Daily reminder that Jow Forums is a website for social outcasts only and there is nothing that will change that...

daily reminder that Jow Forums is a website for social outcasts only and there is nothing that will change that. stop making "my gf" posts or else you will suffer lethal consequences

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Social outcasts usually become each others friends and partners, even on r9k that happens a lot

spoken like a true man user

then they arent social outcasts
if you have a girlfriend, children and are a moralfag you dont belong here and need to fuck off and die before Its too late and i make you die an excruciating death. now leave

Then they are no longer robots and should leave. A true robot will never make a social connection.

The hell they do dumb ass.

They would leave. No one with a social life stays here. We are here because we are lonely.

I have a bunch of friends and a girl that misses me. I keep coming here. You wrong

I also never had to write "originally" just to post here, so I'm less of a cancer than you are hun.

I've met a lot of friends through Jow Forums, Jow Forums is for shitposters with alternative interest, some just happened to be social outcast. That's the whole reason Jow Forums went from
>lol epic greentext
>Tfw no gf
Social outcast have and continue to migrate here because there's no set social standard to be here. So the Gods of this site decided to keep Jow Forums to prevent the disease from spreading. Too bad the cure for you outcast and incels is just taking away your safe space. An hero pls

Based General Cho

Jow Forums was never about being a fuckin virgin
we used to mock wizards and virgins constantly
you're the new sort of social outcast that comes here
the rest of us older fucks are functioning members of society who hate society, and you're contained to Jow Forums because fine, you can shit up this one board and have it all to yourself and be a faggot about everything

>functioning members of society who hate society

Aka cucks

right dumbass keep thinking that
you fuckers are the cucks that have SHIT UP this ENTIRE fucking platform the rest of us used to greentext about our fucked up relationships DAILY and it was FINE and FUN and fucking COOL because we'd all be able to laugh at the AUTISTIC SHIT we said to our LOVERS or our FAMILY or WHATEVER but YOU sorry down syndrome fetal alcohol syndrome fucking brainlet sons of SHIT-EATING MIDDLE-AGED WHORES decided OHHHH LOOK THAT'S AUTISTIC AND SO AM I I'M SO FAR DOWN THE FUCKING SPECTRUM THAT THEY STANDARDIZE EXTREME AUTISM AFTER MY CHARACTERISTICS SO THIS IS THE PLACE FOR ME except we used to fucking laugh at shitters like you I MEAN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK CHRIS-CHAN DOESN'T ALREADY LIVE ON Jow Forums WHAT SORT OF ENVIRONMENT DO YOU THINK THIS PLACE WAS TEN YEARS AGO BECAUSE IT WAS NOT FRIENDLY TO KEKMEISTERS LIKE YOURSELF that's you you fucking piece of dogshit SHUT the FUCK UP and don't ever make this faggot ass thread again

tl,dr your paste

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genocide for all normies

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>daily reminder that Jow Forums is a website for social outcasts only and there is nothing that will change that. stop making "Jow Forums is for social outcast" posts or else you will suffer lethal consequences

You need to leave. It's time. You don't fit in here!

That sound more like a opportunity than a threat

cringe LOL bro...

What if my gf is a tulpa?

Holy shit this guy looks more deranged than ER.

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First post best post. OP doesnt know what a true social outcast is

My gf says you need to calm down and stop being such a silly billy :^ )

Why are you here and not stalking some porn producer who made your chances of ever getting a girlfriend impossible?

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You mean..?

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Cho is the real deal, of course faggot zoomer kids would stick to ER, who did nothing right.

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in my school years i only ever had like 1 friend
and now i talk to people but only a little
yet when ever i come to this site i still feel more at home than anytime i hang around others
also im ugly so people and girls dont usually approach me
... so am i a normie then?

also i usually spend my free time alone

>Jews dont believe in authoritarianism

Dumbest thing I've read all week

Cringe underage edgy bait

>Implying there is a large number of female social outcast
otherwise we can buttfuck each other

Damn fucking right. But these zoomers only learn the hard way.

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Plenty that Ive seen

This board has been shit since Jow Forumsincels got shut down

keep larpin

is htat a vz.58?

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