Jow Forums + Jow Forums + /Lit/ + Jow Forums = ???
Most frequent board thread
in that order
>Jow Forums + Jow Forums + /Lit/ + Jow Forums = ???
i try to only stay in one board at a time but it would be /b/, Jow Forums, /x/, /a/, Jow Forums the order of boards i hopped with time, and i go to /gif/ and /d/ when im horny
Can I be a copecel if I'm black with a decently fit body.
Jow Forums + Jow Forums + /tv/ + /lit/ + /x/ = ???
spooky snob
/mu/+/b/(rarely spend much time there anymore but whatever)+/mu/+Jow Forums+/x/
wut you're even more of a copecel
=based that's what
Those boards are some of the best at their peak and the shitpostiest at their worst
Jow Forums + /sp/ + /tv/
Jow Forums + /x/
that's about it
Jow Forumso/k/a/r/t/
Jow Forums+/ck/+Jow Forums+/his/+/lit/+/tv/+Jow Forums=?
nerd or oldfag
/a/ + Jow Forums + Jow Forums + /sp/+ /s4s/
In order from most to least used
Jow Forums + Jow Forums + Jow Forums + Jow Forums + /lit/ + /out/ in that order
The only one I'll use consistently is Jow Forums, though
Jow Forums by far. I occasionally look at Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /his/ but they're all way in the background.
/mu/ + Jow Forums + /gif/ +/v/ = shutin zoomer
/mu/ + /his/ + Jow Forums + /x/ + /fa/ + /an/ = ???
Megatesla? Main tank? Montana?
I don't understand the question so the answer is probably no