/Friends/ thread

>How many do you have?
>Describe their age and personalities.
>How often do you meet?
>What do you do together?

>How many do you have?
>Describe their age and personalities.
28, NEET, nerdy and introverted
30, dead-end-job, extroverted.
Me: 27, NEET, but also student.
>How often do you meet?
Almost every weekend.
>What do you do together?
Drinking. Outside because we can only afford shitty clubs. There we hang out in our small shitty town and talk with other miserable/drunk people and/or dance to loud music because we always have a mobile music speaker with us.

It's a shit existence and we NEVER met cute girls or interesting people this way and the only people we "met" were street scum. We even have a name for them: rats. But it's still better than having 0 friends and staying at home I guess.

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includes my family who emotionally abandoned me when I was 11-12 ish

you cant be a neet and a student you mongoloid

>How many do you have?
now go away, normalfag
>NEET, but also student.
do you even know what a neet is?

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How do you really know if you've got depersonilzation? I always feel zoned out, more so when I drink coffee but I assumed that was a temporary thing due to sleep. I've had it a month now since I lost my job and barely leave my flat. Am I fucked?

There are many students who have a part-time job.

>How many do you have?
>Describe their age and personalities.
20, Stacy, extroverted and successful
>How often do you meet?
Every few weeks but usually by accident
>What do you do together?
She sometimes makes fun of me in a friendly way. We just hang out and stuff.

>>How many do you have?
>>Describe their age and personalities.
NEET orphan who lives of good looks and his gf's money. Has a small flat. 50-50 intro-extra
A sociopathic normie dude who understands how dumb he is and tries to get the best of the current situation. extraverted
Go-getter, has an inner well of energy, works his ass off since he was born. Cant live a day without talking to others, 100% extroverted
>>How often do you meet?
3-4 times a month
>>What do you do together?
talk/do drugs

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>How many do you have?
>Describe their age and personalities.
26? insanely lazy, very kind, lost his v-card this year, has no idea how the "real world" works, has never paid rent, utilities, etc. always broke from buying funko pops. extreme plebbitor. gets words confused all the time and says "pacific" instead of "specific"
29 insanely hardworking, kind of an asshole but not on purpose, based 4chang browser, rich kid, also doesn't know how the "real world" works. he overestimates his own intelligence and you get some funny stuff from that. he thought birds breastfed their young and argued it for like 7 hours before we "agreed to disagree".
>How often do you meet?
we live together.
>What do you do together?
eat, sleep, shit, play games.

NEET stands for not in education employment or training

I have two different groups of friends. Those from when I was a kid and those I made in college. Most of us are nearing 40.

First group, can't really count them. We used to be a large gang, now most of them are married and somewhat successful. One of them was my oneitis. Some I see like twice a year, some I see twice a month. We just talk over a drink.

The other group, there's 3 of them. We're all weird in some way. All hardcore gamers, all with a sick sense of humour, all underachievers. One got married to a 4/10. One is a loner by conviction. The other one is currently my roommate because we work at the same place. Obviously I see him every day and we talk about work and chicks mostly. The other two, I see them whenever I'm close by, they live in different parts of the country. We chat online sometimes, mostly about games and movies. They don't all hang out with each other, they just hang out with me individually. Guess I was the friendliest one in the group.

I don't know what I would do without them, they're the only people that get me. I realized that some time ago and I stopped trying to make new friends since then. Without them I'd be a full fledged robot. Now I'm just a cyborg.

Post made me realise I have a lot of good frens

Thanks OP

>gas station near me stopped selling PBR
it's not fucking fair

>How many do you have?
0 real friends, I make my friends in my head for company and talk to them.
>Describe their age and personalities.
All roughly my age, varying personalities
>How often do you meet?
We hangout at the water together
>What do you do together?
Talk and share stories and jokes

At least I am creative in this aspect and can make up stories to make myself not seem pathetic, although the loneliness is crushing and I just want to genuinely connect with someone. I'll take one real friend to hang out with for an hour a month even if they treat me like shit

>>How many do you have?
>>Describe their age and personalities.
20yo shy extrovert with anxiety, mild superiority complex, and a fascination with cinema
20yo quiet extrovert (no, it's not oxymoronic), slight napoleon complex, also has a fascination with cinema
Both students
Me: 20yo, INTP student too, volcel
>>How often do you meet?
Live with first one (so all the time), see the other at some point every week, whether it be once or 3 times
>>What do you do together?
Talk, watch and discuss movies, talk about uni shit, be fucking retards together, eat.

Last night after I finished work we went to a pub for a quick cool-off drink. Ended up staying to closing, going to another pub until 2am. Then hit a casino, lost 10GBP on blackjack. And after that we went to an early morning bakery for some food, I got two individual-sized mince pies - very tasty.

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None. No one close anyway. I'll be spending this weekend lying in bed shitposting on Jow Forums and trying desperately to find some tv show to distract me from how fucking terrible life is. Same as usual.

I wish I knew how to make friends.

>18 and 19 we rarely see eachither but they dont hsve any oother friends and neither do i
> twice a year maybe

>How many do you have?
>Describe their age and personalities
20, NEET, very introverted, cunt, smart, but at the same time retarded
20, wageslaver, ex-extrovert, chill, but not an intellectual
17, girl, lesbian, freelancer, very cool friend
Me: 20, NEET, something in between two guys
>How often do you meet
Once or twice per week (sometimes we're skipping one week)
>What do you do together?
Drinking, going into isolated places, because me and introverted friend don't want to be around many people, talking about random shit and having laughs. Playing vidya together.
With girl I just play vidya together and watching anime and just talking about random shit. If I was living near her, probably would drink with her too and chill.

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>a few
>once a week
>play pool go to bars

if i didn't live with my parents i could maneuver more but i pretty much just go out to break the monotony. i have zero expectations. there's some eager roasters out there at the bars, they basically just hop around looking for decent dudes to get dicked. if i had my own place itd be smooth sailing but im a loser

My bad, 3 friends. There's one more 26 year old NEET, who I would play vidya together 24/7 and talk shit about each other, but rn we don't hang out much together, because idk, there's no reason for it.

>How many do you have?
>Describe their age and personalities.
16, decently extroverted with a gf. He can get pretty nerdy sometimes. We're really close.
16, Stacy, she is extremely extroverted is friends with many other Stacys and Chads. She's funny and quite charming.
15, a mildly extroverted girl that has relationship issues. She's funny but really emotional.
>How often do you meet?
We usually meet every couple of weeks. (Sometimes longer if we're all busy)
>What do you do together?
We usually just go to the mall and just chill with other friends/people. Once in a while we'll walk through downtown and just go to random places and fuck around.