thus r9k is the dumbest board on Jow Forums.
Depressed people have low IQ
Other urls found in this thread:
"but muh depressun is ackctiually related to HIGH IQ I'm smart"
Actually the opposite is true
[citation needed]
Im pretty damn intelligent just really apathetic.
The most depressed people are autists. And artists usually have low IQ. Also depression is not a real mental disorder, most people know how to handle their emotions and the inability to do so is a meme
>talking about themselves as intelligent
It's all a joke
>muh smart but lazy
How much money did you make in the past year?
Intelligence can only be lonely if you dont look for other intelligent people. Science and engineering conferences are bustling with intelligent people who are happy
About three fiddy. Orig
Why do you have to be with intelligent people?
It is a real mental disorder you faggot retard
Yeah so real that 1/3 of people get it and then forget about it when they exercise. Also it can be measured by people saying me sad repeatedly and nothing else
You dont. Some intelligent people love being around those less fortunate and helping them. There is nothing about intelligence that prevents you from enjoying life though, if anything it would always be an advantage. IQ tests may mislead a retard into thinking he is intelligent tho :(
If you see depression as the Billie Elish fanbase don't bother with the continuing of your life, just kill yourself.
Aaron Clarey
Is that that moron faggot LARPer Captain Capitalism? Or someone who happens to have the same name?
Billie eilish is not like the other girls, and depression is soooo tuff xD
IQ tests will be the bane of modern existence. No to sound like a huge dick, but sometimes 'not so smart' people are more careless grating usually a more fun life and being a more fun person to be with.
I don't know I just found it on Google images. But he wrote a book called the black man's guide out of poverty so it seems like also one big joke.
I think anyone who takes IQ tests seriously is 100 years too late
Prolonged depression can cause brain damage and make you dumber.
Spoken like a true brainlet congrats
First post best post. Its literally retarded to let your emotions run wild and also not understand how to solve basic problems
letting your emotions have any power over you is stupid. emotions do nothing but hurt us and it's best to ignore them.
since when are artists unintelligent? arists is quite literally the broadest "profession" you could bring up
great now I'm depressed and worried brain damage
New bait, okay it's fresh
If you need to tell others you have high intelligence or IQ, it is a sign you are in fact, a dumb idiot. If you're truly smart, people will acknowledge it and tell it to you.
I really am fucking retarded, but sometimes I have moments of enlightenment. Maybe that's the old me, or my brain actually working for a couple of minutes.