What is wrong with her lips you guys? Is that in the water?

What is wrong with her lips you guys? Is that in the water?

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herpes sores lol


diseased and diseasepilled

Braces do that.

Also, right pic looks like the kind of canker sore you get from eating candy.

Someone of that tier of pretty will 100% always have herpes viral strands in her as well as HPV.

Look up CDC rates. The likelihood of getting both the herpes and the HPV is over 90 percent if you have more than one sex partner in your life at some point in your life, but viruses never actually leave your blood so even if you stop getting warts or even blisters you're still diseased and basically a modern day 'leper' that should be ejected from society upon detection.

This thread be now educational. It was something lik 95 percent likely. Have fun reading about it if you feel like it.

Braces? Or herpes lol

lmao, no braces do not give you sores on the outside of your lip

HSV-1 is insanely common. Also has nothing to do with being a whore, that's just a happy coincidence

Tell me the truncated version of what hpv and herpes do to someone

They did mine in high school, as it's easy for the outer lip to get caught in them.

those sores are fairly in the lip and within touching distance of said braces

She bites her lips because she is uncomfortable with the things she is forced to do to earn those beta bucks. She wants a family and kids and a loving husband but has nothing except money and a reputation of a whore worldwide even though she did almost nothing compared to other thots. So at night when she's all alone she thinks about it and cries and bites her lips in despair.

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stop coping
she is a whore!

She is a whore, definitely
Yet I also have HSV-1 despite being a kissless virgin. It's literally that common

>HPV virus
>five years of warts
>can take five years before warts start
>also HPV
>can cause oral, penile, cervical, anal, cancers
>no std check works on HPV
>only way to check is pap smears for women
>nothing for males
>over 30 strains of HPV, does not show up in blood nor mucous so no idea how many and keeps mutating/evolving into new ones
>only a handful of the 30 are deadly
>causes random blisters on you
>can even get it in the eye
>cold sores are variant of herpes
>hand/feet warts are a variant of HPV
>warts are benign tumors caused by viruses
>benign tumors can turn malignant if you are unlucky

It's literally bite wounds. I have them. I bite my lips when I'm nervous.

Are these all std's or is it possible to contract them through a way that's not intercourse?

You can get a sexually transmitted disease without actually having sex.

Which ones, and how can you get them if not through sex?

Walk without shoes on on a flat surface like tile, shake hands, use a toilet seat, HPV.

Herpes you get from sharing drinks or unfortunate water fountains or missing a toilet seat and having it actually touch your genitals. Or sharing a sex toy. They found herpes on 50 shades book(s) in some study so it doesn't degrade in open air immediately so it depends. Can of soda? Ice cold and kinda wet from condensation? Did the guy that put in in there wash his hands enough? Herpes on your mouth.

It's most likely from touching people alot though. HPV is the worse one that actually just fucking zooms right into you wherever it wants that isn't a orifice. Even the HPV really that is made for hands probably won't mutate to other parts of your body, but who knows? They don't even know how many strands of HPV there are, it causes CANCER, so that one is worse. Why I never shake people's hands and always run around in super thick boots. I also hardly go outside.

>touch pen pad to buy items
>lady touched thousands of items
>now she touches yours
>contamination on massive scales
>better not eat anything she just touched you can't wash for at least a week or two

It's a jungle out there famalia. Just think of the contact. Do you really wanna risk that? There's a reason everyone is so infected with things.

>The likelihood of getting both the herpes and the HPV is over 90 percent if you have more than one sex partner in your life at some point in your life
This is Jow Forums, pretty much nobody here had more than one sex partner.
>viruses never actually leave your blood so even if you stop getting warts or even blisters you're still diseased and basically a modern day 'leper' that should be ejected from society upon detection.
HSV-1 and HSV-2 aren't usualy in your bloodstream, but hide in your nerves.
>This thread be now educational. It was something lik 95 percent likely. Have fun reading about it if you feel like it.
That greatly depends on how many people you had sex with, for virgins that don't go outside much it is significantly lower.

It depends how wet the surface is, mostly.
In dry air, it dies almost immediately. But in droplets the nast can survive for literal hours.
Doesn't matter one bit if you don't have an open wound making contact though. And you wouldn't likely realize it for months if ever.

almost all STDS can be transmitted through blood transfusions of any kind, or through the disease making it into any wound.

You should stop sharing water bottles with people.

That aside her skin looks awful without filters. And yet people still try to deny that ugly picture is her

Influenza viruses have been known to survive weeks without a host though.

You can get pretty much all STDs via close contact and blood contact as well.

they're called scabs lmao, I got them all the time with braces

Braces dont give you herpes
>HSV-1 is insanely common
Something a degenerate with the disease would say.
>Also has nothing to do with being a whore
OMG lmao
Imagine trying to aologise for sluttiness this much.

It depends very much on the conditions, the more warm and dry it is, the faster they die.
If your freeze them in ice, they survive pretty long, if the get exposed to warm and dry air, they die within seconds.

I can guarantee that you have HPV from walking barefoot on the surface of a public pool and probably herpes from sharing a water bottle when you were 6-7 years old

Most pox are a form of herpes

I hope all the fuckers who drink her bath water get super aids

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ignore the incels so quick to assume herpes or HPV

it's most likely a wound from lip biting, she probably has OCD which is very common, my lip is fucked up from it currently.

Extremely disgusting guy here who has herpes, and had genital warts. There's a lot of subtly wrong information in here, so let me educate you all:

HPV is not blood borne. It is a localized skin infection.

Most strains of HPV do not cause warts or any other visible symptoms, but the ones that cause cancer are among those. Meaning the strains that cause warts are, ironically, the most harmless.

HPV is not a lifetime disease, contrary to popular belief. In 99.99% of cases, your body will fully fight off any strain of HPV, including the invisible cancer-causing ones. However, it takes usually a year at a minimum for the wart-causing strains.

If you have genital warts, you are smearing them all over your dick every time you jerk it, usually causing more to appear.

If you have EVER had sex even once, you have had HPV. But chances are it was one of the invisible strains, or you were lucky and asymptomatic.

Herpes also is not blood borne. Upon infection, it will traverse and reside in a particular network of nerves near the site of the infection.

Well over 50% has mouth herpes. However, It's believed that up to 90% of people are completely asymptomatic when infected with herpes, remaining unaware they have the infection.

Among those who do get symptoms from herpes (sores), many experience one mild outbreak, and then never experience another for the rest of their lives. However, the virus can still spread between outbreaks.

If a baby is infected with herpes while passing through the mother's vag, it is extremely dangerous and can kill the baby or cause permanent nervous system damage at a minimum.

Girls generally suffer longer / worse from both HPV and herpes due to weaker immune systems.

1 in 5 women have genital herpes, while only 1 in 9 men have the same. That's the 80/20 rule in effect lmao.

I wouldn't bother trying to explain HPV to robots.. just let them use it as a coping mechanism. It's all they have left.

HPV ont he feet does not translate to HOV on your cock. Gneital warts are called genital warts because they like the genital skin. Theres over 150 different types of HPV. Genital HPV strains can cause cancer and kill you na dre cause by being a degenerate whore and carried and spread mostly be females. Cope more nigger. My foot warts wont kill me.

>and had genital warts.
>HPV is not blood borne. It is a localized skin infection.
It manifests in the neverous system. Might as well be blood borne.
>HPV is not a lifetime disease
True but also not true.
>If you have EVER had sex even once, you have had HPV.
Thats not a good thing
>Well over 50% has mouth herpes.

Im done fuck your response you degenerate.

HPV has nothing to do with the nervous system. You are thinking of HSV (herpes).

I never said it was a good thing. If you have genital warts or herpes then I have zero sympathy. If you have an invisible strain of HPV then I do not care though and neither should anyone else. HPV in general is not nearly as bad as herpes IMO. If you get cancer from HPV then your immune system was shit.

Over 50% : who.int/news-room/detail/28-10-2015-globally-an-estimated-two-thirds-of-the-population-under-50-are-infected-with-herpes-simplex-virus-type-1

>Braces do that.
i wore braces for 5 years and not once I got an injury like op's pic

just admit your internet crush is sucking kilometers of dick and got herpes

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Ah well that's a shame. so I can get herpes and even when its "gone" I can still have it in my blood. Well fuck sex then.

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herpes is not HPV, herpes is HSV. herpes doesn't give you cancer and we have no vaccines for it

I know, I did not confuse my terms, you are simply bad at reading. HPV is the virus that causes genital warts

Gaybayes wes

nah I'm not bad at reading I just got confused because I have another thread open that's solely about herpes and thought I was in that one

>Braces do that.
I had braces for 2 years and you're full of shit.

No rules active Jow Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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Burn the bitch before she spreads a disease

>They don't even know how many strands of HPV there are, it causes CANCER, so that one is worse
There are between 120 and 130 known strains of HPV, but only about 5 of them cause cancer. Most of the rest cause warts; of those, most are specific to a certain part of the body.
There are also a few asymptomatic strains.

looks like shes got the herpy-derpies

Five or eight years ago when I read about it there were 20 then the CDC website said there were 30+.

Now they're are 130?

Come on now. The point is they mutate double fast. Unless my memory deleted the 1's of which is possible with my brain. I thought it mutated fast though and was hard to detect.

"In the embrace of great Nurgle, I am no longer afraid, for with His pestilential favour I have become that which I once feared: Death."
-- Belle Delphine Matriarch of Orbiters

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your mother gave you HSV-1 when she kissed you goodnight cuck

Botox injections because she's a man.