Imagine being Sensing edition
>old thread
>recommended reading
Imagine being Sensing edition
>old thread
>recommended reading
sorry i copy and pasted the op and forgot to fix the old thread link here it is
Imagine trusting that chart
I'm SO happy to see this thread here~! \(^o^)/
Sensing would be kinda nice, but I prefer intuition anyway~! ^_^'
W-what's wrong with that chart? :O
Thinking about all those broken hearts makes me sad... :'(
My last post in old thread (sorry, feeling a bit playful~): ! ^w^ :3c
First for INFJs are no more flawed than anyone else.
This but unironically.
On that note, we should come up with a list of advantages of being a Sensor. The official descriptions of being an Intuitive vs. being a Sensor are so lopsided that nobody would ever want to be the latter.
>be INFP and enneagram 4
>also HHKV and approaching 30
>feel weird about being this way and being black
>but at the same time enjoying confusing normies with how docile and dorky and socially unaware you are
>especially love it when the person confused by your behaviour is also the "the only race is the human race" type who claims they that race and personality/morals/etc have nothing to do with each other
>a part of you wants to ride it out and just die a HHKV so that you continue to confuse these people
What's the requirements for being gifted? I've been in gifted education and AP programs my entire school career and my type isn't even high on the list.
Uhh social skills? But that only goes if you get an E too right?
They have great attention to detail and can organize the shit out of things right?
>INFJs are no more flawed than anyone else.
Thank youuu~! good things about being a sensor
I'll try~: ^_^'
A sensor is more likely than an intuitive to
>remember details/events from the past
>be good at noticing details in the present
>be good at sports and video games
>be practical
>see a more objective version of the truth (less likely to be filtered by Nx)
>actually get things done (Se only)
>have good general knowledge?
>The official descriptions of being an Intuitive vs. being a Sensor
Where can I read these? :3c
>>be INFP and enneagram 4
What is your enneagram wing?
Being clearly above average at something? N-no idea what 'clearly' is and how to measure the skill/talent tho~! '^w^
This is a good one~! ^.^
Se is one of the ultimate social skill functions? Si-Fe could also be a great pair...?
Yeah! But Te can organize too~! ^o^
In user's experience, do INFJ girls have big boobs?
How do I get a gf as an INTJ?
Your change of personality of course, like always
No, you're definitely far more flawed than anyone else here. You're a fucking piece of plastic, not even a human being. Everything about you is fake and put-on.
That chart is fake and retarded
Alright I did the test.
What does this mean, what do I earn?
He will be back when he senses he is needed. An INFJ is never late; he always shitposts exactly when he intends.
you watch anime and pick the one that appeals to you
this turned negative quickly
i'm happy to see you too infj-t user
>this turned negative quickly
more like imagine reading these threads after they've gone to such shit
What does this chart mean?
>am intp
It says gifted. I don't feel gifted.
the last few threads were pretty good imo, what are your problems with them?
You can't read charts if you think that chart says your gifted, just that the ratio of gited to non gifted INTPs is 1.76:1 , more than a third of INTPs still aren't gifted, and that third probably includes you.
That's great or else I'd feel like wasted potential.
>Being clearly above average at something? N-no idea what 'clearly' is and how to measure the skill/talent tho~! '^w^
So this chart is yet another meaningless way for intuitives - and intuitive rationals - to jerk off over how great their type is?
>Oh wow mom look at me I got the same answers on a personality quiz as really smart people! That must mean I'm really smart too! I'm going to huff more glue and post on Jow Forums to make me smarter!
He didn't say there was no distinction between gifted and non gifted, only that he didn't know it. According to Wikipedia gifted is anything above 130 iq
Nope but still qt
Can you give too much of yourself to an INFJ, especially early on in the relationship?
As in, could they be creeped out by it? Even if they say otherwise and/or act as if it didn't really matter?
shut up faggot, find yourself a cute gf and forge yourself into the man you were always meant to be
I HAD a qt infp gf
get an infj then
I got INTP-T, how do other people see me?
as a shy bookish pussy
I've beaten the shit out of a few people, stolen a lot of shit, and done a shit ton of drugs, but the only thing that seems pertainent to my result is my introversion and intelligence.
I'm glad I'm an ISTP. Means I'm creative :)
As an ISTP, I don't understand why people think I'm really smart or the kindest person in the world (hyperbole) whenever I do something a little nice or make a slightly clever comment. I'm sick of it. I'm just a guy with a dry sense of humor - I mean, look how fucking stupid this picture is! I crack up at that shit! What was I talking about, again?
I don't like when people notice my intelligence and introversion and constantly make it the pinnacle of any conversation they have with me.
>be entp
>tfw no infp gf
life is suffering lads
>be intp
>tfw no enfj gf
life is suffering lads
>be istp
>tfw no gf
life is wonderful lads
>be intj
>no gf
And it's okay like that. I'd give some ENFx a chance though, feels like ENFJ is more trustworthy than a moody ENFP though.
I don't understand the chart. Am I rare or common as an INTP?
oh shid!!!! I'm so scared mr epic intp!
please don't hurt me!
Now post the good one, the Extroverted types
The chart in OP has nothing to do with rarity.
It basically says 2/3 of INTPs have 130+ IQ, but of course it doesn't provide source for the IQ test, MBTI test or how many people took part in that in first place.
Reminder that we had one study posted that painted ENFP as the most gifted simply because there were way more interviewed ENFPs .
I've had a few people get very romantically intense with me from day one or day two. There was only one case I can think of where I was made uncomfortable. For me personally, I like early declarations of feelings and commitment. Delving deep into your feelings and life story from early on, if not close to the beginning, is also fine. It's possible to do all these things and still come across as a safe, stable person. Can't speak for all INFJs though.
They're all losers like Kingpin and Deadpool. The real badasses (Reed Richards, Dr Doom, Strange, Iron Man) are all introverts.
daily reminder to ENFP/INFP crowd that I love them
ironman being introverted is the most smoothbrain thing ive seen in this thread
So you dont remember it right uh? Pathetic
To add to your point, remember that only 2% of the population, by definition, has an IQ higher than 2 s.d. (i.e. 130+ IQ) above the average. ... So when you consider that INTPs make up about 3% of the population, and according to this it says 2/3 of them are 130+ IQ, then... what the fack?! 2% of the whole population has 130+ IQ, and according to MBTI, out of the whole population, 2% are 130+ IQ AND intp? Well, fuck me. I guess every single person who happens to be one is also INTP
... or we're all autistic for mixing our pet hobby of meme psychology with studies when even normal psychology has such a laughably low replication rates.
INTJ is the mecha teddy bear, pushes things around.
INTP is the brilliant procrastinator; 'trivial pursuit'
ENTJ is the cut-throat CEO, pushes people around.
ENTP is the socially-accepted crazy guy: does shit, but does it for fun.
INFJ is the sad people-pleasing fatale
INFP is the sad well-of-emotions creative
ENFJ is the happy people pleasing buddy.
ENFP is the happy-seeming but sad well-of-energy... thing.
and sensors... are like... low CPU versions of these things
As an ENTJ what types are most compatible with me?
>infj 4w5
>in love with the idea of love
>can't see myself truly in love with anyone i've ever met
it hurts
other people that are NTs
tfw 130 iq intj. every moment is pain
most comfy Jow Forums server in the world! come join it to make long lasting friends and have a chill time!
Fucking based. ENTP's are destined for
so much greatness if they just work up an ounce of determination.
>tfw INTP but I'm actually unmotivated, lazy and hopeless.
I'm pretty useless and can't do even basic tasks.
By the way, 4w5 is much more common in INFPs than 4w3! UwU
Um... based on what I've read in these threads, certain sexually dimorphic body parts of most INFJs seem to be quite large... OwO
He became INTJ, went back to INFJ, and - if I remember correctly - switched to INTJ again! :O
Why do you say that? :'(
Please respond!
Y-you're one of the clearest case of INTJ I've ever seen! \(^o^)/
You have earned a cookie from me~! (>^_^)>O
>this turned negative quickly
>i'm happy to see you too infj-t user
the last few threads were pretty good imo
I agree! ^_^
I think the overall quality of /mbti/ has improved last month! \(^_^)/
>He didn't say there was no distinction between gifted and non gifted, only that he didn't know it.
This!!! ^w^
>the only thing that seems pertainent to my result is my introversion and intelligence.
How balanced are the preferences in your results? Are you clearly or just a tiny bit more N than S, for example...? :3c
According to the shadow hypothesis, the most compatible type for ENTJ is INTP!
I looked into this idea (
Hello, smart INTJ user! ( ^.^)/
It would make sense if the study took place in a university or something where the ratio of gifted to normals is higher anyway. It could be interpreted that INTPs need to have a high IQ to get into the test group, all the low IQs couldn't get in but ESxJs were able to get into the university even if they had lower IQs. We have no idea what study this is actually from anyway, so there's no way of knowing what it actually means. Some say it's based off of this study
ENTJ - ISFJ sounds like a nice pairing
are ISTPs living proof that sensors are not tards?
no, why would you think that? lol.
>t. INTJ
fuck IxTJs
I'd like to find a qt ISFJ but I don't know any
What was it that made you uncomfortable?
And that's basically how it went with my INFJ, she kept asking for it and kept hinting at wanting to know more, though I was a bit weirded out and scared at first, it seemed to work fine so far.
I'm just wondering if I'd ever 'scare her away' by trying too hard to make this relationship work this early on (see; first few weeks), even if she doesn't seem to show any signs of it being a problem?
Not necessarily. I'm an ISTP and I'm pretty well liked in spite of me being an asshole almost constantly because people think I'm funny.
does getting beaten as a kid affect personality, IQ, and overall outlook in life?
Personality yes, IQ yes, outlook yes, MBTI type probably not.
then this is the worst life, dragged down by a past I couldn't control
>MBTI is an immutable property of human consciousness
precisely the type of fallacy we need to avoid in these threads
Very intelligent ESTPs are the scariest
It's no fallacy, the type doesn't change.
Certainly you can act out another type, whether intentionally or as result of trauma, and of course you can just lie to the tests, but none of this means actually changing anything.
How do you differentiate between 'personality' and MBTI personality type, then?
You don't unless you are talking about a "fake" personality that intentionally breaks the type's natural behavior for various reasons.
What are the various reasons?
The ones I mentioned before.
>Certainly you can act out another type, whether intentionally or as result of trauma, and of course you can just lie to the tests
I don't know, it just sounds like you're clinging to the MBTI schema. Why don't intent and environmental factors contribute to a "real" personality?
Because in MBTI we are just taking about what would be the most natural personality, though the aux/tert functions sound like more of a choice, the dom/inf is something etched deep into your consciousness indeed.
Read Jung's Psychological Types, you can find the part about cognitive functions on the wikisocion. What he's describing isn't something you can just walk up and change anytime.
I have a feeling we've argued this before and you told me the type is more like a mold that the personality develops into. I want to believe but it's difficult to see how an innate unconscious template for psychological development takes priority over traditional things like object-relations theory. I'll read the wiki thing though.
>I have a feeling we've argued this before and you told me the type is more like a mold that the personality develops into
Probably not me, I don't remember saying anything like that.
Absolutely user, but i believe it can lead to either a positive or negative outlook, but i cant speak for iq
Not advocating for either side of this argument, however:
It should be noted that the general consensus from most ends of the psychology spectrum is; that the farther away from Jung's personal theories we go, the more likely we are to be correct. The man envisioned some very interesting systems, which are fun, and sometimes even useful to work with. We should, however, seek to detach his personal opinions on topics wherever possible. Jung was, to put it kindly, a mania-laden crackpot, who wasted no opportunity to project his traumas through a practically vengeful philosophy.
Not suggesting that you crossed into Jung worship with this post, it just seems like a good opportunity for a much needed reminder.
I was arguing about their importance and their role in the personality more than anything - but is there something you think shouldn't be there in his cognitive functions?
The only thing I remember is strange claims such as Ne being more common in women.
does anybody know where i can take a genuine personality test?
Centaur was kind enough to turn our attention to these in a previous thread:
The questions are kind of wonky but if you combine your results from the first test with the second you get placed on a spectrum of 64 types. It has 4 times the amount of MBTI types so that means it has 4 times as much predictive power, right???
Also here's the introduction paper for the PAS.
I would love to participate in the discussion you propose, however I have to get some sleep tonight.
On a complete different topic, Since I perceive that I was perhaps unclear: The reason I posted that as a (You) was visual clarity. Like I said, nothing seemed lopsided. I wish I had the opportunity to be more thorough, and hope this addressed any concerns (which may not exist).
I get different results every time. The last three letters are hovering around the tipping point, the only sure thing is that I am very introverted, at like 80%
>ENTP is the socially-accepted
What the fuck I haven't had a friend in years and I guarantee its cause of my personality
INTJ chad here, have made the test at multiple points in my life and always get the same result
>trauma and life experiences does not alter your personality, the way you see or the way you interact with things
/mbti/'s Unfavorite Turbie is back... :3c
I meant "one of the clearest cases of INTJ" (notice the plural)! Sorry! ^_^'
I-I'm not s-sure... b-but I think ISTP-A (or ISTP-T in exceptional conditions) could be Academic Athlete: The MBTI Type! Ti Dom potentially makes them good at logic and subjects requiring thinking, while Se Aux possibly gives them an edge in sports! ^.^
I think so~! However, some kids are more vulnerable than others. I believe high Fe and especially high Turbulence makes one particularly susceptible for negative influences!
ESTP-A is often the conventionally biggest Chad!
*dips fingers in this soup as well* Teehee! :3
But yeah! Didn't Jung's "type indicator" only have two functions: Dom and Inf? :3c
The swapping of mid functions (to and from shadow) could explain INXJ typeswitches... ( '^_^)/
I will continue later; this thread needs a bump nowww~!!! \(^w^)/
You are my favorite Turbie. You are the only Turbie for me.
Ill dump all the shit i have atm
Ps: id rather be a sensor desu
Take the 16personalities one, that test is crap retard
Iron man is ENTP, at least on the mooveez