Any fembot from ITALY ? Please be my gf dio porco

Any fembot from ITALY ? Please be my gf dio porco

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Probably not. I need a fembot from the midwest

Make your own thread then boi

tfw no lasagna gf

No rules active Jow Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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Why not just fuck your mother like a good Italian boy?

you'll have better luck in l o n d o n

No rules active Jow Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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"WhErE mY iTaLaNonS At"

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fuck off
truly the worst feeling

i know another gf-less pasta boy from r9k. would you like to talk to him lol

Not him but i would desu
Post originale

Meant for :3

Sure why not. Need me to drop a contact or something ?

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i dont think he would appreciate me dropping his contact randomly while he's away, so yeah send yours over and ill forward it to him

Why did you ask though ? I mean, why do are you hooking him up with other losers ?

hes kinda lonely. i think maybe you guys can be friends or something aha//

You know full well one of us will ghost the other sooner or later.

that sounds kinda pessimistic :

i was in italy once and and on tinder saw an edgelord fembot Jow Forums profile that said normies de merda

There's barely any Italians, we've got quite a bit over at Jow Forums though.

t. 26 years old khv from the north

More like realistic.
She 100% gets dicked by chads

Stocazzo, sfigato

kys mona

Pensi davvero che funzioni chiedere su fourchan ste cose? Io sono sconvolto. Ma quanti anni hai?

Return Trieste to Slovenia.

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Return Istria to Italy you mean.

Want to be my moroso?

Yes! Please be in

There's bound to be italian fembots.
>Implying i'll ever find one in the south cone

fuck off you guys ruin everything im on Jow Forums so i can escape from you just leave me alone

Italian fembots are ugly as fuck, they all have black hair and shitty eyes. I want me a cute blonde girl with blue or green eyes

>I'm from Italy, user. I can't be your gf but maybe I can be your bf

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You need to be EXTREMELY cute for me to consider going gay.
What do we ruin and how, exactly ?

i'm not in italy now but i visit it every year
which part of italy are you from??

Shit the fuck up you fucking whore you already have a fucking boyfriend from r9k. Go back to your house in the UK retard

Its porco dio, and italia fembots are only good for foibas.

North of Italy, Emilia Romagna. You ?

Not italian but I live in italy, I'm sorry user, I know that feel....
Where my dark haired thicccc italian gf at ; - ;

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i've never been to the UK wtf are you saying
north too. my family lives in treviso

Easy then. Let's meet up and I can be your bf for the summer.

How do you look like? Inb4 black hair dark eyes

Brown hair, brownish eyes.

Uhm that's literally like me but almost black eyes, I tried to dye my hair once

have you ever been to lido di jesolo?
dark blonde hair and brown eyes

non vivo in italia ma ciao comunque. il mio ragazzo non capisce i miei problemi italiani.

I know there's that one fembot who migrated from Italy. Not sure if she still browses here.

Where do you live if I may ask? USA?

Nope, never. I usually go to Sardegna on vacation desu.

Not that user


Feels bad man you actually hurt me with that, man

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Origianlly why would that hurt you ?

shitty third world country
we planned on visiting there next year

Africa or south America? Let me guess

south america
a lot of italian immigrants come to here

Sono sulla stessa barca ragazzi, an italian femanon would be a nice thing for a change, all girls are literal turbo normies

Be a bit more specific please? I'll be in the southern part.

I talked to some girl from there who I met on r9k and o fucked things up with her and I regret everyday so fucking much. Although I know in the end she did a favour for herself by removing me from her life. I'm just a burden but hurts cause I never felt that good with someone like her. Life sucks mang

send me your discord pls

I didn't know that and I'm from South America actually lol

but which country??? i think it has a lot of italians mostly on brazil and argentina

Fuck. Sucks to hear that. Was she italian ? Are you italian ?

A literal shithole near Argentina I'd say and that's true, mostly in Argentina they have lots of Italian names and people from there. No clue about Brazil though, but Ive known some people with Italian names from Argentina also I assume you speak Spanish right?

yeah she was Italian from Italy and nah im not Italian

chile?? i speak portuguese actually

not Chile sorry I'd rather not say in public and ok then you're in Brasil, nice.

I'm And yes. This is so fucking true.
I've been trying to get to know better some girls in my city but they're all copy and pasted npcs normies

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Fuck italian gfs, I want an italian bf!

is it close to brasil too?

will someone be my friend
I tried making a thread on /out/ but it derailed and archived
I'm not from italy but I' in verona right now and am supposed to be learning italian but I'm lazy

Uhm yeah I'd say so kind of

I can try to be your friend and teach you some italian, I guess. My discord is here