Heh... looks like I need to teach you nerds a lesson or two about Jow Forums

heh... looks like I need to teach you nerds a lesson or two about Jow Forums

first: stop posting anime memes. they aren't "normal"

second: stop being such a pussy, ur making me cringe

third: dont make posts with no greentext. posts without greentext are boring

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I don't let a frogposter teach me any lessons

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you will today

fourth: dont hate on frogs they are vital to the ecosystem

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stop being le epic fagggot

Get the fuck off my anime board baka

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both of you are gay losers and will die to my superior image

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I have a hard time believing this isn't bait, this reads too much like the stereotypical "fresh off the boat from r/Jow Forums" faggot

stop right there.

frogs took over your imageboard long ago because anime memes are too weak

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you must be joking, right?

looks like you need to be taught a lesson

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>gay loser
>fellow frogposter

looks like you need to be taught a lesson

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pepe represents the superiority of white genes over soulless anime memes

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Me and the boys planning anime posters' death

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S-settle down now, a- user...

Attached: Surrender.jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

Its too late, weaboo

boys, lets round up these faggots and hang them in the town square

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no animes or i get the swatter

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P- please don't kill me, I'll do anything.

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stop posting anime and you might live

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>the anime poster recoils in terror as the pepe chad shows his OC

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It's too late user....

Me and my frog niggas are about to detonate you

Attached: Deathtoanimeposters.jpg (204x246, 17K)

Baka, you do know all animeposters come with a built-in self destruction module right? All hail Britannia!

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Well then..... I'll sacrifice myself for my frog brothers....

*Hugs you tightly*

And so it ends like this uh?

Attached: wellthen....png (500x461, 109K)

Based and greenpilled frogposters

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*huge explosion*

And from that day... Jow Forums's anime posters became filthy animals that only submit to the dominant race.


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this pathetic fucking frogposter newfag is saying something? sorry can't understand much when you talk with a cock in your mouth

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im a blakc nigroid nig nig black XD

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ffs user I didn't die for this

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ayo nig nig in the house im black as blacky black black
i aint no cracker
i might get pulled over
but at least i can say nigger in public

newfag? did you just make that up or something?

let me tell you, kid, ive been on Jow Forums since the beta. I know my memes better than anybody else

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