I really hate people who joke around about transphobia because my brother and also my mom are transphobic and they verbally abuse me, sometimes my brother even hits me. I tell my dad but he doesn't care that much to do anything about it. Bigotry is real and it hurts people
I really hate people who joke around about transphobia because my brother and also my mom are transphobic and they...
You're lucky that they let you live you disgusting fuck
do you plan on moving out soon?
Get off the board now. For the love of god give it up.
lmao cry more faggot
See and also people like this who hate me even though I didn't do anything.
I'm just existing and I get hated on for nothing. I think I'm anice person but I get treated like garbage by ppl for no reason just because they are bigots.
No I don't think so unless somehow I can get a lot of money. I have to finish college first and get a job then I can move out.
l love you, OP. Never forget that.
Thanks a lot, I never hear that since I was younger. I love you aswell.
If only other people who are supposed to love me did too.
youre not gonna get any support from here. this board is a personal forum for Jow Forumstards to talk about how pathetic their lives are
Don't you see they're trying to help you show the error of your ways? Get mental help and stop LARPing as the gender you biologically aren't
What's your story op? Can you >green text
Just get a job and stop living with mommy and daddy you dumb neet
It's bigotphobic to think that people wouldn't be disgusted by you. You're an anomaly in comparison to most of humanity, and your identity's mere existence causes political strife by default because it defies common sense, much like other alphabet identities. Even the ideology created to try and normalize you doesn't make logical sense.
ironic because sam fucked a brazilian tranny
You will never be a woman.
Your life will at 30.
Half the political spectrum and a few religions want to kill you.
End it now.
Trannies deserve the rope.
>I didn't do anything wrong. I'm just existing and I get hated on for nothing
I'm going to stop you right there. You can't even accept yourself for what you are, yet you're trying to convince others to accept you as something you can never be?
look OP
put yourself in other's position for a while, then realize how an idiot you are being trying to bwe trans
Are you in the bible belt? If you're further north it might be worth running away
based OP's family (except OP)
If I was your brother I would hit you to.
mtf trannies without q colostomy bag deserve all the hate because they are gross and dirty like little boys
God damn I'd love to beat the shit out of you, leaving you a crying, heaving mess on the floor. It sexually satisfies me. Be a good sissy bitch waste of air and satisfy my needs
are you the same person who is complaining that your parents pay you less than minimum wage to do household chores?
either way, male pattern baldness is coming for you so just do yourself a favor and stop the madness now.
I feel with you and i sincerely hope that things get better for you.
Here have some virtual affection.
Stop looking at porn and letting it dominate your lifestyle.
>wake up
>thread full of bigots throwing insults at me
mfw this site is full of mean people except for and
Here's the deal: nobody cares. Never has there been something more irrelevant and less interesting than a mentally ill dude who thinks he is a woman. Stop trying to shoehorn yourself into this board, there are plenty of places where you are welcome, this is not one of them.
hahahaha go dilate you abomination
Why do you even hate me
I don't even understand
I don't even hate trans people desu, it's just funny to bully them sometimes when they attention seek here
Fuck off to your containment board, you disgusting fucking tranny freak.
Shut the fuck up you tranny commie fascist
cute traps are ok who are nice and don't use fag terms like "bigoted"
People like you are inherently selfish and self-centered. You never stop whining about being mistreated but not once do you stop to think WHY you're being mistreated. You never consider the effects your "transition" will have on those around you. You are as disgusting on the inside as you are on the outside.
Believing that transwomen and women arent the same doesnt make me a bigot it just means Im realistic, same with trans men and men. If you werent born with XX chromosomes then youre male and changing this is impossible sorry.
All you had to do to get 80%/substantially less bullying was not post a lewd anime girl picture.
Yet here we are. You must know just how much it triggers people when you keep wanting to associate with images of cute girls, right?
Trust me I'm trying to help, because I know you are suffering, but there's a lot you can do to make things better for yourself. Realistic things.
If you can't come out don't come out, wait until it's safe and you live on your own you dumbass.
Just square up on your brother. He'll respect you if you deck him.
I hate the fact you tranny delusional fucks are runing anime girls with your indescribable filth
It makes me wish that nazis come back and chuck you into concentration camps to suffer
>Believing that transwomen and women arent the same doesnt make me a bigot it just means Im realistic
It means you're ignoring the consensus of medical science. Females and males are biologically defined. Women and men are not.
A woman is an adult human female and a men is an adult human male. You will never be a woman.
You're getting what you deserve you mentally ill freak
>trannies try to manipulate the userbase of Jow Forums to fulfill their perverted fantasies causing more people to hate them
>Tfw trannies are now complaining about how people on this board hate them
You're getting your just desserts
You tried not being a faggot?
How the fuck would those guns even work? The cylinders aren't lined up with either of the barrels.
Shut the fuck up you mentally-ill tranny. You will never be a woman. Be an attention whore on /lgbt/
nips are either gun autists or nogunretards, no inbetween
>I really hate people