence is a joke and isnt real
Too bad I dont have a clear conscience
I think it's my autism plus my beta nature combined with the fact that I haven't mentally matured past age 13
Please marry me anime girl.
Soon user. soon.
originally of course
That's okay, that seems to happen a lot, for some reason. Do you ever wish you could hold hands with a girl, or is that too dirty for you?
Not really because I like boys more so I'd rather hold hands with a boy
Oh, my apologies. That's pretty cute, too.
let me be your boyfriend please
>tfw a natural cynic.
I don't think I'm ready for a bf yet
But I am ready for you
if you have a pure heart why are you putting up a cute facade?
what's it like having a pure hesrt?
I've always wanted to listen to a qt3.14's heartbeat, that way I know someone loves me
>mfw i just want to help people on this board
your different I hate you.
just because i want to help people?
your name is letters you cant hide behind anonymity you are dumb dumb.
Sorry you feel that way user, but i am not trying to hide behind anonymity or anything.