How do we get more young white girls to start smoking meth? It's quite satisfying to see a young girl go from a promising future to sucking her dealer's big black cock just for another hit. I really think we need to make meth 'cool' and associate it somehow with rap culture to try and make a lot more young girls try it.
How do we get more young white girls to start smoking meth?
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absolutely and undeniably based
fuck off you communist rat tranny, get beaten by a cop along with niggers
user, you clearly don't know drugs. As my dealer friend once said, never give a nigger meth, they can't handle it, something in their DNA makes them go crazier than if they freebased bleach.
Why is he a communist for trying to promote interest in awareness of his product? That's capitalism at its finest.
these white trannies who promote BBC porn on Jow Forums are usually """"""socialists""""
Black people don't deal in meth user. That's a white drug.
deport the blacks selling crack to them and they'll go back to their people's drugs
I'm a hardcore white nationalist and I only fap to BBC porn desu
Uhm source? This girl is cute as fuck, I'd love to smoke with her
BBC porn is also a fine industry and capitalist intuition. If people have the courage and ambition to mass-market BBC porn, we have no right to infringe on their profits. You sound like some kind of interventionist the way you talk.
lmao probably the weakest bait i've ever seen you redditcuckold. Also there is no such thing as a "white nationalist"
the only intervention the BLACKED and most porn industry need is a couple of Brenton Tarrant in their HQs
Race mixers and their propagandists should be hind from streetlamps.
Sounds like socialism to me, comrade. Report to your nearest detention camp until all you can do is chant "The rich earned their money, the rich earned their money, etc." over and over again.
Yes, hind them all user. HIND THEM ALL.
it's socialism but the national kind :^)
Still sounds like commie claptrap to me. Anything other than profits is irrelevant.
ok Mr. Shekelstein, just don't forget to turn off the oven when you leave home, someone might turn it back on
Actually, National Socialism is a-ok with me as long as they're killing other people and seizing their wealth. I'll get my share as a white guy, of course, and then go on to conquer the underground market in BLACKED porn. It's win-win situation.
Sure thing shecklestein
Firstly, she is BBC owned. So you can't smoke with her whiteboi.
Yeah, thats true. You can tell which black guys do meth just by the way they talk. They are insane and they dont even know.
welcome to reality, seething ethnicels
where do i find more videos of cute girls smoking meth?
Tumblr is pretty good for it I hear.
Blacks don't cook meth. Not smart enough for it. They sell the fuck outta it tho
>Also there is no such thing as a "white nationalist"
is this counter-bait?
>Not smart enough for it
don't believe it
meth is so fucking easy to make
based thots , sex / masterbating on meth feels diamonds
Today is finally the day, I'm ending it now early in the morning before my parents are able to wake up. I haven't slept in roughly 30 hours.
Goodbye /b/, and thank you all for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. Qd
Livestream video link + explanation:
Dude, that girl would be up for literally anything after a few hits of that pipe. You could literally shit rancid diarrhea onto her face and she'd be into it.
Unironically based. Since taking the honk pill I've accepted that social media has won. The jews have won. So don't worry about this it's already happening. A lot of young white women fantasize about the well promoted interracial BLACK MALE on white female mixing and cool rap music and designer clothes. Whit*oid culture is being replaced and it's beautiful to see. Imagine a lot of young girls that will be 18 in a few years, they've grown up idolizing black men and social media that promotes them as sueprior to wh*teys who are considered as snobbish, ugly, feminine, racist etc. Imagine how based it will be to have white girls from esteemed families going to a few parties in college/hs to her black friends villas and there getting addicted to crack and the BBC. Later just becomming a mindless slut and serving as a mixed baby breeder single mother who uses up the money her white family saved up over generations on her black BVLL sons. KINO HONK HONK.
You really do love to see it.
You desperately need to detoxify your brain, it's entirely full of putrid sludge.
No it's not.
I think not.
literally wtf are people thinking recording themselves committing a felony
the absolute state of rural white IQs
i get huge bong rips if it is legal in your state/country but meth? holy shit this is a new level of stupidity.
i took the honkpill too bro.
while i'm not as cheerleadery as you, i can see all of this happening around me in california. literally white society and culture is dead here except for mormons, conservative jews, and fundamentalist christians in orange county.
there is no escape, it is coming for us all, just enjoy the decline, drink, smoke, savor the high quality porn and honk on until the next generation realizes there literally nothing wrong with meztiomongoloidblack culture and interracial sex drugs and rap and roll.
What a waste, she'll look hideous in two years
amazing how these guys haven't been killed yet.
You american "white nationalists" are pathetic. Can't even sacrifice yourselves for what you believe