Slavery lasted in the United States for 250 years. That means that there were people who were born into slavery...

Slavery lasted in the United States for 250 years. That means that there were people who were born into slavery, whose ancestors were slaves, then they died slaves and their children were slaves. That means that there were people who, all the knew was slavery, but still tried to escape because somehow they understood that things weren't supposed to be that way.

What does this say about the human mind?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only 250 years?

Almost no black slave ever tried to escape. Blacks are a slave race, they have been genetically selected for it since their economy was entirely based on it.
Compared to other races who were under slavery under other cultures, blacks showed their true and complete submission

Who is Harriet Tubman, who is Nat Turner, who is Touissant L'Ouvertutre, who is Gabriel Prosser

This is why I don't post in this board. Can never just have a normal discussion.

humans want to get out of repetative and harmful behavior
thats why most of us today are depressed, we work all day
except we have a small green paper that we chase

Yeah, this board got infected by Jow Forums and went downhill. We were a bunch of whiny bitches, but at least we weren't retarded.

No, there were free blacks all along and they rubbed it in the face of the slaves. In fact there were black slave owners. They were buying the best farm equipment available at the time.

Sorry not an amerimutt, I don't know any of who those tards is.
Learn how generalized statements work. Do you know what "almost" means,americlap?

Who was Adolf Hitler? Does that mean every white person or German person has dictator tendencies?

You are just making false equivalency arguments don't do that

I'd you're not American then why are you talking about American slavery as if you know?

>Who was Adolf Hitler? Does that mean every white person or German person has dictator tendencies?
I feel like some Jow Forumsfags just want to argue. The whole Underground Railroad disproves the idea that slaves almost never tried to escape.

That isn't what I was referencing I am talking about your poor argument skills

Blacks were genetally selected for slavery by themselves way before contact with the USA. All the other races either killed themselves in mass and organized mass rebellions were subjected to cruelty and tyranny, blacks never did that
all the black "revolutions" happened when other races were not oppressing them and were actually being good with them
Prove me wrong you fucking disgusting mutt, you insult to mankind, insult to every race of the world

Blacks were known for killing them selves, which is why Europeans packed them on the bottom of ships like sardines. Before then, slaves used to jump into the ocean.

No they didnt. Also the blacks obviously rebelled and won

>Also the blacks obviously rebelled and won
No, that's not even remotely what happened.

It literally never happened one single time

That we did it wrong. kids shpuld have been isolated and raised in peefect slavemaker conditions with only the knowledge to do their job permitted. Some bleeding heart may try and stir the pot by helping, but they can be shot.

That's just objective, of course. I'd have prefered a massive walled city in the deep south woods where I would let blacks run their own life, as long as they could appear enslaved if any whyte pepo visited. Would be neat and give them solid foothold.

European slaveowners would give each other lists of the tribes most likely to kill themselves.

Furthermore the US is the only country in history that ever had slaves from Africa



>Tribes fighting other tribes

>"Look, look, they're killing themselves"

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Literally all of them had white slave owner blood

Reminder that more white men died during the 4 years of the civil war than the entire amount of slaves that were ever shipped across the Atlantic to the States in the 200+ years of the slave trade. Also, of all the possible destinations for slaves heading to the new world, the USA was by far the best possible place a slave could have ended up.

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slavery has been a thing for literally thousands of years you dumb fuck

Wakanda wit a twist

Cherry picking is who they are.
>eugenics isn't real!
Anyway, if someone baits people bait back.

I specifically said the United States because it's the most recent example of slavery we have had in the west and is the type of slavery we know most about since it was so recent. Holy shit I fucking hate you people. Can't even have a simple discussion about human psychology and captivity without you faggots getting offended.

No, they would jump off of boats into the oceans. Some tribes were more prone to suicide because they didn't think death was a big deal.

This isn't a fucking competition. Can we discuss psychology or fucking not?

They thought that the ocean was a river actually.

Fiddler was okay with being a slave if you want me to say it. You're used to what you're used to and everyone is a slave to their king and police force yet plenty do not realize it because they only know what their masters tell them.

>yessa boss I kno I ain' go no min' to rea' none
>thankya fo' savin' me from tha' godless savage Africa

Also, bullshit aside they didn't miss Africa. It'd be like a white modern man being abducted by an extraterrestrial with the ability to melt through walls but gave you immortality to be it's bitch. You'd not talk back and you'd be thankful. Both types of respect, fear and admiration.

They were ignorant and the ones that ran away were the few that were abused as horses were often abused, or were just plain uppity as often unruly horses were not just beaten but shot too when disobedient.

>bullshit aside they didn't miss Africa
Oh that's quite untrue user. If you read black slave folktales, they wouldn't shut the fuck up about going back to Africa. I remember in school, reading a story about an old slave with wings who one day decided to fly back to Africa. African American funerals are called homegoings because the slaves used to think that when they died, their spirits would go back to Africa.

Imagine having slavery for 250 years and producing nothing but cotton

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>human mind
Huh? Weren't you talking about niggers?

>having slavery for 250 years and producing nothing but cotton

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>because it's the most recent example of slavery we have had in the west

That's wrong, actually. The most recent example of slavery in the west was Brazil.

I bet you didn't know that, because your type doesn't know anything.

Yet they could not write as they had no written language and you still know this bullshit story.

Okay then. Assuming it was passed down by mouth they didn't even know what Africa was like by the time the folk tales stuck. Or do you think Jesus is real too faggot?

>>Slavery lasted in the United States for 250 years.

Slavery existed in the United States for 77 years.

June 1788 to December 1865.

Prior to 1788, the ratification of the Constitution, the United States of America, as it is today, did not exist.

Constitution prohibited the ending of slave importation for 20 years.

In 1808 the Congress outlawed the further importation of slaves

1861 the United States broke apart, beginning the Civil War.

1861 Lincoln signs the first draft of the Emaciation Proclamation, freeing slaves in the Confederate States of America, but not in the slave holding states of the Union. The final draft of the EP was signed in 1863.

December of 1865 the 13th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified by Georgia, achieving the 2/3 majority needed, legally ending slavery.

77 years. Not 250. 77 years.

Before 1788, talk to England, France, Spain, Holland, Germany, Portugal. Then the government's of the 13 Original Colonies, each an independent territory.

Welfare 1935 - 84 years.
Federal Housing Act Section 8 1937 - 82 years.
Food Stamps 1964 - 55 years.
Racial Set Asides for Federal Contracts 1978 - 41 years.
Affirmative Action, Civil Rights Act, Title VII (racial set asides in education) 1964 - 55 years.

African Slaves made up 15% of the population of the United States in December of 1865.

African-Americans make up 13% of the population of the United States as of June 2019.

How long do we have to continue to pay for 77 years of slavery.

The answer, even if Reparations are granted, will be never.

As of 2016, according to the FBI, 30% of all rapes in the US are committed by Black men and 53% of all murders. Black men make up 6% of the US population.

The costs of Slavery has been repaid over and over and over, with money and with blood.

Times Up

>Yet they could not write as they had no written language and you still know this bullshit story.
They spoke English. That's how African American folk tales like Br'er Rabbit still exist. Africans have a history of oral storytelling and turning stories into songs, why do you think this would end when they got to America?
>Assuming it was passed down by mouth they didn't even know what Africa was like by the time the folk tales stuck
And? Doesn't mean they didn't miss Africa.

Pic related is the flying story I was talking about.

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>they missed Africa even though they weren't born in it

You really think the first gen slaves just fucking sat down and wrote shit don't you?

Daft fucker.

>hes still talking about slavery in 2019
You're not getting reparations you nerd.

Literally none of this is relevant to the thread. Why does it offend robots so much to acknowledge that slavery was something that happened?

No. Like their very recent ancestors (aka their fucking parents in Africa), they had oral traditions.

I bet they did. Also you do too, for sucking off the telephone game so much that you take it seriously.


I'm very sure their African parents told them about what probably sounded like the magical wonderful land of Africa, where black people were free and whites didn't exist. If someone told you about a faraway place where you'd be treated as human, you'd probably get second hand nostalgia for it too.

You know that slavery still exists, right? There are 21 million to 46 million people enslaved at this very second:

Most of them live in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Libya has open-air slave markets. It's interesting that you never hear liberals bitch and moan about them, but the U.S. history of slavery is CONSTANTLY discussed. Hey, why lift a finger to help people right now when you can sit on your armchair and whine about past wrongs in America that were cured 150 years ago?

BTW, even during the period when the U.S. practiced slavery, the Arab slave trade was orders of magnitude larger than the U.S. slave trade. Again, you won't hear anything about that in your history courses.

You retards see the words "United States" and "slavery" and go off and start posting dumb shit. How is anything you said relevant to the thread? This isn't about which country had more slaves you fucking retarded snowflake

>son, we were sold by our own people to the white man

Stop blue pilling at me already. The grass is always greener and people make shit up as time goes on.

>oh yes the promised land my children, my nonexistant *twitches* great great gtreat etc grandfather told me about it etc etc
>religion gets made
>fairy tales become real life
>hope keeps the slaves motivated to serve the king
>eventually escape slavery
>jews kill Muslims and take Israel from the shitskins saying it's their destiny

If you want to talk about psychology you might get depressed after a while. People bullshit their children so they can sleep at night. They make shit up. Rather than say Egypt was the light of the world and a paradise they vehemently claim persecution for having the privilege of living as an underclass citizen in the Empires, AFTER they have fallen, generally, but today's times are literally backwards, or the Africans would stop getting arrested at such high rates here and make a micronation in Africa. They, predictably, stay here as it never fell yet they are free anyway. Until that is, they go to jail and make themselves bitches aka slaves to themselves just as they did in Africa.

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If you lived in the U.S. right now, you'd understand.

I'm in my 30's. Through most of my life, our history of slavery was discussed and acknowledged in an appropriate and somber tone, at the right time and place.

In the last couple years, liberals have been absolutely losing their shit and kicking it up to an 11 for no reason whatsoever. Most Democrat presidential candidates, for example, support reparations. We're tearing down statutes of civil war heroes. Shit like that. Normal people are sick of it.

Yes, slavery was wrong. Yes, the country practiced it 120 years before I was born, and before my ancestors even got here.

But that's not what this fucking thread is about you goofy fucking nigger.

What did African slaves even do besides pick cotton?

You forgot the part where not all of the South had slaves and yet the North attacked the South and that after they were freed they kept the same low pay and shit jobs via the same masters. Semantics. The chain gang kept slavery legal far after it was banned. To this day the chain gang can be found in the USA for those of whom get too uppity in society of whom usually are black.

Also, Lincoln was on that cent coin facing backwards on a very dark color for a reason. Being for black people that hard was literally backwards and to this day they have higher crime rates than the rest of the races in the USA.

>yes it was wrong

You're bothering yourself and it's hilarious. Not they don't have to be slaves but things are the way they are for a reason. Whites are superior so we soft serve and 'apologize' to other races and essentially are talking down to them as we do so.

>wow so sad not enough blacks work here
>let's let one of them in daw

Then they call that ^ diversity quota.

>they wouldn't shut the fuck up about going back to Africa.
It's not too late to return.

They did all the shittiest brainless jobs as they were an uneducated race hence the old ignorant jab that only recently died out.

Today is finally the day, I'm ending it now early in the morning before my parents are able to wake up. I haven't slept in roughly 30 hours.
Goodbye /b/, and thank you all for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. uq

Livestream video link + explanation:

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No they did farming jobs because most African cultures were agricultural. Europeans chose Africa because they needed people who could work in a place similar to the Americas. They had Indians at first but they just kept dying.

>Replied to by a tripshit
Yuck. I forgot to filter you. Let's take care of that right now.

Youve been saying this for a fucking week now either do it or fuck off

>americans abolished slavery 33 years after the british did
>only after a fucking civil war
Land of the free, home of the brave

>>yo man I got me ten Injun ears here for sale yuk

>implying there was not an Indian genocide to take the country by force

Yeah, they died of not being immune ot the common cold. Sure thing.

But anyway, they did the bitch work regardless and bitch work is generally brainless, especially back then.

Have fun cucking yourself dude. I'm pretty much the top 5 percent best poster on this board lest you be a complete normalfaggot or delusional autist.

They were servants, witch doctors (slave masters would sometimes go to the slaves when medicine wasn't working), snitches, concubines, musicians.

Today is finally the day, I'm ending it now early in the morning before my parents are able to wake up. I haven't slept in roughly 30 hours.
Goodbye Jow Forums, and thank you all for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. lb

Livestream video link + explanation:

Attached: 1562349861.163.jpg (360x640, 80K)

>I specifically said the United States because it's the most recent example of slavery we have had in the west

thats not even true lol

>Talking about American slavery like he knows anything
>"How am I expected to know who important figures of the era were?!"

Go back.

>I'm going meta to avoid how fucking retarded my actual position is!

I'll take the Haitian Revolution for 600, Alex.

>Implying the moon landing was a product of slavery
>Imying slavery did anything but keep the South from advancing economically, which led to its well-deserved ass-kicking in the Civil War.

My sides

>Dominican Republic genes are African genes

*mario rpg running noise*

Didn't Egypt have Jewish slaves and weren't they slaves for like 500 years my lad?

What other western country had slavery after the United States?


Accidentally a zero as I laughed at your post.

If you're a confederate general then you're not a hero of the war, you're a villian. It's about time we reminded people of that.

>doesn't think African slaves could pass down stories for generations orally
>believes in the Bible

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Confederates were literal traitors to the United States, I don't know why Southerners suck their own dicks over it.

It's the same way under authoritarian rule. Be it dictatorship, monarchy, or perhaps a restrictive economic system, men yearn to be free. Some make it clear what they believe in, others hide it deep down to avoid trouble, and perhaps a few do not have this feeling, and would rather be complacent slaves to the system.
I truly do believe that the world would be better off with a lot less government and corporate involvement, and with more free men able to do as they please in peace. If any man truly cannot be without a master, surely he will find one to serve in those free men. Instead of being a slave against his will, he at least chooses to be there, and can leave at any time, for the best system is one where how free you are is determined by you alone, where you choose how to exercise your inherent rights as a man, no other.

That genocide had a lot to it, none of it good:
>Smallpox and other serious diseases for which the natives had np immunity
>Flat-out murder by conquest.

Disease did most of the killing, yeah, but that doesn't diminish the other stuff.

>ancient Egypt is fake
>they never had slaves
Yeah okay kid. Ra and shit is fake but they still had slaves and the Jews came from there because they were the submissive traits of Egypt hence them being a slave race. Niggers need slaves and so they selectively bred slaves and Jews were it.

It's why their religions, Abrahamic ones, are so cucked.

I'm agnostic for the record but we're having fun with history here and the bible is a history book of sorts.

Also, Egypt had writings jackass. Our slaves did NOT. There's REAL history involving Jews and Egypt.

>The Dominican Republic wasn't mostly African genetically by the time of the revolution.

Tripfags never fail to disappoint.

Two people in this entire thread of almost 80 posts who didn't get triggered and actually responded to the OP

>>The Dominican Republic wasn't mostly African genetically by the time of the revolution>The Dominican Republic wasn't mostly African genetically by the time of the revolution

>wasn't mostly African genetically
>mostly African genetically
>mostly African

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>Writing down history makes it real!


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>NOT writing down history makes it real

Attached: tumblr_mwdb90cgCl1t05p4jo2_r1_250.gif (245x250, 1.62M)

We're not talking about history with African slaves, we're talking about fairy tales about wanting to be back in Africa. I could tell you the whole story of Little Red Riding Hood despite having never actually read it. Why don't you think black peoples couldn't do the same with their own stories? Where do you think the story of Br'er Rabbit comes from? It's a story that originated in Africa that was brought to America by slaves and still exists to this day.

Yes because talking wolves and are going to eat you and shit you back out in the promised land.

It all makes sense now.

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No dumbass your original point was that slaves didn't miss Africa. The stories they had disproves this. But for whatever reason, you think their folk tales about going back to Africa somehow don't prove that they would've rather been free in Africa than slaves in America.

Cuba and Brazil

Those aren't usually considered western.

>jews be slaves
>think are gods chosen people escaped from egypt
>reality not chosen people and egypt fell victim to climate change
>seek promised land and attach/attack random cultures to latch on for dear life
>economy crashes then they move on once again and again

>fell victim to selves
>want to go back to africa because grass always greener
>to this day make selves bitches in prison

How are you not getting how bullshit the story is you blue pilled NPC sheep. People lie to themselves as a psychological defence mechanism. You don't want it to be your fault. You want hope. You make up lies about promised lands and how you are the good guy so there is something to look forward to and you can like yourself.

The only thing that is real is the land and the genes.

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1607, Jamestown - 1865, end of war

My original point was first gen did not miss it also, to clarify. The telephone game degrades the truth over generations.

He acknowledged slavery happened he just corrected with facts

my ancestors had slaves that built shit on the plantation. A church still stands of a former family plantation that was built by the slaves and they even baked the bricks that were used. So some cooked, cleaned the house, repaired wagons, built housing, blacksmiths, stone masons, etc. Not every slave was in the field pickin cotton, tobacco or harvesting sugar cane or rice.

Do you realize the retarded equivalency you are making?

He didn't correct anything. The OP was never about "the truth" about slavery. He posted a bunch of irrelevant bullshit.

And? Literally all descendants of slaves have white blood. What's your point?

What of Brazil? Many more slaves destined for Brazil, like 40% (4 million and america 600,000) of all slaves sent to the americas and didn't abolish slavery until 1888.

Portugal and Spain not the west?

Anyway Brazil freed the slaves in 1888, the last to do so and had imported 4 million and the US 600,000. No one says a goddamn thing about this, its all the horrible americans that started and wanted to keep this shit.