>normies at my workplace talking about herpes
>they are all saying "it's not bad to have herpes, you don't even show any symptoms"
why do normies like to cope and glorify a disgusting STD.
Normies at my workplace talking about herpes
some people get it from being kissed by their parents as a child but yeah its gross
that is messed up, feel bad.
it's a retarded half-truth. herpes doesn't show any symptoms until a flareup, which is when the sores appear. then they go away until the next flareup
How would you get a girlfriend if you're lips is full of visible herpe sores
This picture is FUCKING disgusting but I can't hide the thread because it reminds me of the consequences of being a normie
sorry user if i touched a nerve
Symptoms are irrelevant. They've still got it.
yeah I'm just saying his coworkers are retarded for saying it "doesn't even show symptoms." I can literally hear some fucking troglodyte spewing that armchair shit they heard from their big brother like they know exactly what they're talking about
When I caught HSV-1 from the girl who took my virginity the doctor told me 'dont worry everyone has it. I wouldnt even bother telling your current partner'.
Long story short I lost my current partner and Ive been lonely ever since. That was 10 years ago. The whore who gave it to me is now married with two kids.
90% of people have it, most likely including you
They actually dont. In the 90s that was the case BEFORE there was common education in schools about not sharing water bottles, food etc in children. Now days most young dont have it. The ones who do get it from unprotected sexual intercourse.
it's not always an STD. you can get it from simple shit like sharing drinks with each other or brief contact with someone who has it and then touching your own mouth after. oral herpes at least but that's the one that's common
but the other thing is that once you have it, even though the sores go away in a couple weeks you carry the virus for life. a lot of people have one outbreak in their lives and then completely forget about it. my brother got cold sores once as a kid and when he did my dad went "oh yeah, I think I had cold sores as a kid once as well"
Hey buddy, spare a cap?
I don't know a single person who doesn't share water bottles or food.
>have had mouth herpes since i was 10
>never fucked anyone
suicide fuel my man
you seriously think people completely stopped sharing drinks and shit? normies are retarded and don't listen to shit in school, besides I never remember being taught in school that you get shit like the OP pic from sharing drinks. either way, sharing drinks and other way of contracting oral herpes still happen all the time
Get fucked dolt.
>mfw i just remembered all the thotties ive kissed at clubs and ive given them this horrific virus
Literally not a big deal. I am a virgin and get a cold sore maybe 2 times a year
Imagine having a job interview and having the stress cause a flareup. You're fucked.
I wonder what viruses they traded you with.
because the sores don't last long and sometimes rarely re-appear ever
yeah, but when they do. you're kinda fucked.
I didn't know it could flare up to be this bad I've had it since I was a kid probably from It's not that big of a deal. Personally I would just get 1 sore every once and a while, but I've gotten very good at spotting them and immediately apply abreva before anyone can even tell it exists. You can feel the warm spot on your lip when it starts to form. So for me it comes and goes within 2 days.
People that let it grow into a full blown wart looking nigga are kind of screwed though, yeah.
If its HPV1 (the oral one) then just about everyone on the planet already has it. HPV2 (the genital one) however is a different story. But to say it doesnt show symptoms is completely retarded, that is literally what cold sores are. The virus just stays dormant for a period of time. I dont think you could have been more wrong if you tried.
Never had a flare u like this. Never had any bums on my lips or outside of my lips.
HPV1 is for losers who will most likely burn in hell
Nah they all have it, we just have better treatments. Lots of people do lasers and abreva is a big seller
Is it really an STD if you can get it from biting your nails or sharing a soda or kissing your mom on the cheek.
its not that bad, got it from my mom at an early age. i just need to keep calm and take care of myself and it rarely if ever shows up
you're fucking lucky not to get this if you're living with nasty retards who like to drink straight from the bottle
shhh it's Jow Forums it's not supposed to make sense
you feel bad for kids who get kissed by their parents?
Christ one of these days im gonna fucking LOSE IT. My fucking mum STOMPS around the fucking house like a 30 stone pig with metal feet. She drives all her weight into her fucking heels when she walks.
My bedroom shares a wall with the bathroom and it's pretty thin and the fucking vibration makes my entire fucking room shake with every fucking step.
I had one cold sore at 12 and never again. I'm 36. Am I just lucky? Is it dependant on genetic factors if you have re-occurance? I'm also a slut and have Hsv2 apparently....but I've never ever had anything on my generals whatsoever. So I don't know what the big deal is. My wife has it too with no symptoms ever. In fact I'd forgotten about it for years until I just saw this thread
I was a slut when younger
it is mostly genetic when and how much it shows up, some get it when they are stressed or have a weak immune system. sometimes god doesn't like you and you end up like ops pic
>sometimes god doesn't like you and you end up like ops pic
The existence of diseases in general shows how much God likes us.
>b-but muh sin
Fucking toddlers get cancer.
ignorance is a bliss
>"bro everyone has it"
its not because of it you are alone. You can either be open with partners or pretend to be ignorant. Get over yourself
One of those guys here, worst part is that they never felt like telling me what it was and called it some made up names and treated it as an allergic rash, only for me myself to eventually connect the dots and then receive the everyone has it lol-speech
Because they catch it so easy and can't cope any other way with it. Instead of admitting the problem, just downplay it.
HPV: Genital warts and a variety of carcinomas
HSV: Herpes
I think I caught it from my mom or dad when they kiss me or I shared drinks with them when I was younger
I remember getting sores when I was little but I think the last one I had I was in 5th grade. I don't remember it ever showing up again though.
Fucking 70% of everybody has a strain of oral herpes you stupid incel, go have sex
Haha virgin, you don't want to be a virgin right virgin?
>have herpes labialis (nothing like OP's pic just a sore on side maybe once a year or so)
>Never had sex, let alone kissed
>tfw can feel the sore coming in
>Tfw I was born with it.
>pic related stores growing up
>ew user, what the fuck is that allover ur face
>high school comes
>wow user you must be a slut you get cold sores
*doesnt get them down there*
>doctor confirms hsv1
>mom admits she has it and probly contracted it to me at birth
>forever hating that bitch
>adult life now, mid 20s
>anytime I shave or get an ingrown hair down ththet i flip out and think its heroes or warts
>gets checked everytime
>just I grown hair user, folocitis
>also get it wherever I shave, and scalp
>realizing most people have hsv1,
>realizing I have it for life and the stigma and ignorance
>killed pls
They say garlic doesn't kill the virus, but that's not true. You have to eat large amounts of uncooked garlic during breakouts. The problem with herpes is you have to treat it during breakouts as it is hard to get rid of if dormant.
who ever made 70% thing up is lying because I don't have herpes, (i'd know because ive had bloodtests and stuff) and my family dont, my friends dont. You litro get it for being an idiot or in some kisses your parents being slappers. Do. Not. Fuck. Strangers.
Also all of you are idiots, you cant get it from sharing drinks and food. It's caused through direct contact with the sores, you all are so backwards im laughing
Since when was it cool to have herpes? If i had herpes I'd be seriously depressed, the sores are CONTAGIOUS and nasty.
nobody said it was "cool" to have it. obviously it sucks and cold sores are uncomfortable/look nasty
BUT lots of people in this thread are very misinformed for thinking that
>you can only get it through sexual contact or kissing
>the sores are there for the rest of your life
>Is it really an STD if you can get it from biting your nails or sharing a soda or kissing your mom on the cheek.
>Since when was it cool to have herpes?
If you didn't multilink this would be the most retarded post you've ever made.
I fucked 5 hookers over the course of a week in 2016 when i was in Europe. I used condoms for penetration but the blowjobs were bareback. That was my only sexual contact in my life and I haven't had any signs or symptoms of the herp, but I have a nagging thought of the possibility that I have it.
All the ways you can get it is sexual (unless they bite you or you eat food the person with STD has chewed) all the ways its transmitted
>Semen (cum) and pre-seminal fluid
>Rectal fluids
>Vaginal fluids
>Breast milk
It's not caught from saliva, air or water.
Do your research man, you cannot get it from soda, kissing your mom on the cheek (seriously who ever told you that is lying) or biting your nails. It's bullshit, search up any medical website, ask any doctor and they'll tell you the same.
You can be a carrier without having symptoms retard. Statistics say that you more than likely have it, so enjoy burning in hell.
I have HPV and probably HSV too. Thankfully they aren't visible really
Enough of this bullshit
>everyone has it bro
just because some guy on the internet said it, dont make it true, does everyone also fuck their sister? does everyone also have ebola? No, herpes is only gotten through sexual activity, you do not get it from sharing water or shit. Only direct contact with fluids, blood or the sores.
>All the ways you can get it is sexual
but there are tons of virgins who have it. even in this very thread. my brother got it when he was like 7 and he's a KHV like me
>The results showed that, overall, about 48 percent of people in this age group had HVS-1, and about 12 percent had HSV-2. Infections were more common among older age groups; for example, 60 percent of people ages 40 to 49 had HVS-1, and 21 percent had HVS-2, while 27 percent of people ages 14 to 19 had HVS-1, and 0.8 percent had HVS-2, the report said
that's from the CDC. I'm pretty sure they aren't just "some guy on the internet"
it's not a big deal, my wife gave me herpes
>tfw thinking about always having her qt disease germs in my mouth
You don't have her disease germs, you both have her ex's disease germs.
>tfw her ex is also a woman
because like 60+% of the population has it and doesn't show any symptoms.
t. doctor.
OP could very likely have herpes.
You have herpes but it just doens't show up. There is a still small chance you can transmit it though.
It remains dormant in your body forever.
>tfw r9k is normalfag enough now it's probably mostly within that 60%
but theres multiple strains
most have the strain that was given when mom or dad kisses them as a kid
it shows very little symptoms and doesn't jump to genitalia when you give or recieve oral sex
the other sort like OP pic is the serious strain that makes boils and pustules appear on your cunt or balls and dick
You probably have herpes. A massive amount of the human population has it. If you've ever had a "coldsore" on the outside of your lips that is herpes.
Most people inherit it from the parents or get it from kissing people, its very very common. Probably one of the most common human diseases
>just because some guy on the internet said it, dont make it true
Cope harder. You should go get a test for it and find out for yourself.
Most people get it when they are kids and only ever have a few flare ups when they are young, and then never have any more for the rest of their life.
There are plenty of good scientific studies out there on the topic. Why don't you go read some and educate yourself?
>you have to be a normalfag to get herpes
how do you still not fucking understand
most people have herpes user
and got it through non sexual means
herpes is so infectious because it virally sheds infectious material at all times and does not require external markers such as sores.
meaning you can get it from practically any skin to skin contact with an infected person.
you honestly probably have it or one of your family members or friends.
its usually almost always completely symptomless other periods of high trauma like getting an operation or marrying someone.
Even then, youre likely just to get a warm feeling on the infected area similiar to icy hot or sitting on a chair on a hot day.
Sometimes people get sores but the "sores" are usually super tiny like the head of a pin needle and people dont even notice.
Only in the tiniest of extreme cases are there ever giant open sores.
By the time youre 30 something like 40% of the population is infected and you dont see every other person with sores on their mouth do you?
Its a virus similar to the chicken pox that lives within your body dormant.
No that's still the case, 90% is retarded though.
Actual number is closer to 50% and take into account herpes forms that can basically go unnoticed since they're so benign, nothing like OP's pic.
OP's coworkers are thinking about benign forms of herpes and it seems they convinced themselves herpes was only that.
Don't worry, that's more gifts to offer the next ones.