High as fuck metabolism

>high as fuck metabolism
>eat 3 bowls of rice per meal
>literally takeru kobayashi but chink
>weight only 45 kg
>5'9 so I'm considered tall among chinks

how do I fucking gain weights, lift? I always thought that you need fat first, which will then turn into muscles once you start lifting

Jow Forumsbots please give me some pointers
I wanna start looking less like a skeleton, not for attracting woman but for my own sake

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>I always thought that you need fat first, which will then turn into muscles once you start lifting
holy shit you can't be that dumb

dont be a chink, or do steroids

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I don't know shit about the human body and staying in shape wasn't my concern since I did not care as long as I'm not fat
the only thing I know is I always crave a shit load of food when its time to eat and I normally eat portions equivalent to 3 people, but I have no idea where all the nutrients and calories disappear to

You need more than rice dumbo

> protein is your best friend
> meats (red especially for the iron) are great but don't over do it
> eggs are free protein, few calories but you gain shit tons on protein for muscle growth

veggies and general good netution is needed as a base tho, rice is basically just starch and carbs. Good for long term fullness but not really for building bulk. Same thing with bread and corn

>high as fuck metabolism
eat more, and eat more protein. Fast metabolism is a meme, a very very fast metabolism makes you need maybe 300-400 more calories a day, that's basically nothing.

youre likely not eating enough. i used to be skinny too and thought i was eating tons but i kept track of exactly how much i ate and it wasnt nearly enough

Not op but I eat ~4kcal a day and I've never been more than 130lb in my life, I'm convinced that some people just can't get fat no matter what they eat.

there are some but VERY few. i can only imagine an athlete needing that much whats your daily diet look like? and how active ar eyou

You're either counting wrong, or you're a medical mystery, I suggest you find a doctor who wants to be very famous

>how do I fucking gain weights, lift? I always thought that you need fat first, which will then turn into muscles once you start lifting

eat more and do starting strength routine. That's it. Engorge yourself every meal. Always finish your meals.

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do you know what poop is? It is food that is not absorbed. You do not absorb everything you eat. You know what decides what you absorb? Genes and your gut microbiome. Nobody has the same genes and nobody has the same gut bacteria composition.

well then I suggest you find an ambitious doctor, because if you eat 4k calories a day and don't gain weight, you've got a very unique biology

>how active ar eyou
I pretty much don't do anything, I sit at my desk for most of the time I'm awake and never exercise.
The doctor only told me to eat more, it didn't work.

>The doctor only told me to eat more
then keep eating more

protein is expensive, thats why everything goes with a mix of rice and noodle
unless you're talking about chugging protein powder

id like to believe you but i have a hard time someone who eats 4kcal every day and doesnt move is able to not only keep off weight but also can go to a doctor who doesnt care about his condition and dismisses him like that

protein through eating chicken thighs can be relatively cheap. def nowhere near rice but you can get like 8 thighs for 6 bucks

>how do I fucking gain weights, lift?
sure, muscle is more dense than fat
>I always thought that you need fat first, which will then turn into muscles once you start lifting
fat is burned for energy to create muscle, it doesn't morph into fat

yes actually, everyone does have their own unique biology...

>strength routine
so basically do dumbbell sets daily? I have some adjustable ones at home

I used to weigh 57kg at 5'7, here's what I did:
My fitness Pal app, to count calories with a set goal.
Hit every carb, protein, fat and other nutrients daily. Try to go beyond this.
Still eat loads of fruit and veg too, just because you're bulking doesn't mean you can Eat like shit.
I'm now 70kg at 5'7, yes I know I'm a manlet

If you start lifting, you get more hungry.

You can force your metabolism to slow fown by fasting for a few days its cheaper than pills but moderately dangerous

did you workout though?

just do starting strength or whatever

Protien powder works but is a shitty form of Protien and you'll have to keep up that same intake after you're down anyways.

You can subsidize with protein powder but it shouldn't be your main source. Lack of protein in your diet is exactly why you're not gaining weight

Chickens are you best friend. Just buy a few and eat the eggs, then once they stop laying you have dinner for a few days. If you have enough chickens you can almost be in a constant cycle. Find a farmer and take his older hens so you're not overwhelmed with eggs and the turn over rate is faster. If you make friends with him you can get really good deals on fantatic chickies. Sad to see them go as they make pretty good pets. But wings are tasty so....

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im not sure if it sstill goes on but hoodlums used to sell chicks on the street to little kids for like a dollar or 50c. my best friends father bought one and raised it to a chicken and loved it like a pet. one day his grandma served it for dinner. he still doesnt eat chicken

>Not op but I eat ~4kcal a day and I've never been more than 130lb in my life
Maybe because you're supposed to eat 2000kcal per day, dipshit

Raising one can be hard to let go of, I get mine when their a couple years out from not laying anymore. That way I don't get too attached but I fear I killed the last ounce of my humanity

Eat at a 500 calorie surplus of your daily metabolic needs and consume 1 gram of protein per pound of your weight.

Ya' shit them out, lad. Should'a picked a better race to play as.

it's not even possible to consume 2 million calories in 24h

Cut the rice, get your protein. Eat more than you think you could. Do this every day for a few months. You'll start to gain weight. At the same time, start hitting the gym with a simple program like PPL or Stronglifts. Start small in the gym, rushing will only hurt you in the long run.

Once you feel you've gained adequate weight (about one year's worth of lifting) you can start cutting (losing weight) to show off your shredd.

Same problem
The problem i have no idea what the fuck i should cook i barely have the stuff to do
Im broke and confused bros



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you don't need fat to get muscles.
You need fluids, protein and a gym, a lot of them.
go to and seek a good workout plan

Ahahahaha this nigga got tapeworms.

It would be pretty hard to miss having tapeworms I imagine.

You don't have high metabolism, you move around a lot.

this picture was likely made by retard

>57kg at 5'7
This is what I weigh. This is considered light? I'm actually kinda chubby imo. If I sit down it's obvious I have a belly/rolls, I feel like I have moobs, my ass and legs are fat, etc.