Born with brown eyes in the uk where is actually really rare to have them

>born with brown eyes in the uk where is actually really rare to have them

Why? Im not a shitskin, Im not from anywhere else, why the fuck was I born like this?

Attached: brown-eye.jpg (1100x618, 52K)

Stop complaining faggot and be glad you weren't born blind you nigger

Shut the fuck up, I would have honestly rather been born blind with blue eyes that have 20/20 vision with shitskin eyes.

Just don't breed with a blue-eyed person, please. Thanks.

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you got some paki in ya

Sadly I have already received a blowjob from a fat girl with blue eyes, I have a god tier face, but these fucking eyes, im considering wearing contacts honestly.

>Blue eyes
>20/20 vision
Choose one, illiterate faggot


Ok my great great grandma was italian but lad, thats mediterranean, not paki, so thats ok

Paki fag. Lol brown eyes

>he is his father's wife's son

>tfw slav/german/scandi mutt with blue almond eyes

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>where is actually really rare to have them



Look at the statistics in the uk of people will brown eyes, less that 40% of people have them.

Its a joke that I have them.

I can't think of any context regarding anything in which I would consider something occurring in the neighborhood of 40% of the time as "really rare"."

>less that 40%
That's a lot. I only had one kid in my class with brown eyes. And I think he was gypsy or something.

Attached: Nuit Apache.png (496x550, 123K)

No rules active Jow Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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>40%=actually really rare
>I'm gonna get lens because of Jow Forums memes

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>grey eyes
>no brown eyes in my entire family

Natural dirty blonde and still don't have blue eyes. 11/12 relatives I grew up around had blue eyes!

my brown eyes are so dark they may as well be black

Brown eyes is much more common in britain than it is in other northern european countries.
It's nothing abnormal. It's a brythonic trait.

maybe you should kill yourself and get those subhuman genes out of the gene pool huh how about that

you probably have african ancestry and are therefor a racial alien who must be cleansed from our white society

>tfw nobody in my family has brown eyes
>everyone has blue or green
Feels good man.

>tfw green eyes
Feels good not being an eyelet.