Give your first impression on robots based on their profile picture. Discord, message boards, just whichever avatar past or present you feel like using.
Give your first impression on robots based on their profile picture. Discord, message boards...
pic related is my first impression of discord users
I'm not trans though...
probably in the anime club at their school and a normalfag female who bullied shy kids like me
teenager from r/thedonald or cringeanarchy who dislikes the modern world.
pic related is mine
Oh, are these threads going to be a daily thing now?
Typical weeb avatar. Either a girl or trans
Probably does drugs. Possibly sells
sells their body for a very cheap price
probably either gay or a virgin
thinks they're depressed but not really, mostly just bored
fairly normal, doesn't feel strongly about profile pictures
Probably pretty funny
Oh man do I suck at being original. I used some fucking edgy shuriken or something when I was using discord few years ago.
easy, animufag. likes cats and is nice though not shy.
either a fascist or a monarchist. good person, not harsh.
likes blood. a little bit depressed but it's ok.
man of principle. nazi or christian.
cynical and ironic person. somewhat aggressive.
shy. high IQ. empathetic.
I trust Hisu with my choices.
kinda sad but nice guy
This is the second time I will do this today, and I still don't even know why I'm here.
Quirky. Disinterested in most others. Hard to understand, though this has more to do with most people being hopelessly normalfaggy than with actually being weird.
People think you're kind of femenine or a girl.
Funny dude
Thinks he has some kind of mental illness or is a psycho, when he's not
I know you, sketch dude, keep it up, maybe we can trade art someday.
Old guy
Uninterested in everything
Wants to be a 2D girl
I fucking hate cats (not you, but me)
I don't really use Profile pictures or avatars, and when i do they are mostly just blank or transparent pictures, but if i had to, i choose this one.
I can't post my discord avatar because it's me.
Former avatars then, or an avatar you might enjoy using if you didn't use a real photo
best touhou coming through. originally i have this as my avi for most internet stuff
discord icon
I want to lick your male, anime-posting feet.
Masculine. Hates anime and weebs, except for maybe manly anime like Cowboy Bebop. Enjoys Skyrim.
are you male? ill pass. are you female? ill pass. please do not lick my feet.
I was going to say generic tranny poster, but then I saw you said no to that, so I'll go to wishful thinking mode and think you're that one socially awkward girl who likes anime a bit too loudly.
Suicidal ideation, narcissistic tendencies, has a gallows sense of humor.
Not really sure what to make of that from lack of context. You're a brisk person. Like the embodied sound of russian or german language.
Big guy, good sense of humor but can be a cunt sometimes, like's 80's aesthetic
pain, likes anime with alternative artstyles
cephalopods are the best, you're probably an odd guy with niche interests that feels alien in most situations
dead inside, but still horny, went to waifus because he wants real love and desire from a human being but was kept away from it for too long
i'd probably say what you said about the poster above about you, you keep screaming, but god won't answer
pretty astute observation, I usually post on /x/ about weird metaphysical shit that seems to mostly fall on deaf ears
for some reason this strikes me as an avatar a female would use, in which case I would say that you are a bubbly personality but its a tiring facade you put up to get through the day
oldfag /a/ browser, deep weeb
big boy with a beard who likes his beer and his tabletop games with the bros down at the local comic shop
>Hates anime (Except manly ones)
Close, there are a few wholesome ones I enjoy, and some trashy ones I watch to pass time on my night shift, but otherwise yeah
>Hates weebs
>Enjoys Skyrim
Working on my Argonian destruction and conjuration arch mage as we speak (The first time I've played magic caster)
I try to be
Anime cool
i dont like a but i do invest heavily into /jp/ and Jow Forums
Weeb. You're either a fat neckbeard or a tranny
Sorta normal, probably a bit of an edgelord but i don't know
I have no fucking idea
uggo femanon or weeb
Another weeb
>big boy with a beard who likes his beer and his tabletop games with the bros down at the local comic shop
Beard? Check
Table top games with the bros down at the local comic book shop?
I did...Before Age of Sigmar...
>RIP 2500 point dwarf army
use this for almost everything (:
I'm not trans, or fat. I'm a thin non-trans male
The only other two I've used have been a picture of garfield with some slick shades and alexei stukov's unit portrait from sc broodwar.
why wont you accept my invitation ?
allow me to apologize in advance for the obnoxious spacing in that post, I don't usually respond to that many people at once
you know, I was about to say /jp/ but I stopped myself for some reason
I lack the depth of knowledge to understand what you're saying, but I'm thoroughly happy you have something that interests you to that extent. Everyone needs something like that. I guess I'm not the worst at this, but those were pretty obvious things from a guy with a warhammer avatar kek.
I change my pictures too often
I'd actually be open to an art trade. I've never got to do one before
Warhammer always scratched a certain cathartic itch that I've always had when it comes to hobbies.
>Something tangible to move around the table
>Able to paint em how ever I want
>Building them was always super great
For my ADHD ass, this was golden for my to fixate on something. Only problem is the game is WAY too fucking expensive.
You've been added for hours retard. I'm going to sleep soon.
It's exactly what it looks like, guts drinking lean.
oh and this one
This is the latest one, the photo was made specifically for that purpose.
Is a weeb but makes fun of other weebs for being weebs. Occasionally lifts, but isn't making too much progress (Keep at it bro!). On the cusp of being a normie.
good, maybe that way i can get back into drawing. I'll see you in your next thread if you don't die or i don't die.
This might not be the greatest resolution, but hopefully that won't be a problem
My steam profile pic
A man of refinement, taste and culture
an interesting person
edgy kids
best touhou
my brother
my wife
man u kind of an asshole but that pic is pretty gucci taste
I wonder what you anons will think of this one
What'd you think?
if someone recognises me i am going to cry
What's up, lads? Doomer here, hoping for a breakout.
definitely faggots
all with anime profile pics have little to no personality and try way too hard to compensate
You are underaged or a female
>my wife
fuck off and die normalfag before I make you
pic related is my current discord pic. i don't change it often.
30 year old. maybe has low self esteem
underage femanons
watches anime all day and doesn't leave his room
underage normie. memes and videogames are his only interests
browses /x/. into paranormal/occult stuff. has few friends
depressed robot. is done with life
Man, you are perceptive.
Smart dude.
mitchiri mitchiri
fuckinf bamp
no anime ever originally
Brazilian underage girl
You get attached to videogames characters
You are kind of boring
You like to do drugs
Shy motherfucker
you watch too many shitty cartoons
girl or a gay dude
you're actually skinny as fuck in real life (me too)
Been using this one for a while now. I like the character and thought the image looked nice.
A lonely person. You could use a friend that doesn't mind your pace or random thoughts.
Here's my current.
why isn't it PNG?
>doomer here
not even a profile picture
I have no idea who this is, if it's a rapper you're a post-election fag.
based weeb
skellie avatars are trite
Cringe tranny
no idea what u can glean from this but k
I use different ones I made of this like a ninja pirate mickey mouse wizard and hella more gay skins
this is mine currently, not sure about changing it
Hello fembot, how many orbiters do you have?
You Retards need to get some artistic Autistic ability im leaving my template faggot
Doggo avatars > everything else.
Fight me
am edgy teen
Your average tomoko fag here
hello to you too. originally zero orbiters
Is such a thing even oreganolly possible?
I have similar eyes to the guy in the artists' drawings so it feels like a good fit.
either senator armstrong or vic rattlehead
Quiet and thinks about feelings a lot
Tries to keep others engaged
Soulless android, sorry
Appreciates details and small things, probably stares into space a lot
I'm trying really hard to ignore your post and only take the picture into account; you probably can't relate to most people your age
Fantasizes a lot about having a less mundane life
I think I'm trying too hard. I'll stick around and reply if you reply.
based, good taste imo
Possibly closet gay, or at least effeminate
Average memeing 4channer
current avatar for steam and discord
One cool dude originally
I got a snug smug going on my discord
Normie. Use discord to talk to friends and casual game on league
Either currently are an edgy 15 year old or were an edgy 15 year old before simmering down
Nice dog
The type of person who can screw around or be serious when the moment calls for it
pretty chill guy
Huge dork but probably really good at CS or LoL or somethin
Wants to die and is gay
Either you think your life is exactly like yours, or her aesthetic just appeals to you
You've been in a lot of online relationships through discord
You like to think of yourself as quite the ironic memer
You're quiet/laidback person most of the time
You're huge sucker for cool anime guys and you were half as cool
Let's give it a shot
I'll take it
Appreciated, could you perhaps listening to E ve?
Not gay or effeminate at all
I am kind of a normie. I only play Runescape as far as casually gaming goes. I mostly spend my time reading and shitposting on Jow Forums.
I'm irritating
I've only been in one relationship ever
Not very emotionally expressive in real life and pretty passive
Independent from the group
eh. I always get mixed reactions.
Manic pixie dream slut, human trash
my discord avi
You seem like a cool and funny guy
Your only worth is definitely that you're a female.
Nobody would be able to read this as an avatar.
2hu always based
Overused but not bad.
Probably tries "game" on egirls.
Has good banter.
Hates christcucks
Good taste in anime.
A fearsome warrior.
understand meeeeeeeeeeeeee
understand me
Here's mine.
I love sipping Monster.
You seem chill.
>You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
Devil May Cry 3 is your favorite DMC game.
pretty easygoing as a person
a pretty sad person
I just like cute things
originally a discord tranny