You have to spend the rest of your life married to a fat woman, doing typical married life things, or you will die...

You have to spend the rest of your life married to a fat woman, doing typical married life things, or you will die. You will drop dead on the spot if you decline. She is at least attractive for a fat woman.

No, you cannot make her thinner. She also has the potential to get bigger if you are not careful.

Do you accept this or do you die?

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At least I can sex her

I don't even know her.

>She is at least attractive for a fat woman.
Well shit. Sign me up.

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>attractive fat woman
>She also has the potential to get bigger if you are not careful
There are literally no downsides to this deal

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You saying that she's attractive instantly null and voids all possible downsides...

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since im already in a relationship with one, i wouldnt mind accepting it. only problem is that i cant stand her smell after any physical activity including sex.

You're weird man. I love the smell. I love the taste of my partner's sweat. Maybe I'm the weird one. But I love it.

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Of course, I just want to dedicate myself to someone and love them. I'd want her to take care of herself tho, but I'd probably spoil her and make it worse.

I wish anyone would love me and want to marry me.

lol no its bad, imt talking like if i smell it during sex, ill lose my erection

Does she have vaginitis or something??

I think you forgot to mention the downside OP

>She also has the potential to get bigger if you are not careful
Based gainer poster

I would literally choose anything over death

honestly idk, but thankfully i do wear a condom every time i fuck her if that is the case. gonna make her go to the doc to check out that smell...
not op but the only downsides are the smell and the lack of self-confidence in their bodies... of course with the chance of them having at least one mental illness...

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>gonna make her go to the doc to check out that smell...
I guarantee you she is simply not drinking enough water. When chicks are dehydrated they smell fucking revolting. Or when they dont wash they ass good enough. Like the ass crack needs to be washed separately because its so damn large and collects smells.

Can I make her fatter without her losing the weight, I want the first 1 ton wife.

This is no different than reality for me. My wife isn't that fat, but she's overweight and always has been. Doesn't bother me.

>You will drop dead on the spot if you decline

Sounds good.

looks like my gf desu fatbros winning

Show her tits


I'm alright if she looks like THIS
But not quite as much THIS
If those were the only options, I might just go for it. There's nothing about cheating here, so if she gets too fast, I'll look for pussy elsewhere.

Gimme SEA bbw right fuckin now.

I get to marry a slampig which also opens up the possibilities of affairs
No downside

just feed her until she dies

dude. Post her belly please. Also I want a feedee gf so yeah op i totally would

Only if she's really hairy and doesn't shave anything.

I'd prefer death than having to support a fat fucking whale. Life is not that great to have to suffer such indignity.

Looks like everyone in this thread are torn between two extremes. Either disgusted or are disgusting fat fetishists.
What about the fact that you can basically kill her? Feed her so much that her body ceases to function. Easy way out, and will lose my virginity beforehand (a pussy is a pussy).

Depends on where her fat is distributed, a flatso is the worst case scenario.

I don't even care that she's fat: her personality is what will determine my answer. If I have to spend my life with someone who isn't what I need out of a partner then there really isn't much point in my continued existence.

Jokes on you, I'm already suicidal

>You will drop dead on the spot if you decline
Why? Is she going to go full pyscho on me and shoot me? Anyway, I feel like it wouldn't be too bad in the beginning at least. I'd still smash a girl like this but I'd never touch a morbidly obese chick.

>She is at least attractive for a fat woman.
If she looks like your pic but her face is pretty I'll just learn to love it, especially if she has giant tits. Fat girl sex looks pretty good too, lots of soft and warm fuckmeat to hold onto. Doesn't sound like that bad a deal if our personalities match.

where do I sign for this

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