Lose competitive game

>lose competitive game
>no one even insults me or does anything to antoginze me, and everyone is polite
>I call myself worthless garbage that deserves to die, and say that I'll never be good at the game no matter how much I practice or play.
Anyone else know this feel?

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There there. *Pet pet pet pet*. Are you trying to go pro, user?

No but I love milky holmes

They arent allowed to criticize you anymore. But trust me, they would if they could.

its almost like you WANT to be insulted...

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The games i play arent hugboxes like overwtach, trash talking is easily available, people are just polite.

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No not really, I just want to be good at the games i play. Though in a way, thats kind of just a level of skill where you could decide to go pro if you wanted to

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Play russian shit like dota or cs if you want to get dominated

I can understand that! I wanna get as good as fighting games as I can! What's your game of choice?

I used to play Street Fighter V a while back. I got up to super gold with urien aroud the time when sakura came out, but I quit playing that game.
I play a lot of Quake Champions and Starcraft 2 as well.

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Well I wish you the best in your gaming endeavours user! Don't be too hard on yourself! Just remember to always do your best, both in matches and when training!

I've put in about 4k hours of dota, but I stopped playing it because even winning wasn't satisfying.
I still bad-mouthed myself in that game too.

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Kind of
Though even when people do insult me I still insult myself with them.

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that kinda makes me feel bad... it doesnt sound like a fetish thing, at least. why do you bring yourself down like that?

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I understand your feeling completely, it's my only hobby and I've played all sorts of games for years on years and at the end of it all.. I still suck.
it's hurt my self esteem for sure.

It feels honest.
When I continue to fail despite people telling me that I'll get better if I just keep playing, I feel worse. At least when I'm a worthless defective human being it makes constant failure feel a little bit better. Not much, but a little bit.

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C'mon kid... The only game that matters os the game of making money.

i used to wear shoes like that to school. somehow a stacey still liked me and i fucked it up

Don't worry, I'll lose at that too.

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All I have are video games. I should rightfully be good at them but i dont even get to have that.

furthermore, when I lose to someone who has not even spent a fraction of the time playing as I have, it just feels so awful. Like, if I'm still as bad as i am despite the amount of time I spend playing, what hope do I have of ever being good at something.
If I spent all this time

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You were with civilized people. Not shallow blind subhumans that dont shower. Dont insult yourself next time unless you want to hang with the blind.

Its honestly not the big of a difference.
I still insult myself when I lose either way.

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