You're back in high school and a one hour lunch break just started. What do you do?

You're back in high school and a one hour lunch break just started. What do you do?

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Go home and never come back

??? I only had 20 minutes, and I had to be in the lunchroom >:(






hide in the bathroom like a well functional human being

>grab lunch
>eat in bathroom
or later years
>sit with underclass girls and buy them lunch to get on their good sides

One of them liked me. We were friends. She used Jow Forums of which is why I bothered her group. I constantly ate lunch at all girl tables.

That a decade ago though before you ree.

Rack the uzi

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>What do you do?
Not the same mistakes

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the usual, search for a place where nobody is, sit there until the break is over.
i don't know if i'm glad that i dropped out of that shit, nowadays i'm a wagecuck. still, hs was a miserable place.

Not pretend to be a normie and just stay alone. I will not make the same mistake twice.

Go to bathroom
Sit in one of the stalls
Put in earphones
Listen to music
Make volume high enough that you don't hear your surroundings

Head to the baseball field dugouts and enjoy the silence while pretending I'm in a post-apocalyptic zombie world. Probably skip next class and take a nap too.

sit by myself and write comics about fluffy bunnies UwU

Go out to my car while everyone's in the cafeteria, pop open the trunk, and pull out my electric keyboard.

Finally stand up for myself is, probably my biggest regret.

This. Why haven't I thought I could go home all along??

Don't schools try to get you back into them or literally make you stay if you try to drop out? I tried but they did not let me do it.

I will not care. For me.

in texas the schools receive finding based on per student per day. so if you skip class they dont get money for that day. which is why they invented saturday detention. i actually had to go sit upright for 8 hours a few Saturdays. so those cocksuckers could make their tax payer gimmies.

Go to the library and do homework.

Go over to town with my friends to get food and play a bit of football afterwards.

Same thing I always did. Sit outside the back door and eat Goldfish by myself.

>Go full-tilt into studying/making music and art instead of waiting until fucking 23 to start on it
>Get into weightlifting sooner
>Get a cute gf and not miss out on teen love

What I did back in high school.
Go home to lunch.

are you asking what i did then or what i'd do if i was transported back now?
back then i;d find a place to sit alone and just turn my brain off

Sign into the library and hide in a hidden corner or sit on the bathroom toilet till next class

>Ayo my guy who are you in that stall? Everytime we come here at this hour we see the same pair of shoes dangling

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If I knew what I know now, I'd probably just walk home, and maybe swipe some liquor from the store around the corner of my old childhood home.

No one tells you this when you're young, but what you do in high school doesn't even matter once you're 18, it's all bullshit.

Seriously, did no one else smoke????

Smoking if for degenerate normalfags

>sit beside the garbage can, pay my daily protection money and drink water for lunch


The older you start lifting weights the better. Lifting in your teens stunts your growth, and you'll be stuck as a manlet forever.

Go sit on the benches away from school and chug energy drinks.

How the fuck is smoking( I was talking about cigarettes and weed) for degenerate normalfags?

Spend 15 minutes eating lunch outside with the nerds because I'm a fast eater, and then either stay and talk with them or go to the library and look at books about theology or biology.

Or same thing but instead of sitting with the nerds go and be the one white guy at the black kids table.

bullshit, around 14 is the best age for chest expansion

Go to the head coach's classroom with all the other athletes.

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detonate the bombs planted under the lunchroom trash cans

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Btw you American, or first world, robots had it rough it seems. Those one hour lunch breaks where I'd have to sit alone would've probably made me insane. We didn't have lunch at all, just 10 minutes after each class and 20 minutes for a "big break" after our second class, most people who were hungry went to the store/booth inside the school to get some junk food, snacks or sweets.

Also seems like your schools were stricter with rules and such. I got away with skipping class from time to time and you guys get literally grounded and made to stay after school. Oh and your dances and obsession with giving out group projects suck too.

Can you at least spare me, though? If you do, I'll perform the latest normie track on my electronic keyboard to get a crowd tightly packed around some of the cans. Once the fun starts, I'll start playing whatever song you want if you're planning on going in to finish your rampage.

>Find stoners
>Outblaze them with 0 warning
>Tell the Alpha-Bro-Chad the exact date, time, and location of his mothers fatal motorcycle accident... As it's occuring, will have set up camera's beforehand to fully capture the carnage then make sure he sees every nano-second of it from every possible angle.
>Be 50x the asshole to my french teacher
>Be 20x the asshole to the science teacher
>Bro it up with the 1 cool shop teacher
>Leave USB killers laying around the school, swap teachers flash drives with USB killers
>Redo HS with advanced knowledge and sharper wit with 0 filter, call everyone out for being the cockbags they are.
>Get math teacher fired for being a fucking creepy ass pedophile who would fucking hug you whenever she tried to show you how to do shit. She would seriously stand on your left side, then wrap her entire arm around you to write on your paper from the right side, all the while breathing stank-ass coffee breath directly into your face.
Fuck that bitch.
>Proceed to engineer plans to get as many teachers fired as I possibly can
>Engineer a scandal to completely destroy the principles life
>Give the retarded kid ice cold drinks every day he gets off to cold things, and he's in his mid 20's. Literally banned from using the vending machines because of previous "incidents"
>See how much mold/compost/ it is possible to grow in a locker that has been glued shut
>Show the chemistry teacher the wonders of multiculturalism by having a big old Periodic-Table Jamboree
>Start drawing cocks in the library books in secret+continue till graduation
>Call in an anonymous bomb-threat in a school attended by only 1 muslim family

My friends and I would go the the TRC (teen resource center) and literally play Smash Bros Brawl. During freshman year, there were two groups of us, one playing Melee and the other playing the N64 version, but then the melee group died (aka graduated, they were all seniors). The rest of us started playing brawl, and we played every single day. During lunch and brunch. It's kind of funny, because the TRC was meant for people who needed help like if you were dealing with homelessness or depression, meanwhile my friends and I would just be standing up with 5 people gathered around the CRT holding wii motes making dumb comments the entire time. Most of the words we said were reactionary. There were maybe 7 of us total, and we would "call" on someone and take their remote when they finished playing. We cycled through these 4 player matches as much as we could until lunch time was over, and then we all split to get to our next class. It was amazing while it lasted.

I hate to see it lads my school tried to kick as many people out as possible

Do I get to restart my life from high school? Or do I only get one lunch hour with no consequences?

>run to english class and tell my teacher he's a communist little bitch
>spend the rest of lunch smacking every girls ass, especially that really pale thicc girl

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I had no way of getting weed or cigs.

Desperately scan the room for anybody I know or am friends with
Sit with them if I find any, otherwise it's sitting alone at the table of shame for me

no, that was the one thing I did right

one fucking hour?? we only got 22 minutes for lunch back in my school
id probably walk around campus looking for a girl thats alone and try to sit with her and talk to her about shitty teachers till she lets me kiss her and possibly finger her cunny

Buy bitcoin and hodl

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Fuck the stacy that liked me in the teachers lounge

Is that how is actually works?

I did but not during lunch, right before school because teachers weren't around. They would always show up late.

leave, i fucking hated high school. sadly college is even worse, at least i had loser friends in hs

tfw i would be autist chad since i have high willpower and knowledge now
and i realized i was bigger and taller than everyone in the school with like 3-4 guys being around my size

Because every fucking normie smokes in school. Especially if you went to an anchor baby school like I did. I swear to god, even teachers smoked on break too but only e-cigs.

Eh, i did rub a girl's cunny back when I was 17 but it wasn't during class. And she was pretty slutty to begin with so I just got lucky. I got to know her from a mutual friend and eventually we sat alone together when that happened.

for girls, yeah. i dunno if thats actually true regarding boys though.

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What does it feel like? I need to know so I cant pretend I've seen a vagina if asked.

jerk off in the female teachers restroom

hang on, is it our school specifically or can it be a school of our choosing? because i would like to go back to high school but in the midwest. would definitely like to get a ginger gf and walk with her back to my place from school and impregnate her

Smoking on the balcony of my friends flat
It was literally 10m from the school gates

What the fuck is an anchor baby school explain

Ok well to be very honest it feels like rubbing the fatty tissue of chicken breast when you first take it out to rinse it. But it has a different smell to it. Smells a bit like my armpit after a shower. Like not a gross smell but there's just clearly a natural scent to it.

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americans dont get an hour either

I forgot to mention that cunny smells just a tiny bit different than older(late 20s) pussy. It's a less pungent in a way. I've only fucked one cunny but have fucked a couple pussies (autist ones at that) thanks to cosplay.

Jesus christ learn to fucking reply, newfaggot. Look up the definition of anchor baby yourself. And once you know who they are, then you can picture an entire school full of them.

actually, i got an hour and 13 mins for lunch. we didnt have nutrition like most schools that were in my area at the time. nutrition being like recess wherein its a break time thats before lunch

Is it harder making friends in college? If so, what made it easier to make friends in hs?

If you have the connections to get weed or cigarettes then you obviously have friends or you are tuff stuff to be able to hunt out drugs amongst riff raff.

what is this in freedom units?

this? a hour?
maybe i could have actually talked if i had more than 15 fucking minutes of a lunch break
and you couldn't talk in class ata ll

>and you couldn't talk in class ata ll
teachers didnt really give a shit if we talked alot because there were never any lectures, just assignments and due dates.

much harder. the last year in college i unironically had 0 friends the entire time. i probably had a maximum of a dozen exchanges with my most friendly acquiantance over the course of the whole year. and no im not exagerating.


completely originally, of course

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but how is it different? arent there losers in college to that are pretty much the same? is it just because its more crunch time and college is much larger?

I believe it's easier to make friends in high school because you're forcefully surrounded by people your age. In uni/college there's much less time spent in class and no breaks where you have to stay on campus. Obviously it's still easy to make friends in college if you're normal, but that isn't the case for us.

the difference is you know who the losers are and who will accept you because you grew up with everyone and the school is way smaller. in college the student bodies are manifold larger, and loser like me stay holed up in their rooms if they arent in class. in hs you could at least see each other in the halls or w/e.

Everyone does their own thing and you never make long term friends

buy a vending machine soda and a place with no one and read

Talk with crush and decide to skip the rest of the classes and go home and play vidya together instead.

I wouldn't shoot up a school. But an Jow Forums meetup however...

Put some earbuds in and go to sleep. Basically just what I did back then

You'd be doing a lot of people a big favor. Good on you

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Not American so fuck off

go to bathroom stall and eat my lunch like i did when i was in hs because i didnt have friends and dont want to sit alone in public

>>sit with underclass girls and buy them lunch to get on their good sides
pedophile in the making desu

Did your schools not let you leave during break? Mine had a wonderful little park I'd walk to nearby and I'd just sit there for the hour. That is until a bunch of seniors starting going there to smoke weed.

>not American
I used to put some earbuds in, highest volume, eat my food and do the day's homework

Go to the library and do my homework.

based as fuck, thanks for sharing this

I ditch my current companions and go play vidyas with the future r9k users

First of all I only had 20 minutes of lunch time but I didn't eat lunch because I had man titties that wouldn't go away so I starved myself only later finding out that it was a hormonal imbalance and I wasn't fat at all still have them only option is surgery but can't afford it but anyway I would probably just do homework to pass the time all my friends were in first lunch and I was in second so I literally had no friends at lunch time after I finished my homework I would probably just take out my journal and start writing random shit so I looked less awkward or read whatever book I had on me lunch was depressing

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im going to be real with you. i had a couple friends in high school (like 6) i still talk to from time to time. we meet like once a year to catch up. In college i made a lot of friends. Like over 200 since i was befriends kids older and younger than me. however as the older kids graduated i didnt really see them anymore unless one of my friends got married. now that i graduated i dont really talk to anyone from college. youre just kind of friends for that 4 year period and then everyone just does their own thing. the only people that occasionally dm me are my friends form high school
in college