I cannot for the life of me beat this boss. Am I just retarded?

I cannot for the life of me beat this boss. Am I just retarded?

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Summon npc solaire or get a online partner there is no shame in doing such a thing because it's 2 on 1 and the amount of time it will take you to beat them that way simply isn't fucking worth it unless you are a nEEt loser
>also pyromancy

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This, I beat that boss with Solaire, the camera simply can not handle 2 enemies at once, you're not fighting a difficult boss, you're fighting a shitty camera.

I can't find the fucking summoning sign

just dodge roll his attack then attack
that's all this shitty game is
kys n*gger

wow what a fucking dumbass
i beat them in 10 seconds of my first playthrough by accident
git gud

This. I think I took out fat guy first. This is one of the fights I did in one go. One of them has an easily remembered/telegraphed attack pattern that can be ignored with some simple counting u til the other is dead.

you can kite them easily with low load, and a xbow or bow.
you can also grind and upgrade stuff quite easily via giant blacksmith nearby.

finally, there is usually someone laying their sign down there, even at unusual levels, just grind and upgrade your shiett in the meanwhile. Solaire's sign is on a staircase in the main hall outside the boss room.

Legit tactics to beat them:

Use pillars to block off their approach
Fire. Quelaag Furysword is supposedly GOAT
Ranged attacks.

Good luck. It's normal to get stuck there.

You have to press circle when they hit you and try again if you couldnt

I beat the game on a soul level 1 run, if I could do it at 1, you can do it at whatever level you are!

The hardest actually was 4 kings as I recall.

Learn to play with an unlocked camera
Kite smough around the pillars while rolling through ornsteims attacks and kill whichever you want first

>he thinks OnS is hard
>He hasnt done Double Furious Rajang in the Arena

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>hasn't beaten DS1

Anyway the easiest way (for me) is to kill Smough first. Block Smough with a pillar and draw Ornstein away, then take a few whacks at Smough and re-assess. Stay close to Giant Ornstein and circle to dodge most of his attacks.

What weapons/spells/equipment are you using? IIRC Smough is weak to electricity/strong v fire and Orstein the opposite so if you have pyromancy/miracles you might just want to BTFO one as fast as possible.

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yeah your retarded you retard

Kill Smough first. Hide around the pillars that way Ornstein won't do that weird lunge jump across the room and hit you with it, he hits the pillar instead. Roll/jump to dodge Smoughs' attacks.

i bet you leveled dex or some fag shit.
literally just whip out the havels and a zweihander, i clapped their cheeks in 30 seconds easily

Use the pillars nub.

I suggest using lightning to kill smough and ditch it when orenstien gets big (hopefully you got that spear in sens) and have a summon like solaire distract orenstien, if you see orenstien jump, get as far away as possible, of you see smough jump you dont have to be very far. Smough is pretty easy to dodge, stay behing him and avoid his easily telegraphed attacks, if your stuck with orenstien DONT BLOCK in mh experience. You could always try being summoned for practice

OP here, I found the summoning sign and beat them finally

Enjoy the 4 kangz, casual

i havent played in a while but isnt there a summon right in front of the fog? or maybe next to the nearest bonfire?

never mind didnt read the whole thread, congratz on beating them user, ds1 is in my top ten

they're hard but not THAT hard

Yeah this, just get good OP, everything in DS1 is laughably slow

I've beat them. Kill the small one first start rollin rollin rollin

The summon sign for solaire is on one of the stair cases ((left side when facing fog door))

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Whoops i didn't read it either congratz OP

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faggot casual

Kill Ornstein first, smoh is a wash in his second faze

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