How do normalfags even manage to live without alcohol, weed or hard drugs?

How do normalfags even manage to live without alcohol, weed or hard drugs?

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normalfags do more of these than robots you dipshit

>How do normalfags even manage to live without alcohol, weed or hard drugs?

im not a normie and i hate alcohol, i hate weed, and im finished with hard drugs

But they can feel like life had meaning and is worth living even while sober. Drugs are just a fun add-on to them rather than something they need so they can not insta-fail the "culture fit" part of an interview.

They actually don't find meaning or worth in life, they really do not think for themselves, they just follow what everyone else is onto at the moment because they all are connected to their master.

I'm not a normalfag and I think alcohol's ok sometimes, and weed's great, and I wanna get into psychedelics. Quit gatekeeping, faggot.

gatekeeping is a word women use, are you a woman?

I dont like the way it feels or tastes or smells.

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I dont use any of those. Im not a normalfag

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Nope, I'm a dude and I use the word gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is good when it's keeping out people that don't belong, but there's nothing wrong with robots that use drugs to cope. Be straightedge all you want, but miss me with that gay shit.

lmao woman, youre not fooling anyone vagina haver

>anyone who ain't straightedge is a woman
The absolute state of straightedge fags.

Alcohol is the most disgusting think I've ever tasted

Pussy bitch detected

norm normie normanson here. being straightedge feels pretty good when you realize how much money you save not indulging in addiction. there is other things to enjoy than temporary highs.

Who says they do? I mean, you won't see normies using most hard drugs, but normies love alcohol

weed is the most normalfag thing ever lmao
you also posted a green naruto pic so this is probably bait, remember to sage friends

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weed is the ultimate robot drug

You almost never see successful normalfag weed smokers. There are those dudebro weed guys, but smoking alone in your room is a pretty fucking robot activity if you ask me.

you have to talk to other people to get weed, out of here normalfag

Not true. You can grow it yourself. You can also go to a dispensary and talk to a clerk for 20 seconds. When I was in an illegal state, my uncle would get it for me. Fuck off with your assumptions. I don't know why everybody on this board has become so obsessed with putting anyone that's even a little bit different than themselves in a box, and labeling them as an enemy. That's some normalfag shit.

user weed is literally THE robot drug.
>not knowing you can buy literally anything you desire online

hard drugs are not a normie thing at all, you fucking retard

spotted the absolute normalfaggot LARPer. normies CONSTANTLY do drugs
>cbd vape pen on them at ALL TIMES
>do cocaine all the fucking time
>go out and drown in alcohol at bars
>go to raves and do COMBINATIONS of hard drugs
>dabs, shatter, ketamine you name it

and that *drags cigarette slowly* is how you spot a normalfaggot, ladies and gentlemen

t. opiate and benzo addict

WRONG. you're just a loser that does drugs. normies do xans, percs, oxys, ketamine, coke like ITS THEIR JOB every weekend ESPECIALLY if they have rich parents.

I live in the northeast coast and regularly hang out with 1% rich fags. they're worthless pieces of shit that sit in their parent's basement home theater room and nod out on benzos and opiates. shut the fuck up

>tfw barely discovered weed at age 21


god fucking damn it. I've been missing out

lol faggot
none of that is true

Imagine thinking people drink for the taste.

keep dreaming middle class faggot.

>you can't be a robot and use drugs because I'm a robot and I can't get them
>you can't be a robot and not use drugs because I'm a robot and I can get them
you're all robots calm down
this isn't an all-or-nothing thing
some people just happen to have a means of getting certain drugs and some people don't

it's the same with drugs and normalfags, some of them are hardcore addicts and some of them never touch them


>east coast richfags
OK brother, I spent the first 2/3 of my life on the east coast surrounded by wealthy and upper-middle class folks, I never met a real life druggie until I moved to kentucky and saw niggers for the first time.

fucking dickback shwashbuckler the owners of sports teams live in my neighborhood. GET AT ME FAGGOT

I feel you. I fell for the straightedge propaganda until I was 21.

I agree completely. It's the straightedgers that are waging a war.

>this post

I come here to laugh at you fucking losers constantly especially after you got duped by the most blatant tranny possible telling you to join a discord and take HRT, and this thread is no different.
I'm not a normalfaggot. I'm a fucking Chad. I have gotten drunk once, I get invited to parties and turn them down because I don't like alcohol and I avoid drugs. I have never once done drugs. I have thrown people out for smoking weed in my house, tolerate cigarette smokers but look down on them mentally, and anybody who does hard drugs I don't associate with.
Maybe if you robots found something to do with your lives you wouldn't be like this. Try going to a gym, you fuckers could probably use it, if you aren't skeletons, you're about to die thanks to your obesity.

People will claim that, "you have to have connections to get drugs! you have to know how to play the social game to find them!" But do you have any idea how many LEGAL drugs there are out there? Things you can just order online, I'm not talking about "teh durk wub", I'm talking about substances you can search up on Google, just type in your name and address, use your debit card or paypal, and have 100% legal drugs shipped right into your mailbox, no signature required, your parents will never know. There are drugs you can buy at fucking Walmart, and even more possibilities at gas stations, or those weird vape shops if your town has them.

Imagine an anxious, depressed, miserable robot, who reads about one of these hundreds of drugs, and tries it out. Imagine he feels even a tiny bit of pleasure from this. And he realizes how easy it would be to get this drug as much as he wants. He discovers he can induce pleasure on demand and just forget about everything he hates for a little while.

Can you see how easy it would be for him to become completely addicted? Can't you see how easy it is for a robot fall into this thing? Miserable people develop drug addictions in failed attempts to cope with their unhappiness. And most robots are miserable people trying to cope with their unhappiness.

I WISH it were purely a normalfag thing. I WISH it required connections and socializing. If that were true then I'd never have made myself a slave to shitty kiddy drugs.

then you're actually the biggest fucking loser here. What kind of straight edge """chad""" would even find their way to this board? You're clearly a LARPer (and a massive faggot). id cave your skull in like the JSBs in the Warriors

I came here once to help you people, but all of you would just fall back on the same excuses of "I don't have the time" or "It's too much for me now".
Now I just come here to laugh at the failures, the people who will never make it because they lack willpower. They give up their personal agency for shit like drugs and a feeling of acceptance from a cult.
Your last sentence just shows how you aren't actually living. You're pretending. You WISH you could do that but you'd never be able to. Before, I'd encourage you fuckers to try to hit that point. Now, I know you won't even get to Day 3.

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>Your last sentence just shows how you aren't actually living.
whatever, kid

You'll never be able to cave in my skull just like you'll never reproduce and never outlive your parents.
The very reason this happens is because you don't try and fall for shit like drugs.

you seem to not understand that there's plenty of people who come here of their own volition that are otherwise successful, well off, etc and aren't necessarily looking for help. furthermore, lowering yourself to one of the lowest-barrier entry points on the internet just to be a condescending faggot is proof positive that you're no chad. masquerading narcy faggot? sure. not a chad tho. you're a CHUD

>The very reason this happens is because you don't try and fall for shit like drugs.
whatever, kid

the fact that you see reproducing as some kind of hallmark of success solidifies your faggotry. there's nothing cool about having kids. inferior beta faggots spit them out everyday. ill leave them too it and enjoy freedom and serenity from your gross cycle of suffering

>I live in the northeast coast and regularly hang out with 1% rich fags. they're worthless pieces of shit that sit in their parent's basement home theater room and nod out on benzos and opiates.
God I wish I was rich

I tried doing multiple drugs like LSD, ket, mdma and other stuff, but all of it was boring overall and I didn't get the desire to do it again. I would rather just play video games to kill time, at least that's free.

The thing is, when I helped you fags, I'd seek out the threads where people were talking about how much their life sucked and how they want to take the pink pill or some such nonsense.
I came here to be a 'condescending faggot' after I realized a lot of you fags would rather relish in your depression than work to improve anything. You're basically asking for it at this point.
Having a successful marriage and multiple children is a sign of success. You won life.
The only people who shit on the idea of reproducing are betas who are the equivalent of a roastie, AKA you people. That, or you realized you'll never get laid and resent anything to do with it.
Also, no fucking druggy is allowed to call anything a cycle of suffering unless it's their own existence.
You literally live to get high. You let a mental parasite infest you because it feels good.

what if i've already had sex dozens of times you dumb faggot? what if i grew up in a broken home and watched how destructive getting divorce raped is, how soulless women can be, how some willfully bring children into the world and then go "nah this is gay i wanna go get fucked by rich guys"?

I'm not legally chaining myself to some worthless roastie cunt who will then use the kangroo family court system to enslave me, drive me into poverty, and destroy my life, while innocent children suffer in the midst. i also don't really do drugs, i smoke weed occassionally as well as drink.

you sound like some retarded christfaggot

>I try to help people but they don't get better, that means... it's their fault
but actually, it means you aren't good at helping people

Not every women is a roastie cunt. You insult Christians, when in reality, the chicks from more devout families will be the keepers. My gf came from a family of 8 people, parents were devout Christians, no meat on Friday, Church on Sunday kind of people.
Pure virgin and keeping her that way once I finish becoming a police officer so I can fuck her raw and pump out children.

you're literally an obslete archetype dude. you're gonna drown in the flood of mongrels invading this country.

It's incredible how r9k can be so autistic and so egotistical all at once, all while being completely out of touch.

I'll let you in on a secret. "Normies" are basically just like you, except that they're competent socioeconomically. They're deeper than you, more interesting than you, and derive more satisfaction out of life than you. Yes, they put on a vanilla front in public: that's because it's socially beneficial to do so. Remain inoffensive, keep things light, and keep your deep personal thoughts to yourself. Because we're all on an extremely personal journey. Being so retarded as to believe that everyone who isn't talking about this just isn't experiencing it is textbook fucking autism.

Pull your head out of your asses you absolute ass-clowns.

Does it occur to you that you might believe this because successful people aren't so fucking stupid to announce that they're smoking an illegal substance in the privacy of their own homes? Weed is incredibly popular across most groups of people. You're not unsuccessful or special because you smoke weed.

Normalfags do all those things though.

He's a troll. You absolute idiots.

Normalfag detected
You are obviously oblivious to hard drugs lol

There's no winning life, you fucking brainlet. We're here for 0-100 or so years and then we die. A decent life means doing whatever it is that you enjoy. An actual retard could reproduce. It isn't special.

It's definitely possible that lots of successful people smoke, but don't tell anyone. Especially with how it's becoming legal everywhere. My point was mostly that robots can smoke weed, and there's nothing wrong with it.

I lived without those things for most of my life. I wasn't happy then and I'm not happy now. Drugs do numb though.

Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. YBk

Livestream video link + explanation:

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>LSD and MDMA were "boring"
sure kiddo
does mommy know you're browsing the big scary Jow Forums?

Normies freak out if you ask them where to find heroin.

There can't be anyone left that actually still believes "you need friends/connections to find weed so it's for normalfags only" right? It's gotta be all bait

>They're deeper than you, more interesting than you

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