How did I fuck this up? What did I do wrong?

I had a bpd gf for 2 years. I did everything she wanted. I gave her attention, I gave her gifts out of nowhere just to hear her laugh, I was with her when she needed me, I was honest with her, I forgave her when she lost her mind at me, I took the blame for almost every fight we got into, I told her she was perfect and the most amazing girl in the world every single day, I cut out every other female friend I had, I avoided female coworkers and classmates in college because I knew she'd get jealous, and she ends up leaving me after telling me the guy she left me for would never be more than a friend to her. She told me this for over a year and I trusted her. I know she never cheated on me but it still feels like I was lied to by the only person I thought I could trust in this fucking world. I know I wasn't perfect, I know I had problems understanding why she was mad at certain things and comforting her because of that, but how did this happen? How the fuck did I fucking fuck up this fucking badly? Now she's with some other guy who's probably a fucking Iiar and a violent rage child and I'm alone. I don't want to get another woman I just want her to love me again.

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You haven't done anything wrong lmao she's just a bpd bitch

>I know she never cheated on me
oh user..

this, sorry to break it for you op but she has, it's like 100% sure

Women think it's gross you think you deserve recognition or a reward for being a decent human being. Honestly they will just leave you as soon as somebody more interesting comes along, it doesn't matter how nice you are. You should have surrounded yourself with more material possessions.

lol don't put your dick in crazy user

she might and she might have not, my friend dated a bpd for 4 years and i'm pretty sure she never cheated on him, these girls are incredibly insecure and sex simply a tool, my friends ex wouldn't be able to fuck doggystyle for more than a minute because she felt "humiliated" and didn't like her body, take that as you will but it's not 100% sure, only OP can know such a thing, but not in his current state
this person isn't worth it, stop seeking love, reconcile with this experience, ignore and delete this person from your existance

>spent almost 2 years dating an 11/10 fembot with bpd and a shitload of other issues
>completely shocked that someone would be non-judgmentaI when it came to my own issues and life situation
>thought everything was fine because I was in love, had someone that loved me, had someone to cuddle with, fuck, etc.
>made no progress on my own in that span of time, focused on trying to please my gf and make her happier
>recently broke up
>now back at square one but two years older and people are less tolerant and forgiving of my issues and quirks
>twice as anxious, depressed as before, but nowhere as confident as before

If there's anything you younger people can learn, it's that you NEED to take care of yourself first and foremost, and not rely on others to do so. I wasted too much time and energy, and I'm paying the price for it.

>If there's anything you younger people can learn, it's that you NEED to take care of yourself first and foremost, and not rely on others to do so. I wasted too much time and energy, and I'm paying the price for it.
top advice. i wish i would have internalized this while in my 20s but instead i became jaded and loveless and now i understand why grown men become obsessed with model trains.


>I took the blame for almost every fight we got into, I told her she was perfect and the most amazing girl in the world every single da-
Stopped reading there. Women aren't princesses. Try growing a fucking spine some time and she might respect you.

You are more mentally ill than her if you are really trying to find logic behind the actions of a crazy bitch.
You got manipulated, my friend. No healthy relationship makes you avoid other people to make your partner not jealous.
Have some self-respect and dignity, move on with your life and improve yourself everyday.

Every time I put my foot down she cried and got depressed. Especially if it was something that legitimately annoyed me. So I made myself more passive. After doing that, she calls me a coward and less than a man for not being aggressive enough. l can't fucking win either way. She just lashed out whenever I raised my voice even the smallest fucking amount as if I was being some sort of abusive monster.

>How did I fuck up
>Had a bpd gf
The answer is right in front of your eyes user

>Can't win with a mentally ill girl
Bingo, lmao. They're unstable. I learned to just set strict boundaries with them and not try to fall into their mind games. Honestly in times like that it's still always better to not give an inch, she's gonna think you hate her no matter what. Fair enough though. Sorry this happened to you, man

Does anyone know how to reconnect with a BPD person who cut contact with you after the idealization phase was over?

>does anyone know how to jump back into a dumpster fire
uhh just go for it i guess?

How though, we haven't talked in a long while.

>What did I do wrong?
> I had a bpd gf

I love it when anons answer their own questions for me. It makes me feel smug to point this shit out.

No rules active Jow Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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i have schizophrenia and still wouldn't go near anyone with BPD. personality disorders in general seem to be something assholes use as an excuse to be assholes rather than actively trying keep it in check and better themselves.

what don't you understand about the words
there is no coy romantic shy tip-toeing around it and strategically planning your entrance
you just get in and hope the smoke doesnt suffocate you or give you brain damage or worse make you pass out and burn alive